Greetings to you readers . It might be my first time writing here on Wikipedia but I have motivations and questions to be discussed . Albert Einstein once said " Everybody is a genius " but if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid ...
Let us talk , be in nature with reality . I mean , straight life proven facts about this modern life that we are living. Forgive me if I'm being offensive . It is my greatest pleasure to start by saying " Are we really living or are we really leaving this planet earth?". Rhetorical . I may even write a book , novel ,or any book type just to talk about life .
People why do we live our lives in lie ? The majority of this planet Earth is living a lie. Maybe 80% living a lie but only 20% living a true life . Yes I know that I may sound somehow stupid but it is the truth . Tell me am I lying ? Absolutely not .
The world is coming to an end because we are all fooling our inner selves . Just be fair... Are you really happy with this life of today or do we still need to change ,maybe create a little difference to shake the foundations ? " Only a fish can't break the limits because it does not have legs to walk , hands to create , mind to imagine but we humans have all of that . Only we , who can break the limits . It is up to us on reducing the substandard but increasing victorious abilities because I believe that a human being can do better than the power of the human imagination .
Thanks for your time on reading this text but believe me YOU can change the world , nobody else can but only you who can .