Eurema leuce, the Hall's sulphur, is a butterfly in the family Pieridae. It is found on the West Indies and in Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, and Venezuela.[1]
The length of the forewings is 17–21 mm for males and females. Adults have been recorded feeding on Bidens pilosa, Tournefortia hirsutissima, and Croton barahonensis.[2]
The following subspecies are recognised:[1]
- E. l. leuce (Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul, Uruguay)
- E. l. circumcincta (Bates, 1861) (Brazil: Pará)
- E. l. athalia (C. & R. Felder, [1865]) (Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad)
- E. l. flavilla (Bates, 1861) (Brazil: Amazonas), Peru)
- E. l. memulus (Butler, 1871) (Haiti)
- E. l. antillarum (Hall, 1936) (St. Kitts, Dominica, St. Lucia, Puerto Rico)
Male. ventral view
Female, dorsal view
Female, ventral view