Dzaïr News (Arabic: دزاير نيوز) was an Arabic-language satellite television channel broadcasting from Hydra. Dzair News was set up by Algerian businessman Ali Haddad with a number of Arab intellectuals from Algeria and the Arab World.[1][non-primary source needed]
Dzair News was founded on 18 May 2014, and started to broadcast its programs on the same day.
Notable events to which Dzair News and its sister channels hold broadcasting rights include:
- Beyond the Fact (Arabic: ماوراء الحقيقة)
- The World Today (Arabic: العالم اليوم)
- File and Discussion (Arabic: ملف ونقاش)
- Bearings (Arabic: اتجهات)
- Private Meeting (Arabic: لقاء خاص)
- 100% Sport (Arabic: 100% رياضة)
- Cultural and Faces (Arabic: وجوه ثقافية)
- Eighth Day (Arabic: اليوم الثامن)
- Talk in Politics (Arabic: حديث في السياسة)
- Economia
- Spectra (Arabic: أطياف)
External links
- Official website (in Arabic)