Huch'uy Tipiqucha (Quechua huch'uy small, tipi Pennisetum clandestinum[1] (a grass species), tipiy to husk maize, to snap, to break, qucha lake,[2][3] Hispanicized spelling Uchuytipicocha) is a lake in Peru located in the Ayacucho Region, Paucar del Sara Sara Province, Oyolo District.[4] It lies between the lakes Tipiqucha in the north and Hatun Tipiqucha in the south, northeast of the lakes Yanaqucha ("black lake"), Kunturqucha and Chawpi Tipiqucha.
See also
- ^ Jeffery Bentley, Weeds and Farmer Decision-Making in Cochabamba, Report of an Anthropological Study with the PROMASSEL Project, January 10—February 4, 2000, Cochabamba, Bolivia, p. 10
- ^ Diccionario Quechua - Español - Quechua, Academía Mayor de la Lengua Quechua, Gobierno Regional Cusco, Cusco 2005 (Quechua-Spanish dictionary)
- ^ Clodoaldo Soto Ruiz, Runasimi-Kastillanu-Inlis Llamkaymanaq Qullqa, Ayakuchu-Chanka, I rakta, Quechua-Spanish-English Functional Dictionary, Ayacucho-Chanka, Vol I
- ^ - UGEL map of the Paucar del Sara Sara Province Province (Ayacucho Region)