This user can type 80 WPM.
C-2This user is an intermediate C programmer.
C#-0This user does not understand C#, or does not want to program in C#.
js-1This user is a beginning JavaScript programmer.
for-1This user is a beginning Fortran programmer.
Java-0This user has some undisclosed problems with Java.
Perl-2This user is an intermediate Perl programmer.
py-3This user is an advanced Python programmer.
This user is a bibliophile.
This user thinks different.
This user uses Plain TeX.
This user supports proprietary software and its potential for profit.
2+2 = 96/24This user thinks really strangely in math.
a²+b²=c²This user is an intermediate mathematician.
λThis user is fluent in Lambda calculus.
This user does complex math problems for fun.
ax2+bx+c=0This user likes algebra.
τThis user believes tau should replace pi as a mathematical constant.
This user loves problem solving.
This user thinks mathematics is more abstract than philosophy.
pno-2This user is an intermediate pianist.
sax-2This user is an intermediate saxophonist.
voc-1This user is a novice vocalist.
This user is a classic liberal.
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