The Hungarian major scale is a heptatonic scale subset of the octatonic scale with an omitted ♭2 degree.[4] It has the following interval structure in semitones: 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, giving it the notes C D♯ E F♯ G A B♭ in the key of C.[5][6] It is, "used extensively in Hungarian gypsy music [sic]", as well as in classical music by composers including Franz Liszt (d. 1886) and Zoltán Kodály (d. 1967),"[7] as well as in Thea Musgrave's Horn Concerto (1971).[8] As a chord scale, Hungarian Major is both a dominant and a diminished scale, with a fully diminished seventh chord composed of C, D#, F#, and A, and a dominant seventh chord composed of C, E, G, and Bb. This is an enharmonic mode of Bb Harmonic Major (Eb & Gb in Bb Harmonic Major, D# & F# in C Hungarian Major), along with G Harmonic Minor (Eb in G Harmonic Minor, D# in C Hungarian Major) and E Hungarian Minor (A# in E Hungarian Minor, Bb in C Hungarian Major). The root note of D Aeolian Dominant is raised a semitone to D#, and the root note of B Phrygian Dominant lowered a semitone to Bb. There is also a ♮6 & ♮2 with the Bb Super Lydian Augmented scale, lowering the C# & G# to C♮ & G♮.
The triads of the scale are I, ♯iio, iiio, ♯ivo, v, vi, and ♭VII+, with ♭III (♯II), ♭iii (♯ii), and ♭V (♯IV) also possible. The second mode, C D E♭ F G♭ A♭ B (Semilocrian bb7 scale, 3rd mode of Ab Hungarian Major), is appropriate for use with the Locrian mode (C D♭ E♭ F G♭ A♭ B♭) and with the minor7b5 chord on the tonic (in C: C D♯/E♭ F♯/G♭ B♭) contexts.[9]
It is not related to the similarly-named Hungarian minor scale (C D E♭ F♯ G A♭ B) except that both scales are heptatonic, they share four notes in common, both feature one augmented second between consecutive degrees, and, like the major scale and the minor scale, the Hungarian major has a major third and sixth degree and the Hungarian minor has a minor third and minor sixth degree (however, unlike the major and minor scales the Hungarian major has a minor seventh degree and Hungarian minor has a major seventh degree).
In India's Carnatic music, this corresponds to the raga Nasikabhushani.
The scale contains the following modes:[10] [11]
See also
- Romanian major scale (the retrograde version of the Hungarian major scale)
- ^ Blatter, Alfred (2016). Revisiting Music Theory: Basic Principles, p. 111. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9781317425755.
- ^ Schillinger, Joseph; Dowling, Lyle; and Shaw, Arnold (1946). The Schillinger System of Musical Composition: Volume 1, p. 199. C. Fischer. [ISBN unspecified].
- ^ Lee, William F.; ed. (1966). Bill Lee's Theory Made Easy, p. 86. Hansen House. [ISBN unspecified].
- ^ Creamer, Dave (2019). The Hidden Symmetry of the 43 Octatonic Scales and 43 Tetrachords, p. 149. Bellasonic Publications.
- ^ Mark Dziuba (2000). The Ultimate Guitar Scale Bible, p. 54. ISBN 0-7390-9289-8.
- ^ "Musical Scale Info: C hungarian major", Accessed: 27 May 2020.
- ^ Rechberger, Herman (2018). Scales and Modes Around the World, p. 36. Fennica Gehrman Ltd. ISBN 9789525489286.
- ^ Smith, Charles Scott (1980). Thea Musgrave's Horn Concerto, p. 19. Thesis (M.Mus) - Michigan State University. Department of Music.
- ^ Dziuba, Mark (2014). The Ultimate Guitar Scale Bible, p. 54. Alfred Music. ISBN 9781470625757.
- ^ "MyMusicTheory | Hungarian scale modes". Archived from the original on 2022-03-31. Retrieved 2021-01-25.
- ^ "Nohkan Flute Scale for Piano | Piano Scales".