Hello, my name is Carla Verónica Arancibia Suazo and I belong to Wikipedia (in English) since November 3rd, 2012.
I live in Angol, in the Novena Región of the Araucanía in the south of Chile. In my life I have also lived in Iquique, Santiago (when I was born in August 12th, 1991) and La Serena. My family is currently my mother (who's an English teacher), my brother and I. My father passed away in 2010 after being sick for 7 months, because of an aneurism.
My interests are basically music, books, movies and tv shows of almost any genre. These are some of my favourites.
Main Contributions
Pages created and uploaded images
To-Do List
Future page creations, mainly music stuff and translations from the Spanish Wikipedia: