A noisemaker is something intended to make a loud noise, usually for fun. Instruments or devices commonly considered "noisemakers" include:
- pea whistles
- air horns, composed of a pressurized air source coupled to a horn, designed to create an extremely loud noise
- fireworks, such as firecrackers, bottle rockets, bang snaps and others
- party horns, paper tubes often flattened and rolled into a coil, which unrolls when blown into, producing a horn-like noise
- ratchets, orchestral musical instruments played by percussionists. See also derkach and rapach.
- sirens
- vuvuzelas, plastic horns that produce a loud monotone note
- the head joint of recorders
- couesnophones
- Groan Tubes
- moo boxes
- whirly tubes
- firecrackers
Noisemakers are popular with children as toy musical instruments. They can be perfectly included in loud rhythm bands and in the music education for young children.
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