Ali ibn Mohammed al-Jurjani (1339–1414) (Persianعلی بن محمد جرجانی) was a Persian[4] encyclopedic writer, scientist, and traditionalist theologian. He is referred to as "al-Sayyid al-Sharif" in sources due to his alleged descent from Ali ibn Abi Taleb.[1] He was born in the village of Ṭāḡu near Astarabad in Gorgan (hence the nisba "Jurjani"),[1] and became a professor in Shiraz. When this city was plundered by Timur in 1387, he moved to Samarkand, but returned to Shiraz in 1405, and remained there until his death.[5]
The author of more than fifty books,[6] of his thirty-one extant works, many being commentaries on other works, one of the best known is the Taʿrīfāt (تعريفات "Definitions"),[7] which was edited by G Flügel (Leipzig, 1845), published also in Constantinople (1837), Cairo (1866, etc.), and St Petersburg (1897).[5]
^Gündüz, Şinasi, and Cafer S. Yaran, eds. Change and Essence: dialectical relations between change and continuity in the Turkish intellectual tradition. Vol. 18. CRVP, 2005.
^Ragep, F. Jamil, and Alī al-Qūshjī. "Freeing Astronomy from Philosophy: An Aspect of Islamic Influence on Science." Osiris 16 (2001): 49-71.
^Donzel, E. J. van (1 January 1994). Islamic Desk Reference. BRILL. p. 192. ISBN 90-04-09738-4. al-Jurjani, Ali* b. Muhammad (al-Sayyid al-Sharif): Persian grammarian, philosopher and linguist; 1339-1413.