1P-LSD (1-propanoyl-lysergic acid diethylamide) is a psychedelic drug of the lysergamide class that is a derivative and functional analogue of LSD and a homologue of ALD-52. It originated in 2015 when it appeared a designer drug sold online.[1] It was first synthesized as a legal-LSD alternative by Lizard Labs, a Netherlands based research chemical laboratory.[2][3][4][5][6][7] It modifies the LSD molecule by adding a propionyl group to the nitrogen atom of LSD's indole group.[8][9]
Like ALD-52, 1P-LSD is believed to act as a prodrug for LSD via hydrolysis of the propionyl group. When 1P-LSD is incubated in human serum,[10] administered intravenously to rats,[11] or administered either orally or intravenously to human subjects,[12] high levels of LSD and relatively low levels of 1P-LSD are quickly detected, demonstrating that 1P-LSD is rapidly hydrolyzed into LSD in vivo following ingestion. Indeed, following intravenous administration in humans 1P-LSD is detectable in serum for no longer than 4 hours, after which it is completely converted to LSD.[12] These findings are supported by the similar duration and behavioral effects of 1P-LSD and LSD in both animal and human experiments.[10][12]
The subjective effects of 1P-LSD are not well defined in the scientific literature, although they are generally thought to be comparable to that of LSD.[13] In a 2020 study, the qualitative effects of 1P-LSD and LSD were similar when measured using visual analog scales.
Legal status
As of 2015, 1P-LSD is unscheduled in the United States and Canada, but may be considered illegal if sold or used for human consumption as a structural analog of LSD under the Federal Analogue Act in the US.[10] 1P-LSD is a prohibited or controlled substance in Australia, France,[14] Finland,[15] Denmark,[16] Germany,[17] Estonia,[18] Japan,[19] Latvia,[20] Norway,[21] Romania,[22] Sweden,[23] Switzerland,[24] United Kingdom,[25] Italy,[26] Singapore,[27] the Czech Republic,[28] and Croatia.[29] 1P-LSD has been illegal in Russia since 2017 as an LSD derivative.[30]
See also
- 1cP-LSD
- 1B-LSD
- 1D-LSD
- 1V-LSD
- ALD-52
- 1cP-AL-LAD
- LSM-775
- O-Acetylpsilocin (4-AcO-DMT)
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