The Mejlbystenen, also known as runic inscription DR 117 from its Rundata catalog listing, is an approximately 1,000-year-old runestone originally located at Mejlby, near Randers in Denmark. According to a new interactive exhibit of the stone at the Randers Kulturhistoriske Museum, which differs slightly from the accepted Rundata translation, the stone reads:
Åne erected this stone for his son Eskil who found death with Thore in Øresund
The inscription has been classified as being carved in runestone style RAK.
Transliteration of the runes into Latin characters
- oni : risþ : stin : þansi : aft : o¶skl : sun : sin : ias : tauþr ¶ uarþ : maþ : þuri : i : ura:¶:suti :[1]
Transcription into Old Norse
- Áni reisti stein þenna ept Áskel, son sinn, er dauðr varð með Þóri í Eyrasundi.[1]
Translation in English
- Áni raised this stone in memory of Áskell, his son, who died with Þórir in The Sound.[1]
- ^ a b c Project Samnordisk Runtextdatabas Svensk Archived 2011-08-07 at the Wayback Machine - Rundata.