You can find more information about me on my website, including more recent and more ancient photos, since the one at right is no longer accurate.

Barbershop articles

I have noticed a serious lack of good information about current and past barbershop quartets and choruses[1] here. Being in both a quartet[2] and a chorus[3] myself, I figure I should do something about it. These are related articles I have either worked on or created:

Media contributions

As an avid photographer[4], I have a large library of relatively decent photographs on many subjects. Most of them are suitable in some way or another for the Commons[5]; it's just a matter of digging through them and finding articles that could really benefit. I also enjoy making diagrams[6][7], though it's a more time-consuming process. I will gladly consider any photography or diagramming requests!

I've just made a little gallery of my contributions, and I'm too lazy to edit the above paragraph to work that fact in.


  • /monobook.css — My stylesheet, now with actual style! Preview here. Definitely a work in progress; comments welcome.
  • /Les Noces — Hopefully this will turn into a real article soon.
  • /Sandbox — There probably isn't anything very interesting here.
  • /Gallery — Various photos and drawings that I have contributed. Most are available on the Commons.
  • mwvd — Use vimdiff to view MediaWiki diffs until they're working properly.

A signature suggestion

Since a few people have found this handy, I figured I'd write it up. If you've got a custom signature and would like to be able to spot it more easily in long, rambling discussions, give this a try:

  1. Wrap your entire signature in <span class="user-sig user-USERNAME">...</span>, substituting in your username. The user- prefix will help keep your CSS class unique, and the user-sig can be used to highlight signatures in pages, if you'd like.
  2. Add a line like user-USERNAME { background: #DFD; } to your monobook.css to make your signature highlighted, again substituting in your username.
  3. Save and test, tweak and hack!

If you have any questions, you know ! —HorsePunchKid 23:42, 31 October 2005 (UTC)

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