Team Name Position Points Total Elimination Score Position Week One
Disposable Income 1 375036 999999 3
Little Piggies Go Wee Wee 2 253876 2171 2
We're Going To Regret This Aren't We 3 193692 21375 15
Broken Shoelaces 4 156185 1722 7
The Late Knights 5 201032 14751 5
The Hoarders: We've Got More Games Than You 6 129340 8943 28
Rogue Squadron 7 170280 8476 1
SEXY 8 108691 7937 48
The Ultimate Mr. Driller Killer Thrillers 9 118514 6774 22
3+2=6 10 90093 5384 44
Purple Elephants 11 126233 4161 12
Those With Similar, Yet Different Flags 12 78487 3367 35
Hello Kitty Island Adventure 13 91854 1555 30
Rock Lobster 14 74599 2267 37
Tasty Moogles 15 63958 3111 34
Roboplegic Wrongcock 16 66533 3310 49
Badge Hounds 17 94390 2457 4
Fire Breathing Demon Chickens of Doom 18 86454 2393 20
More Cowbell 19 65019 1717 31
The Pandas 20 59714 1262 45
Bright Falls Pharmaceuticals 21 58176 1266 39
Victorious Secret 22 42225 2146 42
The Tortoise and the Hare 23 44173 1116 29
Cam L Tows 24 44173 1447 43
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