Personal description
I was born in "The Victory", Albany Street public house, where my father was licencee, on 29 May 1927. I was educated ar Walter St John' s School and at the Kingston Technical college (later the University of Kingston).
I am a retired engineer, having spent 38 years in aircraft Manufacture, design, & approval. I also worked for the government in nuclear control & regulation (16 years}. I was born in London England, but have lived in Canada for much of my life. My language is, unfortunately, only English and very limited French. However I am familiar with computer languages including Fortran, Basic & Visual Basic, IBM assembly Language and HTML.
I have many interests, and consider myself well up in the Aviation Field (Having worked at Hawker Aircraft, Canadair, Saunder-Roe, & Canadian DoT-Airworthiness); Radioactive material; Military history & heraldry; Musical theatre & cinema; and Computing (having been associated with computer use & programming since 1960). In the 23 years of my retirement, I have spent much of my time on computers, and have been active on Wikipedia since August 2005.
During the course of my 87 years I have seen over 250 Musical shows & Films, together with at least 1200 other movies & theatrical performances. My hobby is the collection of books on uniforms, badges, flags, insignia & Military History, also British aircraft. I am still fairly active both physically & mentally.
Submission subjects
I have submitted edits on
- Aircraft designed in Canada & the UK
- Military history & heraldry
- Musicals and British films
- London
- Montreal & Ottawa
- Actors & Singers
- Composers, Light music & songs
I have over 1800 books on these & military subjects.
A partial list of those referring to Aircraft and Entertainment can be seen by clicking here
a list of pages that I have originated can be seen by clicking here
In these and in other areas where I have knowledge, I will submit edits, where there is either an empty link or a important lack of entry.
My first page was written in September 2005, but I have only made about 750 edits of which 140 were original pages.
I will not, however, make edits on points of style or questionable grammar, as I believe that the English language has few 'hard and fast' rules.
I will not change US/UK spelling. As my own spelling is far from good and since living in Canada I have used both,
External Link
For anyone interested in my life, I have an internet URL at [1]
It contains a complete biography, and life in London in the 1930s as experienced by a young boy
Please note these take some time to load as it is in Acrobat format.
Don Joseph