This user recently discovered how to use userboxes.
ubx-nThis user communicates exclusively via userboxes.
ubx-1This user is a userbox novice.
...This user would like to be able to speak some more languages.
This user loves calculators.
This user enjoys bicycling.
This user contributes using Opera.
This user loves using Google Earth.
File:Annoyingthing.jpg This user thinks that Crazy Frog is annoying.
This user contributes using a PC.
This user contributes using Microsoft Windows XP.
This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user's favourite colour is blue.
This user eats cheese.
This user loves to eat pizza.
This user eats chocolate.
C2H5OH-1This user drinks relatively infrequently. he is probably the better for it.
CThis user can't make up his mind if Coke or Pepsi is better and drinks both.P
This user drinks water regularly.
This user drinks chocolate milk.
This user is a carnivore.
cvg-2 This user is an intermediate gamer.
This user plays games on the Nintendo DS portable console.

{{user revolutionsuperior}}

This user still enjoys the
Nintendo 64.
This user once loved Grand Theft Auto.
This user plays games in the Super Mario series.
TS Dis gweld es frotogé, en a wooka-dis now!
This user plays games from The Legend of Zelda series.

LNThis user's alignment is Lawful Neutral: the "Judge."
This user prefers the metric system.
Good news, everyone! This user is a fan of Futurama!
RDThis user is full of smeg.
d'oh!This user thinks The Simpsons is simply... excellent.
This user DOES NOT live in a pineapple under the sea.
SGThis user activates the Stargate to explore other planets.
This user enjoys electronic music.
This user is owned by one or more cats.
This user supports Formula One.
This user just LOVES to cycle!
prog-3This user is an advanced programmer.
JavaThis user can program in Java.
PHPThis user can code PHP.
vbThis user is a Visual Basic programmer.
asThis user knows ActionScript.
<html>This user can write HTML.
This user can program in JavaScript.
mysqlThis user writes programs that access MySQL.
SQLThis user uses SQL queries to locate his car keys.
This user uses Commonwealth spelling.
AmE-0 This user does not understand the American English language and bloody well doesn't want to.
AIM-1This uzer has an amateur understanding of the AIM talk. Brb
This user does not smoke.
This user is straight.
♂This user is male.
This user is straight
but not narrow.
This user is single.
This user is a university student.
This user studies at the Swinburne University.
agnThis user is interested in agnosticism.
This user believes that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is as likely as creationism.
This user is an Aquarian.
This user was born in the year of the Dog.
This user's time zone is GMT+10.
This user comes from Australia.
gkThis user is a geek.
This user loves userboxes.
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