Carlisle is a village in Saint George Parish, Antigua and Barbuda.


Carlisle has one enumeration district, ED 41700.

Census data (2011)


Q48 Ethnic Counts %
African descendent 493 90.49%
Caucasian/White 10 1.75%
East Indian/India 10 1.75%
Mixed (Black/White) 14 2.52%
Mixed (Other) 14 2.52%
Other 2 0.39%
Don't know/Not stated 3 0.58%
Total 545 100.00%
Q49 Religion Counts %
Adventist 62 11.48%
Anglican 173 31.71%
Baptist 6 1.17%
Church of God 14 2.53%
Evangelical 3 0.58%
Jehovah Witness 6 1.17%
Methodist 12 2.14%
Moravian 38 7.00%
None/no religion 51 9.34%
Pentecostal 79 14.59%
Rastafarian 2 0.39%
Roman Catholic 47 8.56%
Weslyan Holiness 26 4.86%
Other 15 2.72%
Don't know/Not stated 10 1.75%
Total 544 100.00%
NotApp : 1
Q58. Country of birth Counts %
Africa 3 0.58%
Other Latin or North American countries 1 0.19%
Antigua and Barbuda 397 72.82%
Other Caribbean countries 8 1.55%
Canada 6 1.17%
Other Asian countries 7 1.36%
Other European countries 1 0.19%
Dominica 13 2.33%
Guyana 24 4.47%
Jamaica 15 2.72%
Monsterrat 4 0.78%
St. Kitts and Nevis 4 0.78%
St. Lucia 3 0.58%
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 6 1.17%
Trinidad and Tobago 5 0.97%
United Kingdom 7 1.36%
USA 25 4.66%
USVI United States Virgin Islands 2 0.39%
Not Stated 11 1.94%
Total 545 100.00%
Q55 Internet Use Counts %
Yes 309 56.70%
No 231 42.33%
Don't know/Not stated 5 0.97%
Total 545 100.00%
Q71 Country of Citizenship 1 Counts %
Antigua and Barbuda 438 80.39%
Other Caribbean countries 13 2.33%
Canada 3 0.58%
Other Asian and Middle Eastern countries 7 1.36%
Dominica 10 1.75%
Guyana 18 3.30%
Jamaica 13 2.33%
Monsterrat 1 0.19%
St. Lucia 3 0.58%
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 6 1.17%
Trinidad and Tobago 3 0.58%
United Kingdom 2 0.39%
USA 16 2.91%
Other countries 3 0.58%
Not Stated 8 1.55%
Total 545 100.00%
Q71 Country of Citizenship 2 Counts %
Other Caribbean countries 6 9.23%
Canada 7 10.77%
Other Asian and Middle Eastern countries 2 3.08%
Dominica 4 6.15%
Guyana 7 10.77%
Jamaica 2 3.08%
Monsterrat 3 4.62%
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 1 1.54%
Trinidad and Tobago 1 1.54%
United Kingdom 12 16.92%
USA 18 26.15%
Other countries 4 6.15%
Total 69 100.00%
NotApp : 476
Employment status Counts %
Employed 267 61.76%
Unemployed 20 4.66%
Inactive 141 32.60%
Not stated 4 0.98%
Total 432 100.00%
NotApp : 113


17°08′15″N 61°48′02″W / 17.137434648185756°N 61.8006883031192°W / 17.137434648185756; -61.8006883031192

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