In this Korean name, the family name is Kim. In the stage name or pen-name, the surname is Ha.
Kim Yong-goo (Korean: 김용구; born March 3, 1977),[2] commonly known as Ha Do-kwon (하도권), is a South Korean actor. He is mainly known for his roles in Hot Stove League (2019–2020) and The Penthouse: War in Life (2020–2021).
^Kim, No-eul (April 5, 2023). 하도권, 전종서 식구됐다..앤드마크와 전속계약[공식]. Star News (in Korean). Archived from the original on April 5, 2023. Retrieved April 5, 2023.
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^Jeong, Tae-gun (March 24, 2020). '동상이몽2' 하도권, '♥여민정' 16년차 결혼 생활 공개 ['Same Bed, Different Dreams 2' Ha Do-kwon, '♥ Yeo Min-jeong' 16-year married life revealed] (in Korean). Ten Asia. Retrieved March 27, 2024 – via Naver.
^Lee, Ye-eun (March 4, 2020). 하도권 "뒤늦게 터진 포텐? '스토브리그'라는 달콤한 오아시스 만났을 뿐" [MD인터뷰③] [Ha Do-kwon "Poten that exploded late? I just met a sweet oasis called 'Stove League'" [MD Interview ③]]. My Daily (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 9, 2021. Retrieved January 8, 2021.
^Kim, Yoon-ji (February 26, 2019). '황후의품격' 추대장役 하도권 "재등장, 상상도 못해"(인터뷰) [Ha Do-kwon as chief commander of 'Empress's Dignity' "Re-appearance, I can't even imagine" (interview)]. E-Daily (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 10, 2021. Retrieved January 8, 2021.
^Kim, Yoon-ji (June 25, 2019). '황후' 추대장 하도권, '의사요한' 합류...격투기 선수役 [Ha Do-kwon, the 'Empress' commander, joins 'Doctor John' ... Martial Arts Athlete]. E-Daily (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 10, 2021. Retrieved January 8, 2021.
^Hong, Se-young (January 16, 2020). 알고보니 성악과...'스토브리그' 하도권 반전 매력 [I know that vocal music... 'Stove League' charm of reversal]. Sports Donga (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 10, 2021. Retrieved January 8, 2021.
^Ban, Seo-yeon (March 12, 2020). "강두기 잊어라"...하도권, '메모리스트' 속 강렬한 존재감 ["Forget Kang Doo-gi" ... Ha Do-kwon, a strong presence in 'Memorist']. YTN (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 10, 2021. Retrieved January 8, 2021.
^Park, Hyun-sook (October 21, 2020). '좀비탐정' 하도권, 진짜 김무영을 죽인 범인? ['Zombie Detective' Ha Do-kwon, the real killer of Kim Moo-young?]. Sports Kyunghang (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 11, 2021. Retrieved January 8, 2021.
^Kim, Eun-hye (October 22, 2020). '유진vs김소연vs이지아' 펜트하우스, 부동산X교육으로 얼룩진 욕망 그렸다[종합] ['Eugene vs. Kim So-yeon vs. Lee Ji-ah' Penthouse, real estate X education painted desires [Comprehensive]]. Herald POP (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 11, 2021. Retrieved January 8, 2021.
^Tae, Yu-na (January 6, 2021). '펜트하우스' 하도권, 시즌2 출연한다..."쉽지 않은 도전" [Ha Do-kwon to appear in season 2 of 'Penthouse' ... "Not an easy challenge"]. TenAsia (in Korean). Archived from the original on January 7, 2021. Retrieved January 8, 2021.
^Kim, Bo-young (January 21, 2022). 대세 하도권, '악의 마음' 카메오 출연...언론사 국장 활약 예고 [공식] [Trending Ha Do-kwon to make a cameo appearance in 'The Heart of Evil'... Announcement of the performance of the media director [Official]] (in Korean). E-Daily Star. Archived from the original on January 21, 2022. Retrieved January 21, 2022 – via Naver.
^Shin, Young-eun (November 12, 2021). 우월한 하루' 진구·하도권·이원근, 캐스팅 확정 [공식] ['Superior Day' Jin Goo, Ha Do-kwon, and Lee Won-geun Confirm Casting [Official]] (in Korean). Maeil Business News. Archived from the original on November 16, 2021. Retrieved November 16, 2021 – via Naver.
^Ha, Su-jeong (October 27, 2021). 하도권, '펜트하우스' 이어 '별똥별' 출연 확정..180도 연기변신 [공식] [Ha Do-kwon, confirmed to appear in 'Shooting Star' after 'Penthouse'... 180-degree acting transformation [Official]] (in Korean). OSEN [ko]. Archived from the original on October 28, 2021. Retrieved October 27, 2021 – via Naver.
^Yoon, Seong-yeol (November 3, 2021). 펜트하우스' 하도권 '붉은 단심' 캐스팅..사극 도전 [공식] [Penthouse' Ha Do-kwon 'Red Single Heart' Casting.. Historical Drama Challenge [Official]] (in Korean). Star News. Archived from the original on April 6, 2023. Retrieved November 3, 2021 – via Naver.
^Park, Ah-reum (June 24, 2022). 하도권 '붉은 단심→별똥별→오늘의 웹툰' 합류, 다작 행보[공식] [Ha Do-kwon joins 'Red Single Heart → Shooting Star → Today's Webtoon', Prolific Steps [Official]] (in Korean). Newsen. Archived from the original on June 24, 2022. Retrieved June 24, 2022 – via Naver.
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^Yoo, Seo-yeon (December 14, 2023). '내 남편과 결혼해줘', 공민정→조진세까지...핵심 인물 모아보기 ['Marry My Husband', Gong Min-jeong → Jo Jin-se...A collection of key characters] (in Korean). OSEN [ko]. Archived from the original on December 14, 2023. Retrieved March 27, 2024 – via Naver.
^Lee, Min-ji (June 22, 2021). 하도권, 티빙 오리지널 '마녀식당으로 오세요' 출연 확정(공식) [Ha Do-kwon confirmed to appear in TVING's original 'Come to the Witch's Restaurant' (official)]. Naver (in Korean). Newsen. Archived from the original on June 22, 2021. Retrieved June 22, 2021.
^Park, Soo-in (November 25, 2021). 하도권 이특 '술꾼도시여자들' 특별출연, 정체 모를 깜짝손님 등장 [Ha Do-kwon Leeteuk makes a special appearance in 'Women in Drunken City', an unknown surprise guest appears] (in Korean). Newsen. Archived from the original on November 25, 2021. Retrieved November 25, 2021 – via Naver.
^Kim, Soo-hyung (April 26, 2020). '복면가왕' 위키미키 최유정→김상민·하도권·지원이 정체X주윤발 '5연승' 쾌거 [종합] ['King of Mask Singer' Joo Yun-bal, '5 consecutive wins' vs Scorpio, Weki Meki Choi Yoo-jeong → Jjamjjamyeon, Ji-won [Comprehensive]]. Naver (in Korean). OSEN [ko]. Archived from the original on May 22, 2021. Retrieved April 26, 2020.
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