English: Curly (as cook), Shemp, Larry, and Moe altogether in this very nice scene from the short "Malice in the Palace". This scene features a slim thinner Curly with a head full of hair, and a false handlebar mustache.
This scene was deleted from the final release. However, there are publicity photos of this scene.
English: Rescued dialogue from Jules White’s copy of the script is; Larry enters. Curly puts on his fez, removes his apron and Larry says, “One rabbit, one hotdog!” Curly“Fix it yourself! I’m going to lunch!” Larry: “Lunch?” Curly; “Soitenly! You don’t think I’d eat in this dump?!” -Exit.
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2009-11-24 04:26 Lou72JG 1163×668× (153308 bytes) {{Non-free use rationale |Article = Malice in the Palace |Description = Deleted scene of Curly Howard |Source = Three Stooges Story DVD |Portion = |Low_resolution = Yes |Purpose = To show Curly's de
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