Initial version

I'd like to get people's first reactions on that draft article.

  • ! First of all, the title. I like the wording of "Accounting for sustainability". I've tested it with people and it seems to be an attractive way to introduce the project.
  • The original objective here is more to propose an introduction than a deep-dive into the nuances and subtilities of C.A.R.E.
  • On this subject, I do not plan to go into the distinction between phase 1A and phase 1B. That would bring much confusion and people might wonder why we do not have 2 phases here
  • ! Many sections have been inspired by the trainings and the corresponding slides but cannot be referenced accordingly in wikipedia!
  • Some sentences are too long, and the wording somewhat heavy. Happy to hear or read any proposition to make things a bit lighter.
  • I did find 2 (slightly different) definitions of capital according to CARE. I took the one on the Cerces website ( which is much easier to get than the one used during the trainings (source de préoccupation, ontologie formalisable, existence d'une possibilité de régénération).
  • ! I have tried to sort out a proper English version of the terminology for the classification of sustainability-related activities: please check the table in Methodology/Phase 3 and the wording I used.
  • Happy to get your comments on both form and content.

Pgrondier (talk) 12:40, 4 February 2025 (UTC)[reply]

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