Aaron Twersky of Chernobyl (1784–1871) was a Ukrainian rabbi. He succeeded his father Rabbi Mordechai Twersky as rebbe of the Chernobler chasidim.[1]


Aaron Twersky was born in Chernobyl in 1784, the first-born of Rabbi Mordechai Twersky and Chayo Soro (daughter of Rabbi Aaron the Great of Karlin).

He received his education from his grandfather, Rabbi Menachem Nachum Twersky of Chernobyl.

He married the daughter of Rabbi Gedalyo of Linits (author of Teshuos Chein). They had two daughters, Chayo Soro (who married Yisroel, grandson of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov) and Perl (who married Rabbi Yitschok of Berezne).

Twersky later married the daughter of Rabbi Tsvi of Korostyshiv. They had three sons – Menachem Nochum of Loiev, Yeshayo Meshulom Zishe of Chernobyl and Boruch Osher of Chernobyl – and a daughter, Feygl, who married Rabbi Duvid Moshe Friedman of Czortków.[2]

He wrote an approbation to Or laYshorim by Rabbi Yechiel Michel Epstein.[3]


  • Aharon Dovid Twersky היחס מטשרנוביל The Chernobyl Genealogy, 2nd ed. Lublin 1938
  • Yitshak Alfasi, תורת החסידות Torat haChasidut, #271, Mosad Harv Kook, Jerusalem 2006
  1. ^ Encyclopaedia Judaica p 1471
  2. ^ "The Chortkover Rebbe". Archived from the original on 2011-05-27. Retrieved 2008-01-22.
  3. ^ The other Works of Rabbi Yechiel Mikhl Epstein

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