The 2001 Australia Day Honours are appointments to various orders and honours to recognise and reward good works by Australian citizens. The list was announced on 26 January 2001 by the Governor General of Australia, Sir William Deane.[1]

The Australia Day Honours are the first of the two major annual honours lists, the first announced to coincide with Australia Day (26 January), with the other being the Queen's Birthday Honours, which are announced on the second Monday in June.[2]

Companion (AC)

General Division

Recipient Citation Notes
Professor Edwin Thomas Brown For service to the engineering profession as a world expert in the field of rock mechanics and to scholarship through promotion of the highest academic and professional standards [1]
Professor Warner Max Corden For service as a leading international economist, particularly in the area of international trade and finance policy development
Sir Peter John Derham For service as an innovator in tourism development, commerce and science, to the community and to the preservation of heritage sites in Antarctica
Maxwell William Moore-Wilton For service to the community through the development and implementation of policy for economic prosperity and as a catalyst for major changes in public administration and service delivery
Professor John Rodney Niland AO For leadership in the advancement of Australia's universities, for enhancing the development and transmission of knowledge and innovation, and for service to the broader community through the Garvan Institute and St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney
Emeritus Professor Robert Porter For excellence and achievement in medicine as an internationally renowned neuroscientist and for major contributions to the management of medical research and medical education
The Right Honourable Ian McCahon Sinclair For distinguished service to the Australian Parliament and to the community, particularly through promoting the expansion of opportunities for those in rural, regional and remote areas of Australia
Professor Russell Walker Strong, CMG RFD For service to medicine as a pioneer in the development of new techniques and improved clinical performance in the field of liver transplant surgery and to advancing world knowledge in this area

Military Division

Branch Recipient Citation Notes
Navy Admiral Christopher Alexander Barrie, RAN For eminent service to the Australian Defence Force as Chief of the Defence Force [1]

Officer (AO)

General Division

Recipient Citation Notes
Albert Henry Royce Abbey, AM DCM For service to the community, particularly through the Rotary Foundation's support for health and humanitarian projects in overseas countries, and through programmes aimed at providing funding for health care and research facilities [1]
Robert Otto Albert, AM RFD RD For service to the community through programmes providing support for charitable projects, cultural activities and educational institutions, and to the preservation of Australia's maritime heritage
Professor David George Beanland For service to education, particularly in the areas of teaching, research and academic leadership, to electronic engineering and microelectronics research, and to the community
Dr Kenneth George Boston For service to educational administration, particularly as Director-General of the NSW Education Department and managing director of Technical and Further Education, and as a leader in the development of education policy in Australia
The Honourable Thomas James Burns For service to the Queensland Parliament, particularly in the areas of local government and rural affairs, to the promotion of Australia-China relations, and to community organisations
Dr Ian Francis Bell Common For service to entomology, particularly the study of Lepidoptera insect pests, their effects on agriculture and the development of adequate controls, and to community education through the publication of books dealing with insects and their role in the environment
Shirley Barbara de la Hunty, MBE For service to the community, particularly in the areas of conservation, the environment and local government, and to athletics as an athlete, coach and administrator
The Honourable Gareth John Evans, QC For service to the Australian Parliament, particularly through advancing Australia's foreign policy and trade interests, especially in Asia and through the United Nations
The Most Reverend Ian Gordon Combe George, AM For service to the Anglican Church, to ecumenism and to the community through engagement in social policy issues and international relief work overseas
The Most Reverend Richard Henry Goodhew For service to the Anglican Church and to the community, particularly in the areas of education, reconciliation between white and indigenous communities, overseas aid and the value of maintaining strong family life
Professor Michael Samuel Gracey For service to medicine in the field of paediatric gastroenterology, particularly in relation to Aboriginal health, and to research, teaching and policy development
Barry Joseph Grear, AM For service to the engineering profession, particularly through the Institution of Engineers, Australia, and in the area of education, and to the community through sporting, church and emergency services organisations
Eric Jack Hayes For service to business and commerce, particularly in the areas of tourism and hospitality, and to the community through support for a range of educational, medical research and social welfare organisations
Dr Paul Herbert Hopkins For service in the field of rehabilitation medicine and to the community, particularly children with physical disabilities
Professor John Stephen Horvath For service to medicine, particularly in the field of hypertension, as a consultant physician and a clinical tutor of medicine, and to medical administration
Alistair Ian Kingswell Lloyd, RFD ED For service to the pharmacy profession and patient care through integration of pharmacy, medical and nursing services, and for improving labelling on medications and standardising prescription conventions
George Frederick Maltby For service to pioneering work in telecommunications through the development of services and technologies, particularly the establishment of optical fibre submarine cable and direct dial international call networks, and to libraries and education
Professor Constantine Agapitos Michael, AM For service to medicine, particularly in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology, as a contributor to the administration of the profession nationally and internationally, and to medical education
Janet Hailes Michelmore For service to women, particularly through education campaigns to raise public awareness of women's health issues and services provided by the Jean Hailes Foundation
Dr John Craze Henry Morris, MBE For service to medicine, particularly as a consultant physician, and to the community through educational, medical research and social welfare organisations
Professor John Edgar de Burgh Norman For service to dentistry and medicine as a maxillofacial surgeon, and to education
John Henry Olsen, OBE For service to the visual arts as a painter and graphic artist, and in the area of arts administration
Charles Henry Perkins For service to primary industry, particularly as a leader and researcher in farm management practices and the new utilisation of grain, to tertiary education, and to the community
Penelope Anne Wensley For service to the development of Australia's international relations, particularly through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Military Division

Branch Recipient Citation Notes
Navy Rear Admiral Christopher Angus Ritchie For distinguished service to the Australian Defence Force and the Royal Australian Navy as the Maritime Commander Australia, Deputy Chief of Navy and Head Capability Systems [1]
Air Force Air Vice Marshal Alan William Titheridge, AM For distinguished service to the Royal Australian Air Force as the Air Commander Australia and Deputy Chief of Air Force

Member (AM)

General Division

Recipient Citation Notes
Edward George Anson For service to the Australian maritime industry, particularly through the implementation of industry reforms [1]
Dr Leila Valerie Asche For service to science, particularly in the field of microbiology, and to the community of the Northern Territory
Professor John Albyn Ballinger For service to architecture, particularly in the development of solar energy use and solar efficient design
Dr Allan Francis Murray Barton For service to the environment through the development of industrial uses for eucalyptus oil and recognition of the role of large-scale eucalyptus plantings in the rehabilitation of saline affected soils
Lorraine Daphne Bayly For service to the community and charitable organisations through the entertainment industry
Heinrich Thomas Becker For service to the community, particularly through the Epilepsy Association of South Australia, organisations for people with disabilities and youth sports clubs, and to the South Australian Parliament
Dr John Langtree Black For service to animal science, particularly in the field of livestock nutrition research, and to the community through bushfire control and sporting organisations
Professor Anthony John Dyson Blake For service to higher education, particularly in the administration and development of the University of Technology, Sydney, to international co-operation in education, and to indigenous education
Dorothy Pearl Braxton For service to adult education, particularly through the University of the Third Age and development of U3A Online
Stephanie Britton For service to the arts, particularly as founder and editor of Artlink magazine, and as an advocate for women, indigenous art and the visual arts
John Brockwell For service to research in the field of rhizobium ecology and its application to pasture, grain and oilseed legumes, and to promotion of the game of bridge
Lady Jean Brodie-Hall For service to conservation and the environment, particularly through the development of techniques for landscape planning in arid areas, and to professional development through the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects
William Cyril Brown For service to people with disabilities, particularly through the Spina Bifida Association of Tasmania and Tasmanians with Disabilities
Kenneth Maxwell Brown For service to the development of public sector policies and infrastructure programmes in the areas of tourism, sport and recreation, the hospitality industry and racing in New South Wales
Dr Douglas Ian Bryden For service to veterinary science, particularly in the fields of continuing education and clinical practice through the University of Sydney Post Graduate Foundation
Julian Lillis Campbell For service to local government and the community of Warren, and to the conservation and management of the environment in the Macquarie River and Marshes area
William Ranald Macpherson Chandler For service to the community, particularly the preservation of Australia's rural heritage through the Australian Stockman's Hall of Fame and Outback Heritage Centre
Martyn David Chapman For service to architecture, particularly the development of standards and procedures in architectural practice, contract administration, education and arbitration
Peter Geoffrey Clemenger For service to the promotion of business and commerce in Melbourne, to the development of tourism, and to the community, particularly as a supporter of the arts and programmes for youth at risk
William John Coad For service to the community in the regulatory and law enforcement arena, particularly as a contributor to the establishment and development of relevant monitoring authorities
The Honourable Geoffrey Phillip Connard For service to medical administration and to the community, particularly through health care and medical research institutions
Megan Alexander Cornelius For service to the development of Australia's information industries as an educator in information technology, and as an advocate for the development of 'world-best' standards to promote productivity and economic development
Pastor Oswald Cruse, MBE For service to the indigenous community, particularly in the areas of social justice, spiritual welfare, health and land rights
Dr Gabriel Thomas Dadour For service to the community of Subiaco, particularly as a general practitioner, to local government and to the Western Australian Parliament
Mary Eileen Davidson For service as a pioneer in the social work profession, particularly in the area of education, and through the development of professional and community welfare organisations
Keith Davis For service to youth and to international relations, particularly through the Youth Exchange Program of Lions International
John William Downer For service to engineering and international trade through the development of export opportunities for Australian services and products in South East Asia
Dorothy Durrant For service to the preservation and recording of colonial heritage, particularly in the Quirindi region as an author and archivist, to youth through the Guiding movement, and to the community
Dr Peter Geoffrey Edwards For service to the recording of Australia's military history as General Editor of 'The Official History of Australia's Involvement in Southeast Asian Conflicts 1948-1975', and as principal author of the two volumes relating to strategy, diplomacy and home front issues
Sheikh Fehmi Naji El-Imam For service to multiculturalism and to the Muslim community, particularly through the promotion of community harmony and tolerance and to multi-faith understanding
Ronald William Evans For service to engineering and to the Australian construction industry, particularly through developments in the area of civil engineering contracting
Bruce Peter Fadelli For service to the development of business relations between Australia and Indonesia
Douglas Fairclough For service to local government at local, regional and state levels, to the community, and to youth, particularly through the Narrogin Residential College and in the area of juvenile justice
Jenifer Ann Farmer For service to education, particularly in the field of adult literacy, through the development of training programmes, resource management, curriculum development and administration, and expansion of the service into regional and rural areas
Laurence Stephen Freedman For service to the community, particularly as a supporter of medical research and arts organisations, and to business and investment in Australia
Valerie Thelma French For service to the aged, particularly through the organisation Older People Speak Out, to the community as an advocate for social change, welfare reform, expansion of educational opportunities and human rights, and to journalism
Bernadette Catherine Giambazi For service to the child care industry through contributing to the development of accreditation processes, regulations, quality standards and training courses, and to the Childcare Association of WA and the Australian Federation of Child Care Centres
Laurence Geoffrey Glanfield For service to the law, particularly through the development and implementation of policy for legal reform, and for improving community access to a more just and equitable legal system
Dr Rupert Douglas Goodman For service to the community, particularly through the Queensland Branch of the Australian National Flag Association, to the recording of Australian military and medical history, to youth and to education
Dr Robert Langley Guerin For service to medicine in the field of otolaryngology, particularly in the areas of clinical practice, education, professional development and indigenous aural health
Professor Elery Hamilton-Smith For service to conservation and the environment, particularly in the areas of national park, wilderness, cave and karst management, to the development of leisure and recreation activities, and to the community as a contributor to social policy development and through programmes dealing with youth issues
Bruce Vincent Hanrahan For service to the Macarthur region, particularly through organisations promoting employment generation and job placement opportunities, and to the community through a range of educational and social welfare groups
Barry Ferguson Harvey For service to the meat industry, particularly in the areas of processing, storage and export, and to the community of Wyndham through organisations concerned with industrial development, urban beautification and transport
Virginia Graham Henderson For service to cultural life in Australia as an advocate and patron of the performing arts
Dr John Robert Hewson For service to business and economics, to the Australian Parliament and politics, and to the community
Shirley Ann Hocking For service to local government and to the community of Narrandera, particularly through leadership in health and aged care, tourism and ex-Service organisations
Margaret Colleen Hole For service to the legal profession, particularly in the areas of property law and conveyancing, and as a contributor to public policy issues involving children's rights, drug law reform, women in the legal profession and Aboriginal justice
Patricia Anne Horgan For service to tourism development, particularly in the Margaret River region
Denis Byrne Horgan For service to tourism development, particularly in the Margaret River region
The Honourable Brian Leslie Howe For service to the Parliament and people of Australia through policy and legislative reform in the areas of social justice issues, health, and urban development
Dr William Kilpatrick Hunter For service to medicine, particularly through the Rural Doctors' Association of New South Wales, and to the community of Moree
John Glyde Ingram For service to education, particularly through the development of Batchelor College into an independent indigenous institute for tertiary education, and to multiculturalism
William Robert Mitchel Irvine For service to the banking industry and to the community
Walter Ian Harewood Johnston For service to medicine, particularly in the areas of infertility and reproductive biology, through the development of treatment techniques, pioneering the use of laparoscopy as a diagnostic tool, and the establishment of support and counselling services for patients and their families
Peter Charles Johnstone For service to youth, particularly through programmes offered by the Lord Somers Camp and Power House, to the community through Rotary International, and to people with disabilities
The Honourable Peter Vernon Jones For service to the Western Australian Parliament, to the development and management of infrastructure services, and to the community through medical research, cultural and animal welfare organisations
Emeritus Professor Richard Alexander Joske For service to medicine, particularly in the fields of gastroenterology and hepatology, to medical education through the University of Western Australia and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, and to the community
The Honourable John Charles Kerin For service to the Australian Parliament, particularly in the area of government policy and legislative reform relating to primary industry and trade
Sylvia Wallis Simpson Kidziak For service to community health, particularly to those affected by dust diseases, as a contributor to the development of improved workplace health and safety standards, and through the establishment of associated rehabilitation programmes and compensation measures
James Victor Kimpton For service to the aviation industry, particularly aircraft manufacturers and assemblers, through revision and rewriting of the Civil Aviation Regulations and chairing of the Program Advisory Panel
Dr Harry Kronenberg For service to medicine, particularly the expansion of haematology services at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, to blood transfusion services, and in the fields of education and professional development
John Laurence Lambert For service to education, particularly in the area of curriculum development frameworks within New South Wales, and to the Sydney Anglican Schools Corporation
Professor Francis Patrick Larkins For service to the development of research policy in Australia and the promotion of science and technology at state and national levels, and to education
Jeffrey John Lucy For service to the accounting profession, particularly through the Institute of Chartered Accountants, to the business sector as an adviser on corporate law and taxation reform, and to the community
Catherine Mary Mapstone For service to the development of youth, particularly through the Queensland Debating Union, as an adjudicator at state, national and international level and as coach/manager of the Queensland Schools Debating Team
Margaret Helen McKendrick For service to the community through the Ryder-Cheshire Foundation, particularly the provision of accommodation for families of patients undergoing extended medical treatment and fundraising for overseas humanitarian relief
Dr Gabriele Medley For service to medicine and women's health through the Victorian Cytology Service, particularly in the field of cervical cytology and pathology, and to the development of pap smear testing, reporting and screening programmes
Professor Glen Stanley Merry For service to medicine in the fields of neurosurgery and trauma through research and education into the prevention of head injuries, and to surf lifesaving
Graeme Charles Milburn OAM For service to the community through fundraising for cancer, AIDS research and charities, particularly through participation in and organisation of charity cycle rides in Australia and internationally
Dr Clive Dudley Thomas Minton For service to ornithology, particularly in the study of migratory wading birds in Australia
The Honourable Athol Randolph Moffitt, CMG, QC For service to the law through contributions to public debate on drugs, organised crime and war crimes
Professor Wayne Allan John Morrison For service to medicine, particularly reconstructive plastic surgery, through research and application of microsurgery techniques including innovation into graft tissues
Bryan John Nason For service to the performing arts in Queensland, through the development of professional theatre groups and regional touring schedules, and through the Grin and Tonic Theatre Troupe
Barry Chisholm Newcomen For service to primary industry in the East Gippsland region, particularly through the Victorian Farmers Federation, to the community through social support, emergency services and sporting groups, and to local government through the Omeo Shire Council
Daniel Francis Papacek For service to the citrus industry, particularly through the development of strategies for integrated pest management of horticultural crops
Professor Lester John Peters For service to medical research, education and clinical practice in the field of radiation oncology, resulting in improved treatments for people with cancer, particularly in the head and neck region
Emeritus Professor Alfred James Pittard For service to science, particularly microbiology and molecular biology, through research into the control of gene expression in bacteria, and to education as a teacher and administrator
Dr Dragica Popovic For service to medical administration, particularly as medical director of St Joseph's Hospital, Auburn, and to the medical profession through state medical and health bodies and professional associations
John Lethbridge Potter For service to the community as an executive member of a range of health care, welfare and cultural organisations, and to sport, particularly tennis and football
Margaret Mary Ralston For service to amateur and professional sport, particularly in South Australia, as an administrator and journalist
Dr William Regan For service to medicine, particularly in the fields of dermatopathology and the management of skin cancer, and to the profession through the Australasian College of Dermatologists
Emeritus Professor Gareth Edward Roberts For service to architectural education, particularly in the fields of urban planning and design, and to the community as a contributor to the development of planning policies
Jeanne Mary Rockey For service to the community, particularly to children with cancer through the Malcolm Sargent Cancer Fund for Children in Australia and the Starlight Children's Foundation
Margaret Alexandra Rolfe For service to the decorative arts, particularly as an authority on the history of quilts and quiltmaking, to the promotion of the craft through teaching and writing, and as an adviser on the acquisition of quilts for the national collection
David Bowyer Rosback For service to the community, particularly through the programmes of Rotary International and Australians Against Child Abuse
Margaret Somerville Ross For service to the community, particularly through fundraising activities for the programmes of the Baker Medical Research Institute and the Australian War Memorial Foundation, and to education through the Fintona Girls' School
Mary Elizabeth Rummery For service to the community, particularly through the public health and education sectors
Associate Professor Suzanne Margaret Russell For service to consumer advocacy, protection and education, particularly regarding food standards, and as a contributor to policy and legislation relating to improving standards and product safety in Australia
Frederic Frank Seeley For service to Australian industry through the design, development, manufacture and export of evaporative air conditioning units and climate control products, and to the community
Janine Lee Shepherd For service to the community through inspiring others to strive in circumstances of the greatest difficulty, and through promoting the work of the Australasian Spinal Research Trust in finding a cure for spinal cord injury
Emeritus Professor Lloyd Earle Smythe For service to science through education and research, particularly the development of the discipline of analytical chemistry in Australia
Constantine Michael Souvlis For service to the community of Hervey Bay, particularly through the Returned and Services League of Australia and Lions International, and as patron and supporter of groups including emergency services, sporting, cultural and social support
Roderick Paterson Stirling For service to agriculture in the Darling Downs district, particularly through the introduction of progressive farming technology and innovative irrigation techniques, and to the community
The Honourable Christopher John Sumner For service to the South Australian Parliament, to the law, particularly establishing basic principles of justice for victims of crime, to multiculturalism and to the National Native Title Tribunal
Dr Steven Vajk Szokolay For service to architecture, particularly in the development of solar energy use and solar efficient design
Dr Roy Francis Le Cappelaine Taylor For service to medicine, particularly in the field of ophthalmology as a clinician, teacher and administrator, and to the community
Roderick Thirkell-Johnston For service to the wool industry, particularly in recognising the need for innovation in agriculture and the textile industry, to the rural sector, particularly in the area of skills training, and to the community
Ruth Tideman For service to education as the Headmistress of Lauriston Girls' School and providing advancement opportunities for teachers and pupils through the Invergowrie Foundation
Alistair Grant Todd For service to education as Principal of Scots School, Albury, particularly in the areas of management and leadership, and to the community
Mary Robin Toohey For service to women, particularly through the National Council of Women of Australia, and to health, service and humanitarian support organisations
Brigid Mary Tracey For service to the nursing profession, particularly as an administrator and as a contributor to the development of nursing care standards
Professor Terry Fitzgerald Wall For service to the coal industry as a researcher in the coal sciences, particularly in the technical areas related to coal combustion, and to education
Colonel Eric John Wertheimer, RFD For service in the field of engineering and the management of construction projects, and to the community, particularly through ex-Service organisations
Associate Professor Richard Hugh West For service to medicine, particularly as a surgeon and in the area of development of procedures for infection control in clinical surgery, and to education
Kathleen Amelia White For service to education, particularly in the field of adult literacy, through the NSW Adult Literacy Information Office and the Australian Council for Adult Literacy
Bruce Thomas Worland For service to the community through youth music groups, particularly through the promotion of music education in schools
Paul Geoffrey Wright For service to the packaging industry through the innovative design of corrugated cardboard packaging for the shipping and storing of fresh produce

Military Division

Branch Recipient Citation Notes
Navy Captain Campbell William Darby, RAN For exceptional service to the Royal Australian Navy and the Australian Defence Force as a career naval officer [1]
Commodore Michael Francis Joseph Smith For exceptional service to the Royal Australian Navy as the Commanding Officer, HMAS Creswell, and Training Authority Initial Training, Leadership and Management
Army Lieutenant Colonel Alan Stephen Hollings For exceptional service to the Australian Army in the fields of combat force development and logistics, and as the Chief of Staff, Headquarters Logistic Support
Colonel Stephen Walter Jones For exceptional service to the Australian Army as the Commanding Officer, Army School of Transport, and Colonel Operational Support, Land Headquarters
Colonel Justin Desmond Kelly For exceptional service to the Australian Army in the field of Force Development
Brigadier Richard Anthony Lawler For exceptional service to the Australian Army in the fields of personnel, training and operations as the Director Army Personnel Agency - Perth, Commander 5th Training Group and Commander 13 Brigade
Major General Francis Xavier Roberts For exceptional service to the Australian Army as the Commander 7th Task Force and Peace Monitoring Group, Operation BEL ISI, Bougainville
Air Force Wing Commander Godfrey Noel Bradford For exceptional service to the Royal Australian Air Force in the field of logistics in the combined, joint and single service arenas
Squadron Leader Kevin Charles Bruce For exceptional service to the Royal Australian Air Force as Training Flight Commander, Number 36 and 37 Squadrons, and Senior Pilot C-130J aircraft
Group Captain Andrew Edward Kilgour For exceptional service to the Royal Australian Defence Force in the field of logistics support

Medal (OAM)

General Division

Recipient Citation Notes
Brett Aitken For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games [1]
William Thomas Aldcroft For service to the community, particularly in the areas of prisoner rehabilitation and the provision of services for people with addictions
Katie Ruth Allen For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Kathleen Sheila Anderson For service to education, and to youth, particularly through Guides Australia and sporting organisations
Marie Jessie Anderson For service to the communities of Byron Bay and Lennox Head, particularly through the Lennox Head Branch of the Country Women's Association
Elaine Adrienne Andrews For service to softball as a player, coach and administrator, particularly through the Queensland Softball Association
Jennifer Margaret Armstrong For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Kieran John Ault-Connell For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Earle Wilfred Bailey For service to the community of the Port Douglas region through local government and tourism, and to the development of the radio and television industries
Marjorie Gladys Baker For service to social welfare, particularly through 'SIDStasmania', and to the community
Allan Ray Baker For service to the community, particularly through the Maryborough Neighbourhood Watch Program
Gregory Ian Ball For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Paul Barnett For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Dr David Edmund Barton For service to medicine and to the community of Scone
Marjorie Matilda Bates For service to the community, particularly through the Masters Games, and as a fundraiser for charitable organisations
The Honourable Charles Leo Batt For service to the community, particularly through Australian Rules football and cricket clubs, to local government, and to the Tasmanian Parliament
Margaret Dorothy Baxendell For service to the community, particularly through programmes for women, the promotion of healthy lifestyles for the aged and domestic violence prevention
Cedric Harold Bayley Baxendell For service to the community, particularly through programmes promoting healthy lifestyles for the aged and domestic violence prevention
Alan John Beattie For service to primary industry through the Far North Queensland Rotary Field Days, and to the community
Leonard Jack Bell For service to veterans and their families, particularly through the Taroona Ex-Servicemen's Club, and to the community
Robert Noel Bell For service to veterans through the British Commonwealth Occupation Force Association and the Returned and Services League of Australia
Giuseppe Gaetano Bertinazzo For service to the Italian community, and to the arts
Stuart David Beveridge For service to the Australian merino sheep industry, and to the community of Gilgandra
Dr Robert Gregory Birrell For service to medicine and to children, particularly in identifying the existence of child abuse and raising awareness of the problem among health professionals and in the community
Donald Frederick Blaxell For service to horticulture, particularly through the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, and the development of gardens at Mount Annan and Mount Tomah
Gwenyth Bolton For service to the community of the Peats Ridge area, particularly through youth and service groups, and to international humanitarian relief as a supporter of Save the Children
Sebastiano Luigi Bordin For service to the Italian community of Launceston, particularly the aged and in the area of social welfare
Vladas Juozas Bosikis For service to the Lithuanian community of Melbourne, particularly in the areas of cultural and social welfare activities
Jennifer Jane Bounds For service to the community and to cultural life in Penrith and district through the Nepean District Music Club, the Nepean Choral Society and the Penrith Symphony Orchestra
John Murison Bourn For service to surf lifesaving, particularly through the development of emergency search and rescue services
Cole Milne Bradbury For service to the community of Taralga through sporting, ex-Service and social support groups
Doreen Ruby Bradley For service to the community of the Tilligerry Peninsula as a fundraiser for and supporter of sporting, charitable, ex-Service and emergency services groups
Joanne Meryl Bradshaw For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Marjorie Joan Bradshaw For service to the community as a fundraiser through the Australasian Order of Old Bastards
Valenciennes Clare Brealey For service to the community of Milton, particularly through the Sarah Claydon Retirement Village
Sidney Walter Briggs For service to the community of Young, particularly through the administration of health and aged care facilities, to veterans and their families, and to the Young Shire Band
Owen Charles Brown For service to the automotive retail industry, and to the community, particularly through Lions International
Barry George Bullivant For service to the community, particularly through the preservation of the history of Granville and Western Sydney, and through the Rotary Club of Granville
Essie Agnes Burbridge For service to the community of Footscray
Maxwell Edward William Burman For service to youth through the Scouting movement
Lauren Chantel Burns For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Squadron Leader Michael Arthur Butcher For service to music, particularly through community bands
Elizabeth Mary Butt For service to education, particularly through the independent schools sector, and to the community through cultural and charitable groups
Ashley John Callus For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Robert Gordon Cameron For service to ornithology, particularly through the Victorian Ornithological Research Group, and to veterans through the 34th Australian Heavy Anti-Aircraft Association
Malcolm David Campbell For service to the community of Rutherglen as a viticulturist and through involvement with tourism promotion, emergency services and health organisations
Beth Dean Carell For service to the indigenous arts, particularly as a dancer, choreographer, writer, lecturer and critic
Merle Carr For service to the community, particularly through the Country Women's Association, the Australian Red Cross and the Rochester and District Hospital Auxiliary
Colin James Carson For service to the community, particularly through the provision of residential aged care facilities in the Gosnells district
Kevin Meredith Carton For service to the tourism industry in Western Australia, and to hockey
Naomi Sandra Castle For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Kenneth William Catchpole For service to Rugby Union football, and to the community
Shelagh Mary Champion For service to the community, particularly through the research and documentation of the history of the Manly, Warringah and Pittwater areas, and to the preservation of the environment through the Upper Middle Harbour Conservation Society
George Annells Champion For service to the community, particularly through the research and documentation of the history of the Manly, Warringah and Pittwater areas, and to the preservation of the environment through the Upper Middle Harbour Conservation Society
Richard Robert Chapman For service to the community, particularly through the Fairfield Lions Club, and to baseball as an umpire
Bret Christian For service to the community of Perth through the establishment and continued publication of suburban newspapers
Barbara Mary Clancy For service to the welfare of children as a foster parent
Annie Clare For service to education through the development of volunteer literacy programmes for children with dyslexia and other learning difficulties
Stanley Clark For service to people with diabetes through the development of a portable blood glucose monitor
Stanley Kevin Clarke For service to veterans and their families, particularly through the Returned and Services League of Australia, and to the community
Paul Clohessy For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Carmela Clusker For service to the community, particularly as a foster carer for children with disabilities
Anthony Terence Cocks For service to the community, particularly through Vision Australia and Rotary International
Godfrey Abraham Cohen For service to the community, particularly through the Myra and Godfrey Cohen Family Charitable Trust and the Melbourne Jewish Orphan and Children's Aid Society
Jill Patricia Colley For service to the community, particularly through the Woodlands Anglican School
William John Conn For service to the community, particularly through the Royal Children's Hospital Foundation, and to the arts
Robyn Louise Cook For service to people with disabilities, particularly through the Special Olympics movement
Natalie Louise Cook For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Dr Robert Robin Arthur Cooke For service to medicine and medical education, particularly in the field of pathology
Emeritus Professor Hugh Martin Cooper For service to music, particularly through the Sydney Mozart Society, and to the community through sporting and youth organisations
Elizabeth Ellen Cooper For service to the community, and to local government through the Victor Harbor City Council
Melville Lyle Courtney For service to the community through the collection and supply of red back spider specimens for the production of antivenoms by the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories
Bert Craig For service to the community of South West Rocks through a range of cultural, health, aged care and school groups
John Andrew Crawford For service to the community within the East Gippsland area, particularly through the 1997 Rotary International Fodder Appeal
Lindsay Dinham Crawford For service to the community, particularly through the Youth Hostels Association in Victoria
Paul Damien Cross For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Douglas Derek Aloysius Crossin For service to veterans and their families through the Glenorchy Sub-Branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia, and to the community
Francis Raymond Crump For service to the community of Moree through emergency services, sporting, youth and social welfare groups
Leonard John Cuell For service to the community, particularly through the Manning District Cancer Action Group
Nancye Yvonne Cullimore For service to the community, particularly through Meals on Wheels and the Caloundra Committee of Services to the Ageing
Joan Catherine Cunningham For service to the Tasmanian Parliament
Leila Gladys Daniel For service to people with disabilities, particularly through the Queensland Blind Bowlers Association
Diana Norma Darlington For service to education, particularly in the establishment of the St Peter's Anglican Primary School and the Broughton Anglican College at Campbelltown
Dennis Milner Debenham For service to Rugby Union football, particularly through the Queanbeyan Rugby Union Club
Dulcie Clare Debreceny For service to the community of Comboyne through agricultural show societies, sporting clubs and the Country Women's Association
Dr Peter Dewey For service to the community of Wagga Wagga as an orthopaedic surgeon
Dr Bruce Hunter Dolman For service to the community of Coffs Harbour as a general practitioner and through a range of professional, service and health organisations
Patrick Donachie For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
William Cecil Donaldson For service to the community of Toronto and district, particularly the welfare of veterans through the Toronto Sub-Branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia
Stewart Michael Doyle For service to cycling, and to the community
Commander Hugh Kelvin Duncan, RAN For service to the community of the Australian Capital Territory, particularly through the Royal National Capital Agricultural Society and sporting organisations
Pamela Bennett Dunn For service to youth in the Illawarra region, particularly through education in drama and theatre
Jamie Barry Dunross For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Glenys Elizabeth Dunstan For service to the welfare of children as a foster parent
Mary Veronica Dwyer For service to the community, particularly as a fundraiser for schools, parish and community organisations
Stephen Robert Eaton For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
The Very Reverend Father Tadros El-Bakhoumi For service to the Coptic community, particularly through the Coptic Orthodox Church in Australia
Percival Alwyn Ellis For service to the community, particularly through the Royal Agricultural Show Society of the Northern Territory and as an umpire for Australian Rules football
Alice Joyce England For service to the community of Maroochydore, particularly to veterans, war widows and their dependants
Wendy Lynette Escott For service to people with disabilities, particularly through the establishment of arts programmes for children and adults
William Russell Evans For service to the aviation industry, particularly through pilot training and certification
Robert Edward Ray Everett For service to industry, particularly in the areas of quality control and non-destructive testing, and establishing standards for these practices
Errel Lorene Fagan For service to the community through the Parramatta Life Line Care Project
Christopher Malcolm Fagg For service to the community, particularly through emergency services organisations and the Australian Army Cadet Corps
Simon John Fairweather For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Kevin John Faulkner For service to the community of St Marys through business, social support and sporting organisations
Rebecca Elizabeth Feldman For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Colin George Fereday For service to the community of the Australian Capital Territory, particularly through the Ryder-Cheshire Foundation, the RAAF Association and Neighbourhood Watch
James Andrew Ferguson For service to education, particularly through the South Australian Secondary Principals Association and the Secondary Schools Sports Association of South Australia
Dr John Peter Feros For service to the community, particularly through the programmes of Rotary International, and to medicine as a general practitioner
Wendy Helen Field For service to the welfare of children as a foster parent
Commander John Frederick Fielding, RAN For service to the community, particularly the welfare of veterans and their families
James Patrick Joseph Fitzgerald, ED For service to the community, particularly to veterans and their families through the Auburn RSL Day Care Club
Arthur Noel Flanagan For service to the communities of Murwillumbah and Tweed Heads, particularly through ex-Service and youth organisations
John Allan Clarke Forbes For service to the community, particularly as a fundraiser for the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation
Geoffrey Gavin Ford For service to the arts, particularly the study of early Australian pottery, and to the community
Dr Thomas John Forgan For service to science and technology through the establishment of the Australian Technology Park
Kevin Norman Foster For service to the community through the Scouting and Masonic movements
Joanne Kylie Fox For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Heath Wesley Francis For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Catherine Astrid Salome Freeman For service to sport, particularly athletics
Margaret Cameron Freemantle For service to the welfare of children and families, through the organisation of local support services and the administration of family day care programmes in the Hamilton area
Alan James Frost For service to education, particularly as a teacher at St Paul's School
Gordon Barrington Fry For service to youth, particularly through the Scouting movement
Mirko Furjanic For service to the Croatian community, particularly through the Australian-Croatian Club in Glenorchy and the Croatian Soccer Association of Australia
Christopher John Fydler For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Lieutenant Colonel Rodney Charles Gabriel MBE For service to the welfare of veterans through the Gull Force Association and the 6th Battalion Association, and to the people of Ambon
Dr John Paul Gallagher For service to medicine, to the community, particularly in the areas of social welfare and aged care, and to people with disabilities
Rex Albert Gardam For service to the community, particularly through the Burnie Agricultural and Pastoral Society's Animal Nursery
Maurice John Garment For service to the community, particularly through the Western Group of Show Societies and the Evans Shire Bush Fire Brigade
Ronald Gaw For service to youth in Mackay, particularly through the Kalyan Youth Service
Iris Irene Gerard For service to the community of Townsville through Meals on Wheels
James Hugh Gibson For service to the community of Mount Eliza, and to overseas aid
Marilyn Kay Gilbertson For service to education, particularly through the Australian Primary Principals Association
Judith Maree Gittoes For service to the aged in the Tweed Heads area, particularly through Meals on Wheels
The Reverend Father Paul Aloysius Glynn For service to the Catholic Church, and to furthering Australia-Japan relations
Maxine Anne Goulding For service to the community, particularly through the provision of professional public relations expertise for volunteer organisations
Kenneth Leslie Graham For service to rowing, particularly through the Sydney Rowing Club
Matthew Douglas Gray For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Nancy Gray For service to the communities of Borambil and Quirindi, particularly in the fields of local and family history
Isabella Frances Green For service to people with disabilities through the Riding for the Disabled Association of Victoria
Judith-Lee Alice Green For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Colin Laurence Grey For service to the community, particularly through the B-24 Liberator Memorial Restoration Fund Inc
Adrian Paul Grogan For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Bridgette Marie Gusterson For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Grant Hackett For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Norbert Hagel For service to veterans and their families, particularly through the ACT Advocacy and Advice Service and the Far North Queensland TPI Association
David Robert Hall For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games
John Murray Hall For service to youth, particularly through the Brisbane Anglican Church Grammar School, and to the community
Simone Lorraine Hankin For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Pamela Joy Hanna For service to youth in the Lugarno and Peakhurst areas
Brendan Percival Hansen For service to the community of Maryborough, particularly through the Maryborough and District Housing Action group and the Scouting movement
Darren Harry For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Arthur Herbert Hawkins For service to youth, particularly through the Scouting movement, and to the community through dog obedience training
Heather Margaret Haynes For service to the community of the Gold Coast, particularly as a fundraiser for charities
Theresa Lindsay Hayward For service to the community, particularly as a social worker in the care of children and their families, and as an advocate for their needs and rights
Reginald John Heading For service to the community, particularly through the Whyalla Show Society, service organisations and sporting clubs
Dr Herbert Paul Henningham For service to the community, particularly through Rotary International
Julie Elizabeth Higgins For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Yvette Oonna Higgins For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Marlene June Hobbs For service to the communities of Doveton and Hallam, particularly through service and welfare organisations
Kate Jon-Marie Hooper For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Cletus Maria Hooper For service to the community through social welfare and counselling activities, particularly at Catherine House in Adelaide
Alan Murray Horsburgh For service to horse racing in Victoria, and to the community through charitable, educational and sporting groups
Joyce Mary Hossack For service to the aged, particularly the development of health care standards in residential hostels, and to veterans
Nicole Elaine Hudson For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Desmond Barry Robert Hurst For service to the community of Moree, particularly through the New South Wales State Emergency Service
Rachel Anne Imison For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Margaret Joan Jack For service to the preservation of local history, particularly through the Bendigo Dragon Museum, and to the community
Royce Alwyn Jackson For service to surf lifesaving, particularly in Newcastle
Neville Menzies Jackson For service to the community of Rochester, and to veterans, particularly through the Returned and Services League of Australia
Patricia Willis Jaffe For service to the community, particularly through the Victorian Division of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award and Relationships Australia
Bernice Elizabeth Jensen For service to the community of the Hunter Valley, particularly through the John Hunter Hospital Kookaburra Carers Auxiliary
Gweneth Daphne Johnson For service to recreational activities, particularly contract bridge as a teacher and promoter of the game
Angus George Johnson For service to the environment, particularly through Men of the Trees in the areas of seed collection and propagation for revegetation projects
Marjorie Johnstone For service to people with motor neurone disease and other neurological disorders, particularly as a fundraiser for the Brain Foundation (WA) Ltd
June Beryl Jones For service to the community of Moreton Island, particularly through the provision of first aid services
Benjamin Boaz Joyner For service to the communities of the Gold Coast, particularly through service and community support organisations, and to children as a toymaker
Lydia Dora Kalleske For service to the Aboriginal community of Areyonga
Hannelore Kaltenbach For service to children and adults with disabilities, particularly through the Warrah School at Dural
John Matthew Kearney For service to the Lake Macquarie and Newcastle areas, particularly through Meals on Wheels and the Society of St Vincent de Paul and for appearances as Santa Claus
The Reverend Father Edward Philip Kennedy For service to the Aboriginal community of Redfern, particularly through the provision of housing and medical services
Ian John Kennett For service to the welfare of veterans and their families, particularly through the Returned and Services League of Australia, and to the community
Patrick Mortimer Kerrins For service to the community of Tatura, particularly through sporting clubs and associations
Thomas Jack King For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Shirley King For service to the community, particularly through Zonta International and the Australian Association of Lyceum Clubs
William Ashley Kirby For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Michael George Klim For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Daniel Steven Kowalski For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Paul John Lake For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Emmie Law For service to the community as a teacher of highland dancing and pipe music, and to the Central Gippsland Highland Dancers and the Central Gippsland Pipe Band
David W Lawler For service to surf lifesaving and amateur swimming, and to the Australian credit union movement
Andrew Graham Lawson For service to the Aboriginal communities of the Western Desert
Mark Le Flohic For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Claire Theresa Leahy For service to the community, particularly through The Therry Dramatic Society and The Music Hall Show
Neville Charles Lee For service to the community, particularly in Camberwell, through local government, the Scouting movement and Rotary International
Sister Mary Clement Lennox For service to the community of Mudgee, and to the Catholic education system
Lynette Lepore For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Maurice Lilienthal For service to sport, particularly through the New South Wales Country Cricket Association
Dr John Charles Lill For service to sport administration through the Melbourne Cricket Club and the Melbourne Cricket Ground, and to youth through The Lord's Taverners Australia
Jeanne Little For service to the community as a fundraiser for charitable and medical research organisations, and to the entertainment industry
David Llewellyn Lloyd For service to education, particularly through advocacy, the promotion and implementation of community involvement in schools, and in the area of school-based management
Sophie Sandra Lovell For service to the community of Belgrave and district, particularly through social support, aged care, women's and youth groups
Julianna Lowy For service to the Jewish community, and to the support of charitable organisations
Esme Jean Luck For service to the community of Mount Barker and district, particularly in the area of aged welfare
Albert Peter Luks For service to the Latvian community, particularly through the Latvian Relief Society 'Daugavas Vanagi'
Peggy Hilda May Maple For service to the community, particularly through the Glen Waverley Secondary College Library
Peter David Marshman For service to the community, particularly as the founder of Youth Opportunities Association SA Inc
Graeme Martin For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Wallace Mausolf For service to the community, particularly through the Noarlunga Primary School and the Anglican Church
Browyn Lee Mayer For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Margaret Ruth McCarthy For service to international relations and overseas aid through Care Australia
William David McClintock For service to education, particularly in the western regions of Queensland, through the provision of support and professional guidance
Melva Florence McDonald For service to the communities of Rooty Hill and Mt Druitt, particularly through charitable organisations
Captain Ralph John Francis McDonell For service to the preservation of Australia's maritime history, particularly through the restoration of historic vessels and as an author
Thomas Maxwell McGee For service to veterans and their families, particularly through the Greenbank RSL Services Club
Scott Anthony McGrory For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Cecily Ruth McGuire For service to the community of Manjimup, particularly through aged welfare, health and sporting organisations
Lisa McIntosh For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
The Honourable Fred Evan McKenzie For service to the community in the Belmont area, particularly through support for aged care and charitable organisations
Gwen Barton McWilliam For service to the community of Hawthorn and district, particularly through the research, documentation and publication of its history
Brian Victor Menzel For service to the community of Hahndorf, particularly in the construction and maintenance of public sporting and civic facilities
Barbara Elizabeth Mettam For service to music education as a teacher and administrator
Gail Louise Miller For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Natalie Rona Miller For service to the Australian film industry, particularly the production, distribution and exhibition of quality film
Melissa Ann Mills For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Paul Graham Frederick Mitchell For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Claire Mitchell-Taverner For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Tania Modra For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Doris Eva Mohl For service to the community through the Citizens' Advice Bureau and the University of the Third Age, and to the arts
Luciano Renaldo Molina For service to the restaurant industry in Melbourne, and to motor sports
Gwendoline Agnes Moloney For service to the community of Thursday Island, particularly as the Editor of The Torres News
Dorothy May Moore For service to the community, particularly through the Australian Capital Territory Branch of the National Trust
Michael Morahan For service to the community through the preservation and recording of Australia's railway heritage
John William Moran For service to the furniture industry, particularly in the areas of manufacturing and training, and to the community
Robert Charles Morell For service to rowing, particularly in the development of masters' rowing as a coach and administrator
Jack Victor Mudie For service to furthering relations between Australia and Japan through the development of the Prisoner of War Memorial and Peace Park at Naoetsu
Lyn Nixon For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Anthony Gerard Nolan For service to the communities of Lane Cove and Willoughby, particularly through the promotion of community safety and crime prevention
Gwendolyn Frances Norris For service to the community, particularly through the organisation and teaching of square dancing in the Kempsey and Nambucca areas
Colin Percival Nowlan For service to the community of Wallsend and district through ex-Service, charitable and sporting groups
Reginald Frederick Nutley For service to the welfare of the aged through the Blue Nursing Service Wynnum Centre, and to the community
Sandra Yvonne O'Brien For service to nursing, particularly in the areas of health planning and policy in rural areas, and as the administrator of the Port Macquarie Base Hospital
Alwyn Francis O'Connor For service to the trade union movement, particularly through the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, and to the community
Robert Thomas O'Hearn For service to the community, particularly veterans and their families in the Newcastle area
Heather Mary O'Malley For service to the welfare of children, particularly as a foster parent
Neville David O'Malley For service to the welfare of children, particularly as a foster parent
Maxwell Arthur Oakley For service to veterans and their families, particularly through the Lindisfarne Sub-Branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia
Norman Leslie Opie For service to youth through the Scouting movement, and to the community
Dr Desmond Thomas Parker For service to education, particularly as the founding Principal of St Paul's Anglican Grammar School at Warragul, and as an educational administrator
Sarnya Marie Parker For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Russell John Parsons For service to youth, particularly as a coach of sporting teams, and to the community of Ouyen
Roslyn Marie Paterson For service to the Cornish community of South Australia
Siobhan Bethany Paton For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Russell Gordon Payne For service to youth, particularly through the Scouting movement
Todd Robert Pearson For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Alison Louise Peek For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Stephen Andrew Pemberton For service to the community of Great Lakes
Phyllis Marion Pepper For service to the community, particularly through the Gosnells Community Support Service and the Addie Mills Senior Citizens' Centre
George Henry John Phillips For service to the community of the Australian Capital Territory through sporting, church and ex-Service groups
Raymond Kingsley Phippard For service to the community, particularly the support of medical research through Lions International
Stewart Alan Pike For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Adam Robert Pine For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Peter John Plumridge For service to the communities of Pascoe Vale and Coburg, particularly through local government, aged care and service organisations
Lynette Ellen Polson For service to people with hearing impairments, particularly Meniere's disease, and the promotion of the Lions Hearing Dogs programme
Daniel Luke Polson For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Joan Lawson Pope For service to the development of creative arts for children, and to the community
Kerri-Ann Pottharst For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Maria Victusya Prerauer For service to cultural life as an arts editor and music critic, and to journalism
Elizabeth Jann Preston For service in support of the administration of the Australian Consulate-General in Honolulu, Hawaii, and to the organisation of annual ANZAC Day ceremonies
Strathmore George Proudman For service to the preservation of the craft of stonemasonry, particularly through training courses, and to the restoration and preservation of significant heritage buildings
Glen Richard Quantrelle For service to the community, particularly through the Child and Family Care Network and Rotary International, and to the Church of Christ
Colonel Donald McInnes Ramsay For service to youth, particularly through the Commonwealth Day Council, and to international relations through the Australian Papua New Guinea Friendship Association and the Battle for Australia Commemoration Committee
Reginald Cecil Randall For service to the community of Tocumwal, and to Lions International
John Stanley Read For service to the welfare of the aged in Lake Macquarie, particularly through the establishment of retirement villages
John Willard Reddin For service to primary industry, particularly through the Royal Agricultural and Horticultural Society of South Australia as an archivist and historian, and to the potato and sheep industries
Brett Michael Reid For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Maxwell Andrew Reynolds For service to veterans and their families, particularly in the Melville area, and to hockey
Kenneth George Richards For service to the community, particularly through the Ipswich Branch of the Queensland Cancer Fund
Patricia Gwendoline Richards For service to youth, particularly through the Scouting movement
Coralie Freda Riordan For service to the community of Camden through aged care, historical and service groups
Noel Robins For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Dale Hartley Robins For service to youth, particularly through the Scouting movement
Florence Elizabeth Robinson For service to people with disabilities in Bendigo, particularly through the Peter Harcourt Services Association
Charles Leslie Robinson For service to people with physical disabilities, particularly through the establishment of training and job placement facilities in the Parramatta region
Stefan Romaniw For service to education and language learning, particularly through the coordination and provision of services for people from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds
Myer Rosenblum For service to sport, particularly Rugby Union football, hammer throwing and the Maccabi movement, and to the community
Iris Mary Roser For service to veterans and their families, particularly through the Coolum Peregian Sub-Branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia, and to the community through the Salvation Army
Doreen Anne Ross For service to the community, particularly through the Schofields Bush Fire Brigade
Austin Timothy Ryan For service to the rural cropping industry as an inventor of crop farming equipment and through the introduction of innovative growing methods
Frederick Alan Sandell For service to the community, particularly through the No 8 Elementary Flying Training School Association
Dr Donald Peter Andrew Sands For service to the horticultural industry in Australia and the Pacific region through the development of biological pest control solutions, and to entomology, particularly through conservation projects
James Kevin Saul For service to the fishing industry in New South Wales, and to the community
Yvonne Audrey Selby For service to the community, particularly through the Charlestown Caring Group
Dr Charles Athol Brough Sharpe For service to medicine, particularly through the Nepal Plastic Surgery Programme
Brian William Sharpe For service to the community of Gerringong, particularly to the aged through the Mayflower Retirement Village
Margaret Clare Sharpe For service to the people of Nepal through the Nepal Plastic Surgery Programme
Joyce Gwendoline Shepherd For service to the community, particularly through the Australian Red Cross and the Country Women's Association
Lionel James Shipway For service to sailing, particularly through promotion of the Sabot Class and the instruction of juniors, and to junior Rugby Union football
Lorraine Nell Short For service to swimming, particularly through the Queensland Swimming Association and the Commercial Swimming Club
Ian McHutchison Sim For service to community history, particularly the preservation and recording of Aboriginal rock art and engraving sites in New South Wales, and to recording material in Yuwaalayaay and other languages
The Honourable David William Simmons For service to the Australian Parliament, and to the community of the Hunter region
Angela Robyn Skirving For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Murray Wilfred Slee For service to local government, and to the community of Shepparton
Barrie Chapman Smith For service to youth through the Scouting movement, and to the community
Gregory Stephen Smith For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Jessie Smith For service to the community through Friends of the Royal Perth Hospital
William Percival Smith For service to veterans and their families, particularly through the Woden Valley Sub-Branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia, and to the community
Margery Edith Smyth For service to the community, particularly through the National Council of Women of Australia, and to the welfare of the aged, war and defence widows and their children
Neil Cameron Soullier For service to the community, particularly as a fundraiser for the Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation
Andrew Peter Sourry For service to conservation and the environment, particularly as an advocate for establishing and maintaining national parks and nature reserves in the Gosford area
Sylvia Isabel Soutter For service to the community, particularly through the Mildura and District Ex-Servicewomen's Association
Bryan James Sowersby For service to veterans and their families through the 29/46 Australian Infantry Battalion
Henry John Spiers For service to primary industry, particularly through the South Australian Farmers Federation, and to the community of Hawker and district
Clare Victor Stevens For service to the communities of Ganmain and Coolamon, particularly through health, volunteer bushfire service and sporting groups
Juris Stilbe For service to youth, particularly through Tuggerah Lakes Blue Light
Caroline Amelda Stilbe For service to youth, particularly through Tuggerah Lakes Blue Light
Bermar Sellars Stillwell For service to the motor and aviation industries, to motor sports, and to the community
Jack Alfred Stirling For service to the community, particularly through the Abbeyfield Society and service organisations
Kay Stone For service to the community of Lismore, particularly through Summerland House With No Steps
Belinda Josephine Stowell For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Timothy Francis Sullivan For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Kevin William Swan For service to primary industry, particularly through the Grain Pool of Western Australia
Henri Szeps For service to the arts, and to the community through the Australia Day Council and the National Centre for Childhood Grief
Oksana Lubov Tarnawska For service to the Ukrainian community, particularly through the Ukrainian Catholic Council in Australia, the Ukrainian Scouting group - PLAST, and as musical director of the Ukrainian Cathedral Youth Choir
John Robert Templeton For service to Australian Rules football, particularly in rural Victoria
Edward Vincent Terry For service to the community, particularly through the 'Yarns' community artwork project, and to agricultural organisations
Sister Julie Margaret Mary Thomas For service to the community, particularly as the founder of the Australian Leukodystrophy Support Group Inc
Ian James Thorpe For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Olive Jean Tindale For service to the community of Hay through ex-Service, social welfare and charitable organisations
Stuart Brian Tinney For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Dr John Storrs Howard Tooth For service to the welfare of the aged, particularly people with dementia
Anne Chana Topelberg For service to youth through The Queen's Trust for Young Australians (WA), and to the community
Julie Towers For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Linda Ellen Townsend For service to the community, particularly ex-Service personnel through the Toukley RSL Women's Auxiliary
Geoffrey Douglas Trappett For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Jean Mary Trethewey, RFD For service to nursing, particularly through the Royal Hobart Hospital, and to the community
Chaplain Eric John Trezise For service to the community in the areas of suicide prevention and grief counselling
Eric Leslie Trimper For service to horticulture and floriculture, particularly as the Head Gardener of Ashford Community Hospital and through the National Rose Society of Australia
Mark David Turnbull For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Janina Vabolis For service to the Lithuanian community
Dr Reuben John van Velsen For service to horticultural industries, particularly in the areas of plant health management, research and development, and quarantine practices
Olga Alma Vidler For service to the community, particularly through the Fingal Head Progress Association
Joseph Damian Wakim For service to the Arab community and to multiculturalism, particularly through the Australian Arabic Council, and to youth
John Bieler Waldegrave For service to the community, particularly through health administration in the Hornsby and Ku-ring-gai areas
Dawn Wallace For service to the arts, particularly through the Friends of the State Opera of South Australia, and to the community
Paul Francis Walsh For service to the community through the promotion of reconciliation, social justice and welfare in the Newcastle and Hunter regions, particularly through the Novocastrian Tales project and Yallarwah Place
Ronald Fowler Warland For service to the foundry industry, particularly in New South Wales
Joyce Dorothy Warren For service to the arts, particularly in the Australian Capital Territory
Dr Judith Ann Wassell For service to medicine, particularly in the area of women's health in the Gold Coast area through Family Planning Queensland, and to the community
Julia Ann Waterfield For service to the community, particularly as a volunteer for the activities of Rotary International
William Allan Waterfield For service to the community, particularly through Rotary International
Deborah Kathleen Watson For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Thomas Simon Watters For service to the community of Gordonvale and district, and to the sugar cane industry, particularly through the implementation of farming practices sensitive to the environment
Graham William Wearn For service to local government, and to the community of the Northern Yorke Peninsula
Elizabeth Jane Weekes For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Eva Marianna Weinberger For service to the Jewish community, particularly through promoting awareness of Holocaust issues
Judith Ann Wentzel For service to music and to young performers through the Sydney North Youth Orchestra, the Jazz Ensemble and the Woodwind Ensemble
Ross Elton Westley For service to youth and to the community, particularly through Lions International
Leslie Weston For service to the community of Tarcutta, particularly through ex-Service and sporting groups
Leon James White For service to indigenous education, particularly through the Yirrakala Homelands School and as a mentor to indigenous educators
Keith Whitsed For service to the community of Corryong through local government, and through campdrafting, aged care and youth organisations
Samuel Thomas Whyte For service to ex-Service personnel and their families through the New South Wales Branch of the HMAS Warramunga Veterans Association
Doris Isabel Wilkinson For service to the community, particularly through the recording of the history of the Upper Clarence River region
Colwyn Benjamin Williams For service to the community, particularly through the Returned and Services League of Australia
Athol Francis Willoughby For service to dance as a teacher of classical ballet and through the Cecchetti Society
Carol Anne Wilson For service to education, and to the Aboriginal communities of Malabugilmah and Baryulgil as an advocate for improved facilities
Stephen Raymond Wilson For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Paralympic Games Sydney 2000
Clarence Leo Wilson For service to veterans and their families through the Queensland Ex-Prisoners of War Association
Kathleen Eleanor Wood For service to the development of school and community choirs
Danielle Woodhouse For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Mary Elizabeth Woods For service to conservation and the environment, particularly through Landcare
Taryn Nadine Woods For service to sport as a gold medallist at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games
Carol Edna Youdan For service to the community through the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Raymond Young For service to the community of Rockhampton through sporting, youth and service organisations
Maxwell Ian Zell For service to primary industry, particularly in the development of modern agricultural practices, to local government through the Gilgandra Shire Council, and to the community

Military Division

Branch Recipient Citation Notes
Navy Warrant Officer Susan Ann Smith For meritorious service to the Royal Australian Navy in the field of Sea Training [1]
Army Major William Adam Bryden For meritorious service to the Australian Defence Force in the field of Special Operations
Warrant Officer Class One Walter John Gilbert For meritorious service to the Australian Army as the Company Sergeant Major, Bravo Company, 1st Combat Service Support Battalion, and Regimental Sergeant Major, 4th Brigade Administrative Support Battalion
Captain Bruce William Holmes For meritorious service to the Australian Defence Force as the Regimental Sergeant Major, Bravo Company, 7th Combat Service Support Battalion and Joint Logistical Unit — North
Warrant Officer Class Two Robert John Knox For meritorious service to the Australian Army Reserve and the North West Mobile Force as the Squadron Sergeant Major of Kimberley Squadron
Warrant Officer Class One Graeme Vincent Lakey For meritorious service to the Australian Army as the Regimental Sergeant Major, 1st Field Regiment, and Group Sergeant Major for Operation BEL ISS, Bougainville
Sergeant Leo Leppens For meritorious service to the Australian Army, particularly during Operation Solace in Somalia, Operation Mazurka in the Sinai and Operation Stabilise in East Timor
Air Force Warrant Officer Wayne Barrie Patch For meritorious service to the Royal Australian Air Force in the field of aviation maintenance and logistics


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Australia Day 2001 Honours". Commonwealth of Australia Gazette. Special (National : 1977 - 2012). 26 January 2001. p. 1. Retrieved 6 October 2019.
  2. ^ "Announcing and presenting awards". Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Retrieved 12 October 2019.
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