Anna Zahorska de domo Elzenberg (1882 in Byszlaki – 1942 in Auschwitz concentration camp), pseudonym Savitri, was a Polish poet, prosaist, dramatist. Graduate of Polish philology at the Jagiellonian University and Russian philology at the University of Warsaw. Activist of Polish Socialist Party. In the interwar period related with Catholic movement.

Zahorska was an author of lyric poetry, patriotic and social-revolutionary poems Pieśni walki (1908), Poezje (1908), Dniom zmartwychwstania (1914), novels Utopia, Trucizny (1928), dramas Pani słoneczna (1912), Bezrobocie (1927), collection of stories Księga milczenia (1927), hagiographic works.


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