Gongronema is a genus of plants first described as a genus in 1844. Some of the species are native to Africa, with others in South and Southeast Asia.[2]
- Species accepted[3]
- Gongronema angolense (N.E.Br.) Bullock - Angola
- Gongronema bracteolatum King & Gamble - W Malaysia
- Gongronema curtisii King & Gamble - W Malaysia
- Gongronema filipes Kerr - Thailand
- Gongronema finlaysonii (Wight) Decne. - Thailand
- Gongronema gaudichaudii Warb. - Vietnam
- Gongronema gazense (S.Moore) Bullock - Mozambique
- Gongronema latifolium Benth. - W Africa
- Gongronema multibracteolatum P.T.Li & X.M.Wang - Guizhou Province in China
- Gongronema nepalense (Wall.) Decne. - Nepal, India, Laos, S China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Tibet, Yunnan)
- Gongronema obscurum Bullock - W Africa
- Gongronema taylorii (Schltr. & Rendle) Bullock - tropical Africa
- Gongronema thomsonii (Hook.f.) K.M.Matthew - Sikkim, Bhutan, E Himalaya
- Gongronema ventricosum Hook.f. - Assam
- Gongronema wallichii (Wight) Decne. - Singapore
- Gongronema wrayi King & Gamble - W Malaysia
- formerly included[3]
- Gongronema attenuatum, syn of Gymnema attenuatum
- Gongronema hemsleyanum, syn of Biondia hemsleyana
- Gongronema membranifollum, syn of Heterostemma membranifolium
- Gongronema micradenia, syn of Gymnema micradenium
- Gongronema recurvifolium, syn of Gymnema recurvifolium
- Gongronema welwitschii, syn of Sphaerocodon obtusifolium
- Gongronema yunnanense, syn of Marsdenia yunnanensis