Duan Jilujuan (段疾陸眷) (died 318) was a chieftain of the Duan-Xianbei tribe during the Jin dynasty (266–420) and Sixteen Kingdoms period. Succeeding his father as the Duke of Liaoxi, he initially maintained the Duan's alliance with the Inspector of You province, Wang Jun, but following the Battle of Xiangguo in 312, he reached an agreement with the Han-Zhao general, Shi Le to break off the alliance and withdraw from the conflict. Jilujuan remained neutral for the remainder of his reign, although his brother, Duan Pidi led a branch of their tribe on his own to continue resisting Shi Le.


Early reign

Duan Jilujuan was the son of Duan Wuwuchen, the head chief of the Duan tribe and the Duke of Liaoxi. It is not known when he succeeded his father, but his father was last recorded in November 310, and by December 311, Jilujuan was serving as the tribe's head chief. In December 311, the Inspector of Bing province, Liu Kun sent his kinsman, Liu Xi (劉希) to Zhongshan to accept the surrender of 30,000 people from Dai, Shanggu and Guangning (廣寧郡; in present-day Zhangjiakou, Hebei) commanderies in You province. The Inspector of You and Jilujuan's ally, Wang Jun was furious, so he sent his general, Hu Ju (胡矩) and Jilujuan to attack Liu Xi. They killed Liu Xi and returned the people to their commanderies.[1]

Battle of Xiangguo (312)

In 312, Wang Jun raised an army to attack the Han-Zhao general, Shi Le at Xiangguo. Jilujuan joined with Wang Jun's general, Wang Chang (王昌) for the campaign, bringing along his brothers, Duan Pidi and Duan Wenyang, and his cousin, Duan Mopei. When their forces arrived at Xiangguo, Jilujuan camped at Zhuyang (渚陽; in present-day Xingtai, Hebei). He defeated several generals sent by Shi Le before constructing siege weapons to attack Xiangguo. Jilujuan then led his troops to assault the northern wall, but while their guards were down, Shi Le's general, Kong Chang suddenly led a sortie to attack Duan Mopei. He was unable to overcome Mopei and fell back into the city, and Mopei gave chase. After Mopei entered the rampart gate, he was captured by Shi Le's army. Jilujuan ordered a retreat, but as they were retreating, Kong Chang pursued them, killing and capturing many of their soldiers.[2]

With Mopei held hostage, Shi Le sent a messenger to Jilujuan requesting for peace. Jilujuan agreed despite Wenyang's objection, and he sent armoured horses, gold and silver to Shi Le as gifts. In exchange for Mopei, he also sent three of Mopei's younger brother as hostages to Shi Le. Shi Le sent his adopted brother, Shi Hu to Zhuyang, where he swore an oath of brotherhood with Jilujuan. Finally, Jilujuan ordered his army to withdraw, and without the Duan to support him, Wang Chang also retreated, thus lifting the siege of Xiangguo.[3]

Later reign

In 313, Wang Jun summoned Jilujuan to participate in another campaign against Shi Le, but this time, Jilujuan did not respond. In anger, Wang Jun bribed the Tuoba tribe to campaign against the Duan and called the Murong tribe and other local commanders to join in as well. The head of the Tuoba, Tuoba Yilu sent his son, Tuoba Liuxiu to join Wang Jun's forces, but Jilujuan defeated him. Meanwhile, the head of the Murong, Murong Hui ordered his son, Murong Han to attack the Duan. Murong Han captured Tuhe and Xincheng (新城; northeast of present-day Shenyang, Liaoning) commanderies, but when he reached Yangle (陽樂; southwest of present-day Yi County, Liaoning), he was informed of Liuxiu's defeat, so he retreated to Tuhe.[4]

In 314, Shi Le annexed You province after he defeated and executed Wang Jun. Around this time, Wang Jun's official, Yang Yu fled to Lingzhi (令支, in present-day Qian'an, Hebei), the base of the Duan. Jilujuan, having heard of his fame, summoned him and treated him well, appointing him as a minister.[5] While Jilujuan continued to uphold his neutrality, his brother Duan Pidi was offered by the rebel general, Liu Han (劉翰) control over Wang Jun's former base in Jicheng.[6] Pidi accepted and affirmed his loyalty to Jin by opposing Shi Le, which Jilujuan appears to neither condoned or condemned.

In 317, Jilujuan was one of the many officials to submit a memorial to the Prince of Langye, Sima Rui to take the imperial throne at Jiankang. That same year, Duan Pidi and Liu Kun were planning to campaign against Shi Le, and they asked Jilujuan, Duan Mopei and Duan Shefuchen to join them at Gu'an. While Jilujuan and Shefuchen initially obliged, Mopei refused to follow as he strongly supported Shi Le. He even told Jilujuan and Shefuchen that it would be shameful to be accepting orders from a junior kinsman, and that Pidi would likely claim full credit for the campaign if it were successful. In the end, Jilujuan and Shefuchen withdrew, and Pidi was forced to drop the campaign.[7]

Jilujuan died of illness in 318. His son was too young to succeed him at the time, so he was succeeded by his uncle, Shefuchen instead.[8]


  1. ^ (琨使宗人劉希還中山合眾,代郡、上谷、廣寧三郡人皆歸於琨。浚患之,遂輟討勒之師,而與琨相距。浚遣燕相胡矩督護諸軍,與疾陸眷並力攻破希。驅略三郡士女出塞,琨不復能爭。) Jin Shu, vol.39
  2. ^ (疾陸眷屯于渚陽,勒遣諸將出戰,皆爲疾陸眷所敗。疾陸眷大造攻具,將攻城,勒衆甚懼... 勒從之,密爲突門。旣而疾陸眷攻北城,勒登城望之,見其將士或釋仗而寢,乃命孔萇督銳卒自突門出擊之,城上鼓譟以助其勢。萇攻末柸帳,不能克而退。末柸逐之,入其壘門,爲勒衆所獲,疾陸眷等軍皆退走。萇乘勝追擊,枕尸三十餘里,獲鎧馬五千匹。疾陸眷收其餘衆,還屯渚陽。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.88
  3. ^ (勒質末柸,遣使求和於疾陸眷,疾陵眷許之。文鴦諫曰:「今以末柸一人之故而縱垂亡之虜,得無爲王彭祖所怨,招後患乎!」疾陸眷不從,復以鎧馬金銀賂勒,且以末柸三弟爲質而請末柸... 乃厚以金帛報之,遣石虎與疾陸眷盟于渚陽,結爲兄弟。疾陸眷引歸,王昌不能獨留,亦引兵還薊。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.88
  4. ^ (王浚使棗嵩督諸軍屯易水,召段疾陸眷,欲與之共擊石勒,疾陸眷不至。浚怒,以重幣賂拓跋猗盧,幷檄慕容廆等共討疾陸眷。猗盧遣右賢王六脩將兵會之,爲疾陸眷所敗。廆遣慕容翰攻段氏,取徒河、新城,至陽樂,聞六脩敗而還,翰因留鎭徒河,壁青山。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.88
  5. ^ (時鮮卑單于段眷為晉驃騎大將軍、遼西公,雅好人物,虛心延裕... 裕乃應之。拜郎中令、中軍將軍,處上卿位。曆事段氏五主,甚見尊重。) Jin Shu, vol.109
  6. ^ (以晉尚書劉翰為寧朔將軍、行幽州刺史,戍薊,置守宰而還... 勒旣還襄國,劉翰叛勒,奔段匹磾。) Jin Shu, vol.104
  7. ^ (建武初,匹磾推劉琨為大都督,結盟討勒,並檄涉復辰、疾陸眷、末杯等三面俱集襄國,琨、匹磾進屯固安,以候眾軍。勒懼,遣間使厚賂末杯。然末杯既思報其舊恩,且因匹磾在外,欲襲奪其國,乃間匹磾於涉復辰、疾陸眷曰:「以父兄而從子弟邪?雖一旦有功,匹磾獨收之矣。」涉復辰等以為然,引軍而還。匹磾亦止。) Jin Shu, vol.63
  8. ^ (春,正月,遼西公疾陸眷卒,其子幼,叔父涉復辰自立。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.90
Duan Jilujuan
Born:  ? Died: 318
Regnal titles
Preceded by Chieftain of the Duan
310 or 311–318
Succeeded by
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