The Gaza War (2008–2009) was accompanied by the stance of many countries and organizations in the world. In Iran, the war were accompanied by the reaction of the people and government officials. The most important of these reactions are the Fatwa of Jihad[1] by Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, and the sit-in and attack on foreign embassies.
The reaction of the clergy
- after the long siege of Gaza Strip, after the massive air attack and the killing of hundreds of people in this region by Israel, Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, issued a message in this regard on December 28, 2008, stated that every Muslim should do whatever he\she can to oppose this action and call those killed in this way as martyrs. So far, there has been no precedent for the declaration of Jihad by the authorities. In the Ali Khamenei's message, it is stated: "All warrior of Palestine and all believers of the Islamic world are obliged to defend the women, children and defenseless people of Gaza in any way possible, and whoever is killed in this legitimate and holy defense is a martyr and he\she will hope that he\she will be in the ranks of the martyrs of Battle of Badr and Battle of Uhud be gathered in the presence of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him."[2] Ali Khamenei declared December 29, 2008 as a national day of mourning in Iran.
- Sunni clerics in the west of Iran, condemned Israel's military action against the people of Gaza by publishing a statement.[3]
- Hakham Masha'Allah Golestaninejad, the official religious authority of Iran's Jews, while calling for help to the people of Gaza and prohibiting help to Israel, said: "Zionists have no adherence to the religious regulations of Judaism and they can never be considered the children of Jacob and the nation of Moses."[4]
- The Shia Marjas, Ali al-Sistani,[5] Hussein-Ali Montazeri[6] and Naser Makarem Shirazi[7] condemned this attack.
The reaction of political officials
- The Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran approved a two-urgent plan on December 31, 2008, according to which it obliges the government to continue supporting the Palestinian people until they achieve their rights in any way possible. Islamic Consultative Assembly obliged the government to submit a report on the implementation of this law to the Commission of National-Security and Foreign-Policy once every two weeks.[8]
- Ahmad Tavakkoli, a member of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Iran, by announcing his readiness to move towards Gaza, suggested that a people's movement consisting of volunteers from Iran and other Islamic countries move towards Gaza.[9]
- Mohammad Khatami considered the silence of world assemblies and human conscience in front of the great crime of the Zionists as a sign of the fall of human morality in the current world and the removal of morality from the field of international relations.[10]
- Hassan Ghashghavi, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, in his weekly meeting with journalists on January 12, 2009, criticized the behavior of the governments in dealing with Gaza and said: "It is not possible for governments to go on historical vacations and sit inside warm and soft hotels to watch the film of Zionist crimes, watching the film must become an executive action."[11]
Attempt to relocate the United Nations
Iran's fundamentalist government and parliament, which previously wanted to change the location of the United Nations from the United States, announced that they will pay for the relocation of the United Nations in order to prevent (according to them) the influence of the United States and Israel on this organization.[12]
Sending representatives to countries
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sent representatives to different countries. Although, in the meantime, his parliamentary deputy, Mohammad Reza Rahimi, who was sent to Morocco, was not accepted by the king of that country.[13]
Formation of the headquarters for the reconstruction of Gaza
On the order of Ahmadinejad, the headquarters for the reconstruction of Gaza was formed after the end of the Gaza war. From the approvals of this headquarters: "At the first opportunity, this headquarters should construct and equip a thousand residential units, 10 schools, five mosques, renovate 500 commercial and service units, renovate and equip a hospital unit, and renovate and equip a university unit. It was also decided to make an arrangement to treat four thousand people injured in this brutal attack. Helping all the families of the martyrs of the 22-day war and its veterans, covering the orphans and the injured, and helping to rebuild urban infrastructure are among the other programs of the Gaza Reconstruction Headquarters."[14]
Reconstruction of the Gaza parliament building
Ali Larijani, Speaker of the 8th Parliament, also announced that the building of the Gaza Parliament will be renovated with the funds of the Iranian Parliament.[15]
The reaction of the parties
- Ebrahim Yazdi, Secretary General of the Freedom Movement of Iran, in the mourning ceremony of Ashura day, while condemning Israel's crimes in Gaza, called Israel's attack on Gaza "an victory in terror" and said that they intend to frighten Muslims, but this policy does not work. Freedom Movement of Iran also announced its readiness to collect donations and donate them to the people of Gaza.[16]
The reaction of the military authorities
- Sardar Mir Faisal Bagherzadeh, the head of the Foundation for the Preservation and Publication of Sacred Defense Works and Values, mentioned that the most important help to the people of Gaza is military action, and stated that it is time for Islamic countries to put the military option against Israel on the agenda. Before this, the military personnel, against their will, did not have the courage to openly express to do military action against Israel.[17]
- Mohsen Rezaee, the secretary of the Expediency Discernment Council, who was formerly the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, said that if it were not for political considerations, I would have resigned from my job and gone to Gaza to fight.[18]
The reactions of the students
- On the night of December 28, 2008, students gathered in front of the office of the protector of Egypt's interests. Among the demands in the gatherings and reactions was the closure of the office of the protector of Egypt's interests, as well as the embassies of Saudi Arabia and Jordan in Tehran.
- Some students of the country's universities, in response to the Jihad decree of the leader of Iran, registered the Quds Martyrdom Units of Students to be sent to Palestine to fight against Israel.[19]
- Three student institutions consists of "Union of Islamic Associations of Independent Students of Universities Across the Country", "The Union of Islamic Student Societies", "Student Justice Movement" along with "Student Mobilization of Universities Across the Country" (which operates under the supervision of the Revolutionary Guards) and the "Minority Spectrum of the Unity Office" (including associations of two universities) condemned the Israeli military attack on Gaza. By sending a letter to the leader of Iran, these institutions declared their readiness to support the Palestinian people and emphasized that they will not leave the oppressed people of Gaza alone.[20] Also, in a coordinated action, the aforementioned student institutions sent a letter to the Jordanian ambassador and the custodian of Egyptian resources in Iran, demanding an urgent action by the governments of Egypt and Jordan against Israel or leaving Iran before 12:00 on Thursday, January 1, 2009.[21]
- Some students protested the actions of some governments, including the UK, in response to their silence and (according to them) complicity in Israel's attack on Gaza, on December 30, 2008, they entered Gholhak Garden by crossing the security barriers and engaging with the police and injuring them. The students organized a congregational prayer and installed the Palestinian flag in the place of this garden. This action ended with the police clashing with the students.[22]
- By sending a letter to the Jordanian ambassador and the custodian of Egypt's interests in Iran, several student institutions demanded urgent action by the governments of Egypt and Jordan against Israel or to leave Iran before 12 o'clock on Thursday, January 1, 2009.[21]
- Following Ali Khamenei's statement regarding the necessity of practical action against Israel, some students staged a sit-in at Mehrabad Airport and demanded the provision of necessary facilities to send them to Gaza to defend the Palestinian people.[23][24]
Public reactions
- Leila Ebrahimi, a member of the national track and field team, presented her national record breaking awards to the children and women of Gaza.[25]
- The aid ship of the Asian convoy broke the siege of Gaza by Iran, left for Gaza.[26]
- A solidarity class with Gaza students was held on January 13, 2009, in the Iran's schools, where the students were introduced to the crimes of Israel and the history of Palestine.[27]
- Shirin Ebadi considered these attacks to be an act against all human rights norms and said: What is happening in Gaza hurts the heart of every human being.[28]
- The veterans and sacrificers of Tehran held a spontaneous rally in Palestine Square on Sunday morning, January 4, 2009, in support of the people of Gaza. In this rally, a resolution was issued condemning the crimes of Gaza.[29][30]
- On Sunday January 4, 2009, the people of Shahre Rey signed a 15-meter petition in support of the people of Gaza.[31]
The statement of the Office of Consolidation of Unity and the Seizure of Kargozaran Newspaper
On December 30, 2008, the illegal Office of Consolidation of Unity issued a statement in which, while condemning the killing of the people of Gaza by Israel, it also strongly criticized the Islamic Republic of Iran and Hamas:
- The hands of those who armed and encouraged groups like Hamas, a group that until yesterday was in love with Saddam Hussein and announced 3 days of public mourning due to the death of the criminal Saddam, are contaminated with the blood of innocent people who fell on the ground during these conflicts and now they should be held accountable for the unfortunate situation in Gaza in front of humanity... Leaving the "understanding of the logic of peace" to the people of the region is an expectation that comes from some opportunistic rulers of the region and it is not fulfilled! Rulers who have defined at least a part of their identity and survival in the continuation of the war in the region and do not spare any efforts for this issue. Israel's crimes in Gaza today are strongly condemned. However, terrorist groups sheltering in kindergartens and hospitals in order to attack the other side, which has caused the bombing and death of more children and civilians, is also condemnable and an anti-human act.[32]
Kargozaran newspaper was the only media that reflected parts of this statement. The publication of this statement and its publication in the newspaper Kargozaran met with a strong reaction from the state media and the newspaper Kayhan, which is run by Ali Khamenei's representative, and the newspaper Kargozaran was banned a day later. After the arrest, the editor-in-chief of Kargozaran newspaper stated that the published content was not accepted by this organization and that it had only the aspect of publishing news. Kargozaran newspaper was considered as the organ of Executives of Construction Party.[33][34]
The second statement of the Office of Consolidation of Unity
In its second statement, the Office of Consolidation of Unity emphasized the government's treatment of human rights activists, students and the press, and emphasized that the government intends to exploit the conflicts in Gaza:
- It is possible to accept the claims of supporting the Palestinian people by fundamentalist forces when they first implement humanitarian standards regarding the people of Iran... The contradictory, tense and against the national interests of the 9th government, which on the one hand talks about "erasing Israel from the world map" and on the other hand considers "friendship with the Israeli people" as the government's position and defends it, causing the loss of Iran's position in relations in the region and the discredit of this country in the global community. The negative consequences of this tension on Iran's national interests need no explanation.[35]
Attack and warning to companies
Benetton Co
After the attack on the central branch of Benetton Company in Tehran and setting it on fire, all the branches of this store were sealed by the Iranian police. In response to the protests, the police force claimed that the company was closed due to its affiliation with the Zionists. Earlier, Iran newspaper affiliated with Ahmadinejad government had attacked this company and the mayor of Tehran (Ghalibaf) for hosting its manager.[36][37]
Khoshgovar company
The Minister of Industries (Ali Akbar Mehrabian) on behalf of the government warned the Khoshgovar company to terminate its contract with Coca-Cola, which is Zionist.[38]
Attacks on human rights activists and parties
Shirin Ebadi
Ahmadinejad's government took full advantage of the conflicts in Gaza to threaten human rights activists, civil institutions and critics.[39][40] Government authorities first sealed the office of Shirin Ebadi's Human Rights Defenders Center and then some Basiji forces raided her house.[41] Ebadi was among those who condemned Israel's attack on Gaza in Iran, but Basij forces took down her lawyer's sign with the slogan "Israel commits crimes - Ebadi supports" and attacked her house without any hindrance from the police.[42][43][44][45][46]
Dissolution of the Office of Consolidation of Unity due to criticism of Hamas
After the publication of the statement of the Office of Consolidation of Unity criticizing the Israeli government for killing civilians and Hamas for using civilian areas to attack Israel and the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran for its interest in spreading war and conflict in the region, the Ministry of Science dissolved the Office of Consolidation of Unity in a statement. The Office of Consolidation of Unity is the largest and oldest student union in Iran, which has been under severe pressure for criticizing the regime since a decade ago, and hundreds of its members have been arrested and imprisoned. This confrontation took place after the newspaper Kayhan, which is run by Hossein Shariatmadari, the representative of Ali Khamenei, published an article entitled "We dealt with the Kargozaran, why don't you deal with the Office of Consolidation of Unity?", demanded to deal with this organization. Also, the members of the Office of Consolidation of Unity were threatened with death. The secretary of the Office of Consolidation of Unity said that the Iranian government has made Gaza an excuse for political settlements.[47][48]
Attack on the gathering of civil activists
The forces with the Basij outfit attacked a group of women and social activists in Palestine Square with the slogans "Death to the peace seeker" and "Death to the compromiser", "God is great, Khamenei is the leader" and obscenities, and after beating them, forced them to leave Palestine Square.[49][50]
Preventing the gathering of the Freedom Movement
Ahmadinejad's government did not allow Freedom Movement of Iran to hold demonstrations to defend the people of Gaza.[51]
Iranian TV
Radio and Television of the Islamic Republic of Iran had a wide activity to defend the people of Gaza and condemn the attacks of Israel. Part of the performance of the radio and television, including showing the blood-soaked images of the dead bodies of the war dead in the children's program, caused criticism from some newspapers.[52]
Investigation of newspapers
By publishing the incomplete interviews it had conducted with the managers of Etemad, Etemad Melli and Iran newspapers, Radio and Television of the Islamic Republic of Iran began to investigate and accuse them of not covering the news of the Gaza war, which met with a strong reaction from the media and was called a scandal.[53][54][55]
Sit-ins and attacks on embassies in Tehran
Simultaneously with Israel's attack on Gaza, Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs requested the country's police to prevent possible attacks on embassies in Tehran. Because according to the 1961 Vienna Convention, host governments are responsible for the protection and security of foreign embassies in their country.[56] Nevertheless, some Basiji students sat in front of the embassies of some Arab governments and the British embassy in Tehran and demanded the evacuation of these embassies. A group sat in front of the embassy and threatened that if Egypt does not open its border crossings on the Gaza border by noon on December 31, 2008, the Egypt's ambassador will have to leave Iran.[57]
On the fourth day of airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, some Basij students demonstrated in front of the Egyptian Interest Protection Office in Tehran and then attacked the summer garden of the United Kingdom Embassy in Gholhak. Some demonstrators managed to enter the embassy and put up the Palestinian flag there. The diplomatic police of Tehran, which is in charge of protecting the embassy, fired aerial shots to prevent the demonstrators from entering the garden of the British embassy.[58]
While it was possible for students to enter several embassies and even occupy them, such as the office of the protector of Egyptian interests in Tehran, the Jordanian embassy, and the British embassy, Mir Ahmadi, as a representative of the leadership representative body in universities, among the students who are members of the martyrdom groups "Labbaik Ya Khamenei" appeared and stated: "While attending the stage and continuing the protests, especially in front of the embassies, due to international agreements, students are not allowed to enter the offices and buildings, but they can express their protests as much as they can." After these talks, considering that the movement of the students was to follow Khamenei, the probability of entering the embassies decreased.[59]
Determining the reward for assassinating Mubarak
On the last night of the sit-in at Mehrabad airport, the student movement for justice organized a program to set a one million dollar reward for the assassination of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak with the cooperation of some non-governmental organizations, which was later increased to 1.5 million dollars. The determination of this award was followed by the reactions of the Egyptian authorities.[60][61][62]
This student organization had previously offered million-dollar rewards for the assassination of Israeli officials.[63]
Register for the dispatch of troops
Student Basij, Union of Independent Islamic Associations, Islamic Society of Students, Student Justice Movement, and the Shiraz (minority) branch of Tahkeem Vahdat Office launched the website "Students Group for Martyrdom" to register Iranian volunteers to be sent to Gaza and fight against Israeli forces.[64]
Forcing non-governmental organizations to condemn Israel
The National Youth Organization ordered all non-governmental organizations (NGOs) of Iran to sign the text prepared by this organization and send representatives to gather in front of the United Nations office and the embassies of Arab countries. This organization prepared a statement condemning Israel with 30 different texts and sent it to the organization's offices in 30 provinces of the country. Non-governmental organizations were obliged to sign this declarations. Representatives of non-governmental organizations are sent to Tehran by government buses accompanied by Basiji forces who are members of the Ashura battalions. The National Youth Organization threatened NGOs across the country that they will be dissolved if they do not comply with this order.[65]
IRGC propaganda political instructions
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which from the very beginning considers itself bound to intervene in Arab-Israeli conflicts with the establishment of the Quds Force, explained Iran's propaganda in a briefing to the so-called "political leaders": "In the media movement, the things mentioned in the leader's message should be emphasized, and it should be changed from the form of news to extensive media operations including analysis, incitement, criticism, and encouraging people to support and demonstrate, and therefore from Muslim scholars, heads of Al-Azhar, intellectuals and... several interviews should be taken and reflected... The priority of all efforts in the external environment should be on the internal environment of Palestine, the peripheral environment of the Zionist regime and then other areas, and the evolution in the West Bank and the Palestinians of 1948 can put a heavy pressure on the Zionist regime." It is also mentioned in this instruction "Making Egypt's domestic environment more active and managing propaganda, political, media and religious pressures in Egypt" should be taken into consideration.[66]
The hacking of the Balatarin website
The website of Balatarin, which was launched as the first collaborative website to collect and link to Persian-language websites, was hacked shortly after the Gaza crisis. The government media stated that the reason for hacking this website was the lack of support for the regime's positions during the Gaza war.[67][68]
Deduction of aid to Gaza from taxpayers' taxes
According to the approval of the government of Iran, all funds paid by individuals for the purpose of reconstruction of Gaza are considered as acceptable tax expenses of the taxpayer's performance year.[69]
See also
- Gaza–Israel conflict
- International reactions to the Gaza War (2008–2009)
- December 2008 air strikes in the Gaza Strip
- Palestinian genocide accusation
- United States complicity in Israeli war crimes in the Israel–Hamas war
- The law countering the hostile actions of the Zionist regime against peace and security
- Israeli war crimes
- Ahmad Qasir
- Fathi Razem
- Down with Israel
- Israel won't exist in 25 years
- Operations attributed to Israel in Iran
- Israel and the nuclear program of Iran
- Embassy of Israel, Tehran
- Meir Ezri
- Salah Al-Zawawi
- Society for the Defence of Palestinian Nation
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