Any picture from the INAH Media Library can be used as long as its author is clarified and the link of the work in question is added
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
This work is in the public domain in Mexico for one of the following reasons:
Its author died before 1952 (Mexico had a term of 30 years after the author's death until 1982,[1] and no copyright term extension in 1982 or later restored copyright to expired works).
It is an artistic or literary work published before 1918 (Mexico had a term of 30 years since publication until 1948).[2]
It is a work of a Mexican government (federal, state, or municipal) and it was published before more than 100 years ago (before 1 January 1925).[3]
Anonymous works are considered in the public domain until the author or the owner of the rights are identified.[4]