Wikipedia guideline
WP:HYPHEN, sub-subsection 3, point 8 (version of 16:19, 9 June 2012)
- A hyphen is not used after a standard -ly adverb (a newly available home, a wholly owned subsidiary) unless part of a larger compound (a slowly-but-surely strategy). A few words ending in -ly function as both adjectives and adverbs (a kindly-looking teacher; a kindly provided facility). Some such dual-purpose words (like early, only, northerly) are not standard -ly adverbs, since they are not formed by addition of -ly to an independent current-English adjective. These need careful treatment: Early flowering plants appeared around 130 million years ago, but Early-flowering plants risk damage from winter frosts; northerly-situated islands.
Hyphen#Compound modifiers (version of 09:58, 21 August 2012), paragraph 3
- In the 19th century, it was common to hyphenate adverb–adjective modifiers with the adverb ending in -ly. However, this has become rare. For example, wholly owned subsidiary and quickly moving vehicle are unambiguous, because the adverbs clearly modify the adjectives: "quickly" cannot modify "vehicle". However, if an adverb can also function as an adjective, then a hyphen may be or should be used for clarity, depending on the style guide.[1] For example, the phrase more-important reasons ("reasons that are more important") is distinguished from more important reasons ("additional important reasons"), where more is an adjective. Similarly, more-beautiful scenery (with a mass-noun) is distinct from more beautiful scenery. (In contrast, the hyphen in "a more-important reason/a more important reason" is not necessary.) The hyphen in little-celebrated paintings clarifies that one is not speaking of little paintings.
Exceptions made
Ukraine#Transportation (version of 19:16, 19 July 2013), paragraph 4 of 5
- Other large airports in the country include those in Kharkiv, Lviv and Donetsk (all of which have recently-constructed, modern terminals and aviation facilities), whilst those in Dnipropetrovsk and Odessa have plans for terminal upgrades in the near future.
The text in parentheses ("all of which have recently-constructed, modern terminals and aviation facilities") shows that "have" is a full verb and not an auxiliary verb used with the past participle "constructed".
Positions of consecutive adverbs
- Positions of consecutive adverbs are affected when an adverb ending in "ly" is modified by "as ... as ..." or one of these quantitative adverbs: "least", "less", "more", "most", "slightly", "quite", "rather", "somewhat", "very", "extremely". Quantifiable adverbs ending in "ly" are affected differently from other adverbs ending in "ly".
- Quantifiable adverbs ending in "ly" include the following: "closely", "nearly", "distantly"; "newly", "recently"; "heavily", lightly", "darkly"; "highly", "lowly"; "extremely", "greatly", "slightly"; "quickly", "rapidly", "slowly"; "loosely", "tightly"; "deeply"; "broadly", "narrowly", widely"; "coarsely", "finely"; "mainly", "principally"; "covertly", "openly", "overtly", "secretly"; "strongly", "weakly"; "poorly", "richly"; "brightly"; "sharply"; "thickly", "thinly".
- In the expression "more closely related" (used predicatively), "more" modifies "closely" and "more closely" modifies "related". In the expression "more widely known" (used predicatively), "more" modifies "widely" and "more widely" modifies "known".
- In the expression "more-closely related" (used attributively), "more" modifies "closely" and "more-closely" modifies "related". In the expression "more-widely known" (used attributively), "more" modifies "widely" and "more-widely" modifies "known". In each of these examples, the hyphen distinguishes an expression where "more" is an adverb modifying another adverb, from an expression where "more" is an adjective modifying a noun.
- In the expression "more closely related events", "more" is an adjective modifying the noun "events". In the expression "more widely known poets", "more" is an adjective modifying the noun "poets".
- In the expression "scientifically more accurate", "more" modifies "accurate" and "scientifically" modifies "more accurate". In the expression "financially more sustainable", "more" modifies "sustainable" and "financially" modifies "more sustainable".
Redirected links
Redirected to "Environmentally friendly"
- Environmentally friendlier, Environmentally friendliest, Environmentally least friendly, Environmentally less friendly, Environmentally more friendly, Environmentally most friendly
Two consecutive adverbs ending in "ly"
Words ending in "ly", as adjectives or adverbs
- wikt:half-hourly, wikt:hourly, wikt:daily, wikt:nightly, wikt:weekly, wikt:fortnightly, wikt:semi-monthly, wikt:monthly, wikt:quarterly, wikt:yearly
- wikt:easterly, wikt:northerly, wikt:southerly, wikt:westerly
- wikt:early, wikt:kindly, wikt:likely, wikt:only
Words not ending in "ly", as adjectives or adverbs
- wikt:least, wikt:less, wikt:little, wikt:much, wikt:more, wikt:most
- wikt:eastward, wikt:northward, wikt:southward, wikt:westward
- wikt:backward, wikt:forward, wikt:downward, wikt:upward (, wikt:inward, wikt:outward
- wikt:homeward, wikt:onward, wikt:heavenward, wikt:skyward, wikt:earthward, wikt:seaward, wikt:leeward, wikt:windward
Words as verbs or as nouns
[adverb][space] or [adjective][hyphen] with: minded, named, shaped, forked, sized, colo(u)red, tinted, rooted, charged, dated, banked, spaced, themed, ranked, based, proportioned, domed, stressed, titled, styled, windowed, weighted, pitched, tilted, aged, planked, walled, bonded, focused, coiled, patterned, scented, numbered, grained, pigmented, pointed, paced, powered, valued, laced, spined
- rooted
- colored
- coloured
- tinted
- sized
- minded
- named
- shaped
- charged
- forked
- dated
- banked
- spaced
- themed
- ranked
- based
- proportioned
- domed
- stressed
- titled
- styled
- windowed
- weighted
- pitched
- tilted
- aged
- planked
- walled
- bonded
- focused
- coiled
- patterned
- scented
- numbered
- grained
- pigmented
- pointed
- paced
- powered
- valued
- laced
- spined
Words without "(e)d"
Wiktionary entries
- wikt:bright-eyed
- wikt:clean-cut, wikt:clean-handed, wikt:clean-limbed, wikt:clean-shaven, wikt:clean-timbered
- wikt:cleanshaven
- wikt:clear-eyed, wikt:clear-sighted
- wikt:clearheaded
- wikt:close-bodied, wikt:close-cropped, wikt:close-fitting, wikt:close-hauled, wikt:close-knit, wikt:close-serried
- wikt:closed-captioned, wikt:closed-cut valley
- wikt:closefisted
- wikt:dark-skinned
- wikt:deep-fried, wikt:deep-rooted, wikt:deep-seated
- wikt:dry-fisted, wikt:dry-shod
- wikt:dull-minded, wikt:dull-witted
- wikt:early-bound, wikt:early-type star
- wikt:fair-haired, wikt:fair-minded
- wikt:fast-paced
- wikt:fairheaded
- wikt:fine-toothed, wikt:fine-tune, wikt:fine-tuned universe
- wikt:fresh-faced
- wikt:full-blooded, wikt:full-blown, wikt:full-bodied, wikt:full-figured, wikt:full-fledged, wikt:full-grown, wikt:full-powered, wikt:full-throated
- wikt:hard-bitten, wikt:hard-boiled, wikt:hard-hitting, wikt:hard-mouthed, wikt:hard-nosed, wikt:hard-pressed, wikt:hard-working
- wikt:hardbacked, wikt:hardbound, wikt:hardcovered, wikt:hardheaded, wikt:hardhearted, wikt:hardnosed, wikt:hardpressed, wikt:hardwearing, wikt:hardworking
- wikt:heavy-footed, wikt:heavy-handed, wikt:heavy-hearted, wikt:heavy-tailed
- wikt:high-flown, wikt:high-handed, wikt:high-heeled, wikt:high-minded, wikt:high-pitched, wikt:high-powered, wikt:high-priced, wikt:high-ranking, wikt:high-sounding, wikt:high-spirited, wikt:high-strung, wikt:high-toned
- wikt:highborn
- wikt:ill-advised, wikt:ill-begotten, wikt:ill-boding, wikt:ill-bred, wikt:ill-conceived, wikt:ill-defined, wikt:ill-disposed, wikt:ill-famed, wikt:ill-fated, wikt:ill-favored, wikt:ill-gotten, wikt:ill-humored, wikt:ill-intentioned, wikt:ill-mannered, wikt:ill-natured, wikt:ill-omened, wikt:ill-prepared, wikt:ill-starred, wikt:ill-suited, wikt:ill-tempered, wikt:ill-thewed, wikt:ill-timed
- wikt:late-bound
- wikt:light-fingered, wikt:light-footed, wikt:light-handed, wikt:light-legged, wikt:light-minded
- wikt:lightfaced, wikt:lightheaded, wikt:lighthearted
- wikt:long lost, wikt:long off, wikt:long on
- wikt:longhaired, wikt:longheaded, wikt:longlasting, wikt:longlisted, wikt:longsleeved, wikt:longstanding, wikt:longtailed, wikt:longtime
- wikt:long-acting, wikt:long-acuminate, , wikt:long-awaited, wikt:long-drawn, wikt:long-drawn-out, wikt:long-eared owl, wikt:long-established, wikt:long-faced, wikt:long-fingered frog, wikt:long-haired, wikt:long-held, wikt:long-jawed spider, wikt:long-lasting, wikt:long-leafed, wikt:long-leaved, wikt:long-legged, wikt:long-legged buzzard, wikt:long-lived, wikt:long-lost, wikt:long-playing, wikt:long-running, wikt:long-sighted, wikt:long-spined bullhead, wikt:long-standing, wikt:long-suffering, wikt:long-tailed pangolin, wikt:long-tailed tit, wikt:long-winded
- wikt:loose-fitting
- wikt:low-born, wikt:low-lying, wikt:low-minded, wikt:low-pitched, wikt:low-priced, wikt:low-spirited, wikt:low-studded, wikt:low-thoughted
- wikt:new-fashioned
- wikt:newborn, wikt:newbuilt, wikt:newfangled
- wikt:newlywed, wikt:newlywedded
- wikt:old-fashioned
- wikt:oldfangled
- wikt:open box, wikt:open matte
- wikt:open-air, wikt:open-book, wikt:open-collar, wikt:open-ended, wikt:open-eyed, wikt:open-face, wikt:open-faced, wikt:open-handed, wikt:open-hearted, wikt:open-hearth, wikt:open-minded, wikt:open-mouthed, wikt:open-source
- wikt:opencast, wikt:openhanded, wikt:openhearted
- wikt:quick-frozen, wikt:quick-tempered, wikt:quick-witted
- wikt:right-angled, wikt:right-angled triangle, wikt:right-footed, wikt:right-handed, wikt:right-minded
- wikt:sharp-cornered, wikt:sharp-eyed, wikt:sharp-pointed, wikt:sharp-tongued, wikt:sharp-witted
- wikt:short handed, wikt:short stacked
- wikt:short-acting, wikt:short-handed, wikt:short-sighted, wikt:short-staffed, wikt:short-tailed fox, wikt:short-tailed hawk, wikt:short-tailed parrot, wikt:short-tempered, wikt:short-winded
- wikt:shorthanded, wikt:shortlisted
- wikt:slow-witted
- wikt:soft-boiled, wikt:soft-handed, wikt:soft-spoken
- wikt:softbound, wikt:softcovered, wikt:softheaded, wikt:softhearted, wikt:softspoken
- wikt:stiff-backed, wikt:stiff-hearted, wikt:stiff-necked, wikt:stiff-tailed duck
- wikt:straight-faced, wikt:straight-laced
- wikt:strong-minded
- wikt:tight-fisted, wikt:tight-fitting, wikt:tight-knit, wikt:tight-lipped
- wikt:thick-headed, wikt:thick-skinned, wikt:thick-skulled
- wikt:thickset, wikt:thickwitted
- wikt:thin-skinned
- wikt:weak-kneed
- wikt:well behaved, wikt:well done, wikt:well hung, wikt:well said
- wikt:wellborn, wikt:wellbeseen
- wikt:well-adjusted, wikt:well-advised, wikt:well-appointed, wikt:well-balanced, wikt:well-behaved, wikt:well-born, wikt:well-bred, wikt:well-built, wikt:well-connected, wikt:well-covered, wikt:well-defined, wikt:well-disposed, wikt:well-done, wikt:well-dressed, wikt:well-earned, wikt:well-endowed, wikt:well-favoured, wikt:well-fed, wikt:well-fixed, wikt:well-formed, wikt:well-formed formula, wikt:well-founded, wikt:well-groomed, wikt:well-grounded, wikt:well-heeled, wikt:well-hung, wikt:well-informed, wikt:well-intended, wikt:well-intentioned, wikt:well-kept, wikt:well-knit, wikt:well-known, wikt:well-liking, wikt:well-made, wikt:well-mannered, wikt:well-meaning, wikt:well-meant, wikt:well-nigh, wikt:well-ordered, wikt:well-padded, wikt:well-preserved, wikt:well-proportioned, wikt:well-read, wikt:well-rested, wikt:well-rounded, wikt:well-seen, wikt:well-spoken, wikt:well-thewed, wikt:well-thought-of, wikt:well-thumbed, wikt:well-timed, wikt:well-travelled, wikt:well-trodden, wikt:well-turned, wikt:well-worn
- wikt:wholehearted
- wikt:wide-eyed
- wikt:widebodied, wikt:widemouthed, wikt:widespread
- wikt:wild-eyed
- wikt:wrong-headed
- wikt:wrongheaded
User talk:Wavelength
- User talk:Wavelength/Archive 2#Hyphens - thanks for the ref (November 2008 and January 2009)
- User talk:Wavelength/Archive 2#Your questions about MOS and hyphens (December 2008 and September 2009)
- User talk:Wavelength/Archive 2#Hyphens (May 2009)
- User talk:Wavelength/Archive 2#Removing hyphens from Wikipedia namespace (June 2009)
- User talk:Wavelength/Archive 3#Thanks for fixing hyphen errors, and a suggestion (June 2010)
- User talk:Wavelength/Archive 3#Sparsely-spotted stingaree (September 2010)
- User talk:Wavelength/Archive 4#Emma Watson's Hyphen (November 2010)
- User talk:Wavelength/Archive 4#Removing hyphens after -ly adverbs (April 2011 and July 2012)
- User talk:Wavelength/Archive 4#A kitten for you! (May 2012)
User talk:Noetica
- User:Noetica/Archive4#Complications with ly (June and August 2009)
- User:Noetica/Archive4#Specific cases with ly (June and September 2009)
- User:Noetica/Archive6#Removing hyphens after -ly adverbs (April 2009)
- User:Noetica#Adverbs and hyphens (June and July 2012)
- User:Noetica#Adverbs and hyphens in Wiktionary (July 2012)
- User:Wavelength/Miscellaneous information/Noetica#Complications with ly (June and August 2009)
- User:Wavelength/Miscellaneous information/Noetica#Specific cases with ly (June and September 2009)
- User:Wavelength/Miscellaneous information/Noetica#Removing hyphens after -ly adverbs (April 2009)
- User:Wavelength/Miscellaneous information/Noetica#Adverbs and hyphens (June and July 2012)
- User:Wavelength/Miscellaneous information/Noetica#Adverbs and hyphens in Wiktionary (July 2012)
Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style
- Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style/Archive 30#Hyphens (October 2005)
- Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style/Archive 82#Matters still to be decided (June 2007)
- Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style/Archive 96#Hyphens (February 2008)
- Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style/Archive 105#Another new section under Punctuation (November and December 2008)
- Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style/Archive 106#Hyphens after -ly adverbs (rationalised section) (November 2008)
- Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style/Archive 107#The original problems (specific and general) (December 2008)
- Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style/Archive 108#Reuters has Handbook of Journalism that may be of interest (July 2009)
- Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style/Archive 109#adverb + hyphen + past participle (September 2009)
- Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style/Archive 117#Category names with hyphens misused after "ly" (September 2010)
- Wikipedia talk:Manual of Style/Archive 121#"A hyphen is not used after a standard -ly adverb" and a requested exception for articles on New Zealand (April 2011)
Wikipedia talk:AutoWikiBrowser/Typos
- Wikipedia talk:AutoWikiBrowser/Typos/Archive 3#Removing hyphens after -ly adverbs (April and May 2011)
- ^ a b "Hyphens", Punctuation, Grammar book.
These are some results of a search for adverbs hyphens at
- Hyphens (-) | Yahoo! Style Guide
- Guardian and Observer style guide: H | Info | The Guardian (Search for hyphens.)
- ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS, PUNCTUATION OF - National Geographic Style Manual
- HYPHEN - National Geographic Style Manual
- U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual - Chapter 6 - Compounding Rules (6.20)
- Punctuation - University of Oxford (search for when not to use a hyphen.)
- Hyphens, En Dashes, Em Dashes : I have a hyphenation question that I wasn’t able to resolve after reading CMOS or the …
- Hyphens (Search for When Not to Use a Hyphen.)
- Guardian and Observer style guide: A | Info | The Guardian (adverb)
- Garbl's Editorial Style Manual: H (hyphen)
- University of Louisville :: Editorial Styleguide :: H
- IRA Guide to Style and Usage: Hyphens (4)
- WHO style guide (Search for adverb on page 21.)
- Publications Office — Interinstitutional style guide — 10.1. Punctuation (10.1.10)
- Mechanics and usage | Scriptorium Publishing (Search for noun strings.)
- The COPS Office Editorial and Graphics Style Manual (Search for hyphenation on page 30.)
- Society of Petroleum Engineers Style Guide (5.8.8 on page 31)
Google Search
These are some of the first 120 results of a search for adverbs ly hyphens via Google Search in January 2013. The links were updated in December 2015, with the addition of links to archives (A) in the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
- hyphenation (A)
- Hyphenated Words: A Guide (A)
- Compound Words: When to Hyphenate (Search for -ly.) (A)
- Ferguson: No hyphen for adverbs with 'ly' » Knoxville News Sentinel (A)
- 11.0 Spelling and Hyphenation | Guidelines (11.3 Compound modifiers) (inaccessible page) (A)
- Handy Hint: Hyphens and Adverbs | Lauren Holder Raab (inaccessible page) (A)
- 5 Tips to Understand Hyphenated Words (2. Adverbs) (A)
- Hyphenating adverbs ending in -ly (inaccessible page) (A)
- School of Journalism and Mass Communications (A)
- Adverbs + Participles (A)
- Hyphens (2) (A)
- Editing: Practice with Modifiers and Connecting Words (inaccessible page) (A)
- Hyphens in phrasal adjectives « Sentence first (A)
- The Hyphen puzzle - Queen's English Society (A)
- Knowing When to Use Hyphens - Punctuation (A)
- Compound Words (Search for Adverbs.) (A)
- Mar 16 2011 GrammarTip (A)
- Hyphenated Adjectives (Search for adverb.) (A)
- Small Things that Matter #4: Hyphen Hassles (Search for adverb.) (A)
- All About Adverbs - (Search for hyphen.) (A)
- hyphen : Everything English (A)
- Articles: Hyphen Hysteria (A)
- Hyphens - Monash University (A)
- The Hyphen (inaccessible page)
- Hyphen Rules: The Seven Functions of Hyphens in Written English (4) (A)
- Basic Rules of Hyphenation « A Way With Words Writing (3. Use with compound modifiers before a noun.) (A)
- Glossary of Grammar (Compound modifier) (A)
- University Identity Standards and Editorial Guide (-ly words, other adverb/adjective combinations) (A)
- Ray Hardesty Writing & Editing - Hyphen Usage (inaccessible page) (A)
- Grammar and Writing - Hyphens [ - ] | TransLegal (A)
- Medical Transcription, Hyphens (A)
- How the Pros Use Hyphens: Do's and Don'ts - Write with Jean (3) (A)