This category has only the following subcategory.
- United Kingdom trade union stubs (126 P)
Pages in category "European trade union stubs"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 239 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Agrarian Trade Union Federation
- Agricultural Industry Workers' Union
- Akademikerförbundet SSR
- Akademikerne – The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations
- All-Russian Confederation of Labour
- All-Ukrainian Union of Workers Solidarity "VOLYA"
- Alliance Police nationale
- Andorran Workers' Union
- Association of Croatian Trade Unions
- Association of Employees in Government Educational Administration
- Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia
- Association of Internet Workers
- Association of Vatican Lay Workers
- Austrian Trade Union Federation
- Autonomous Trade Union Confederation
- Central Union of Hotel, Restaurant and Cafe Employees
- Chemistry and Energy Federation
- Christian Labour Confederation
- Christian Trade Union Federation of Germany
- Civil and Public Services Union
- Civil Servants' Confederation
- CNV Public
- Col·lectius d'Obrers en Lluita
- Col·lectius de Treballadors
- Central Unitaria de Traballadores
- Confederación Intersindical Galega
- Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia
- Confederation of Christian Trade Unions
- Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine
- Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Confederation of Labour of Kazakhstan
- Confederation of Labour of Russia
- Confederation of Malta Trade Unions
- Confederation of New Trade Unions of Slovenia "Independence"
- Confederation of Public Employees' Unions
- Confederation of State and Municipal Employees of Iceland
- Confederation of State Employees' Unions – Pardia
- Confederation of Trade Unions (Albania)
- Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia
- Confederation of Trade Unions of Slovenia PERGAM
- Confederation of Trade Unions of the Republika Srpska
- Confederation of Trade Unions of the Slovak Republic
- Confederation of Trade Unions of Yugoslavia
- Confederation of Turkish Real Trade Unions
- Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions
- Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland
- Confederation of Unions for Professionals
- Confederation of Vocational Unions
- Confédération Paysanne
- Confederazione dei Comitati di Base
- Croatian Trade Union Association
- Ctm altromercato
- Cyprus Union of Bank Employees
- Cyprus Workers' Confederation
- Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions
- Danish Association of Chartered Surveyors
- Danish Medical Association
- Danish Nurses' Organization
- Danish Police Federation
- Danish Timber, Industry, and Construction Workers' Union
- Danish Union of Architects
- Danish Union of Librarians
- Danish Union of Metalworkers
- Danish Union of Professional Technicians
- Danish Union of Teachers
- Danish Writers Guild
- Democratic Confederation of Free Trade Unions
- Democratic Confederation of San Marino Workers
- Democratic Labour Federation of Cyprus
- Democratic Trade Union Confederation of Romania
- Deutsche Polizeigewerkschaft
- Digital Platform Workers' Trade Union
- Faroese Pilot Association
- European Transport Workers' Federation
- Fédération nationale des Jaunes de France
- Fédération nationale des syndicats d'exploitants agricoles
- Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations
- Federation of Rouen Workers
- Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus
- Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan
- Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia
- Federation of Turkish Cypriot Trade Unions
- Fédération Syndicale Unitaire
- Financial Sector Union of Sweden
- Finnish Elite Athletes' Union
- Finnish Union of Practical Nurses
- Food Union NNF
- Food, Beverages and Catering Union
- Forena
- Forum for the Cooperation of Trade Unions
- Free Trade Unions (Germany)
- French Confederation of Christian Workers
- French Confederation of Management – General Confederation of Executives
- FTF – Confederation of Professionals in Denmark
- General Confederation of Liberal Trade Unions of Belgium
- General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers
- General Confederation of Trade Unions
- General Retailers and Traders Union
- General Union of Workers (Portugal)
- General Workers' Union (Malta)
- Georgian Trade Union Confederation
- German Civil Service Federation
- German Union of Building Trades
- GS (Swedish union)
- Icelandic Confederation of Labour
- IF Metall
- Independent Christian Trade Unions of Slovakia
- Independent Trade Unions of Croatia
- Industrial Union (Finland)
- IndustriALL – European Trade Union
- ISPA Belgium
- Italian Confederation of Free Workers' Unions
- Italian Footballers' Association
- Italian Labour Union (1918–1925)
- Italian Union of Bank, Insurance and Tax Workers
- Italian Union of Clothing Workers
- Italian Union of Land Workers
- Italian Union of Public Administration Workers
- Italian Union of Textile Workers
- National Autonomous School Workers' Trade Union
- National Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Romania – Brotherhood
- National Confederation of Hungarian Trade Unions
- National Confederation of the Trade-Union Organizations of Ukraine
- National Federation of Workers' Councils
- National Socialist Industrial Workers' Union
- National Trade Union Bloc
- National Trade Union Confederation – Meridian
- National Trade Union Confederation (Romania)
- National Trade Union Confederation of Finland
- National Trade Union Promyana
- National Union of Autonomous Trade Unions
- Dutch Confederation of Trade Unions
- New Labour Identity
- Norwegian Airline Pilots Association
- Norwegian Civil Service Union
- Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions
- Norwegian Police Federation
- Norwegian Post and Communications Union
- Norwegian Prison and Probation Officers' Union
- Norwegian Seafarers' Union
- Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists
- Norwegian Transport Workers' Union
- Norwegian Union of Chemical Industry Workers
- Norwegian Union of Food, Beverage and Allied Workers
- Norwegian Union of General Workers
- Norwegian Union of Journalists
- Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees
- Norwegian Union of Railway Workers