English: Indonesian actor Rendra Karno in a promotional still
Sewindu Perfini. Perfini: Jakarta. 1958. Page in title.
Uncredited, likely employee(s) or contractor(s) of Perfini.
According to the copyright law in effect in Indonesia at the time of the URAA, copyright on this image expired on 1 January 1984 (25 years after publication). As the new copyright law was enacted in 2002, after the URAA, copyright was not extended in the United States.
shall be valid for 50 (fifty) years as of the first publication.
The Copyright on topographical arrangement of a published work shall be valid for 50 (fifty) years after as of the first publication of the Work.
The Copyright of works as referred to in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this article, and Article 29 paragraph (1) which are owned or held by a legal body, shall be valid for 50 (fifty) years as of from the first publication.
Article 31
The Copyright on works which are held or exercised by the State, pursuant to:
Article 10 paragraph (2), shall be valid without any time limit;
Article 11 paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) shall be valid for 50 (fifty) years as of the first time the work is known to the public.
The Copyright on works which are exercised by publishers pursuant to Article 11 paragraph (2) shall be valid for 50 (fifty) years as of the first publication.