The September 2018 NYC WikiWednesday Salon and Skillshare with the Wikimedia NYC community was held Wednesday, September 26, 2018, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm at Babycastles, a co-working space and gallery located near 14th Street / Union Square in Manhattan.

This was also Wikimedia NYC's Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2018, including the election of members for our Board of Directors.


  • Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2018
  • Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
  • Food: pizza (have another suggestion? let us know!)


Add an item to the agenda!

  • Welcome and introductions
  • Recent Events
  • Upcoming Events
  • President's Report
  • Annual Election
  • Individual community feedback: Indiggo for Vyeh

2018 Annual Board of Directors Election

Only Wikimedia NYC members are eligible to vote in the annual election. Not a member? Please join!

Candidates for WMNYC Board

Add your name if you'd like to be a candidate!

Election results

Ann M., user:Mozucat, served as election officer. Election details explained at event. Voting was conducted by printed anonymous ballot, in person at the election.

Pete Hess, user:Becksguy, provided paper ballots with pre-printed list of candidates as listed above, and write-in slots. Dues-paying members of Wikimedia NYC were invited to take a ballot. There was an opportunity for those present to pay $5 to become a member. Immediately before the election there was a call for anyone present to nominate themselves as a candidate. No one did this. All candidates were invited to give 2-minute statements. One candidates was not physically present BlaueBlüte, and provided a statement to be read by a proxy. There was a call for questions or comments. After this, the voting began. When everyone had voted I collected the ballots and counted the votes. All votes came from members in attendance and there were no proxy votes. [# needed from attendance sheet] people were present. 25 votes were submitted and valid. The candidates with the most votes were as follows:

  1. Megs (talk)
  2. Becksguy (talk)
  3. kosboot (talk)
  4. Pharos (talk)
  5. DrX (talk)
  6. DGG ( talk )
  7. BlaueBlüte (talk)
  8. Emjackson42 (talk)
  9. Vizzylane
  10. Heathart
  11. Rhododendrites talk
  12. FULBERT (talk)

Election results were announced at 20:50. These 12 candidates are now board officers of Wikimedia NYC serving a one-year term. There were no objections raised to the election process or to the outcome of the election at the event. 7 of these board members are incumbents, 5 are new. Thanks to the candidates for volunteering to serve on the board and thanks to everyone who voted.--Mozucat (talk) 04:00, 27 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]

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