The Best Director Award is one of main awards of the Feature Film Competition at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. Since 1990, it is conferred on the best director.[1]

Best Director Award winners

Year Director Film Original Title Nationality of Director
2019 Tim Mielants Patrick De Patrick Belgian
2018 Olmo Omerzu Winter Flies Všechno bude Slovenian
2017[2] Peter Bebjak The Line Čiara Slovak
2016[3] Damjan Kozole Nightlife Nočno življenje Slovenian
2015[4] Visar Morina Babai Kosovar
2014[5] György Pálfi Free Fall Szabadesés Hungarian
2013[6] Jan Hřebejk Honeymoon Líbánky Czech
2012[7] Rafaël Ouellet Camion Canadian
2011[8] Pascal Rabaté Holidays by the Sea Ni à vendre ni à louer French
2010[9] Rajko Grlić Just Between Us Neka ostane medju nama Croatian
2009[10] Andreas Dresen Whiskey with Vodka [de] Whisky mit Wodka German
2008[11] Alexey Uchitel Captive Plennyj Russian
2007[12] Bård Breien The Art of Negative Thinking Kunsten å tenke negativt Norwegian
2006[13] Joachim Trier Reprise Norwegian
2005[14] Krzysztof Krauze My Nikifor Mój Nikifor Polish
2004[15] Xavier Bermúdez León and Olvido León y Olvido Spanish
2003[16] Ferzan Ozpetek Facing Windows La finestra di fronte Turkish
2002[17] Asghar Massombagi Khaled Iranian
2001[18] Ibolya Fekete Chico Hungarian
2000[19] Vinko Brešan Marshal Tito's Spirit Maršal Croatian
1999[20] Aleksandr Rogozhkin Checkpoint Blokpost Russian
1998[21] Charles Binamé Streetheart Le coeur au poing Canadian
1997[22] Martine Dugowson Shadow Play Portraits chinois French
1996[23] Péter Gothár Vaska Easoff Hagyjállógva Vászka Hungarian
1995[24] Lars von Trier The Kingdom Riget Danish
1994[25] Timur Bekmambetov, Gennadij Kajumov Peshavar Waltz Peshavarskiy vals Russian
1992[26] Not conferred
1990[27] Janusz Kijowski State of Fear Stan strachu Polish


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