In the area of modern algebra known as group theory, the Janko group J4 is a sporadic simple group of order

= 221 · 33 ··· 113 · 23 · 29 · 31 · 37 · 43
≈ 9×1019.


J4 is one of the 26 Sporadic groups. Zvonimir Janko found J4 in 1975 by studying groups with an involution centralizer of the form 21 + 12.3.(M22:2). Its existence and uniqueness was shown using computer calculations by Simon P. Norton and others in 1980. It has a modular representation of dimension 112 over the finite field with 2 elements and is the stabilizer of a certain 4995 dimensional subspace of the exterior square, a fact which Norton used to construct it, and which is the easiest way to deal with it computationally. Aschbacher & Segev (1991) and Ivanov (1992) gave computer-free proofs of uniqueness. Ivanov & Meierfrankenfeld (1999) and Ivanov (2004) gave a computer-free proof of existence by constructing it as an amalgams of groups 210:SL5(2) and (210:24:A8):2 over a group 210:24:A8.

The Schur multiplier and the outer automorphism group are both trivial.

Since 37 and 43 are not supersingular primes, J4 cannot be a subquotient of the monster group. Thus it is one of the 6 sporadic groups called the pariahs.


The smallest faithful complex representation has dimension 1333; there are two complex conjugate representations of this dimension. The smallest faithful representation over any field is a 112 dimensional representation over the field of 2 elements.

The smallest permutation representation is on 173067389 points and has rank 20, with point stabilizer of the form 211:M24. The points can be identified with certain "special vectors" in the 112 dimensional representation.


It has a presentation in terms of three generators a, b, and c as

Alternatively, one can start with the subgroup M24 and adjoin 3975 involutions, which are identified with the trios. By adding a certain relation, certain products of commuting involutions generate the binary Golay cocode, which extends to the maximal subgroup 211:M24. Bolt, Bray, and Curtis showed, using a computer, that adding just one more relation is sufficient to define J4.

Maximal subgroups

Kleidman & Wilson (1988) found the 13 conjugacy classes of maximal subgroups of J4 which are listed in the table below.

Maximal subgroups of J4
No. Structure Order Index Comments
1 211:M24 501,397,585,920
= 221·33·5·7·11·23
= 112·29·31·37·43
contains a Sylow 2-subgroup and a Sylow 3-subgroup; contains the centralizer 211:(M22:2) of involution of class 2B
2 21+12
 · 3.(M22:2)
= 221·33·5·7·11
= 112·23·29·31·37·43
centralizer of involution of class 2A; contains a Sylow 2-subgroup and a Sylow 3-subgroup
3 210:L5(2) 10,239,344,640
= 220·32·5·7·31
= 2·3·113·23·29·37·43
4 23+12 · (S5 × L3(2)) 660,602,880
= 221·32·5·7
= 3·113·23·29·31·37·43
contains a Sylow 2-subgroup
5 U3(11):2 141,831,360
= 26·32·5·113·37
= 215·3·7·23·29·31·43
6 M22:2 887,040
= 28·32·5·7·11
= 213·3·112·23·29·31·37·43
7 111+2
:(5 × GL(2,3))
= 24·3·5·113
= 217·32·7·23·29·31·37·43
normalizer of a Sylow 11-subgroup
8 L2(32):5 163,680
= 25·3·5·11·31
= 216·32·7·112·23·29·37·43
9 PGL(2,23) 12,144
= 24·3·11·23
= 217·32·5·7·112·29·31·37·43
10 U3(3) 6,048
= 25·33·7
= 216·5·113·23·29·31·37·43
contains a Sylow 3-subgroup
11 29:28 812
= 22·7·29
= 219·33·5·113·23·31·37·43
Frobenius group; normalizer of a Sylow 29-subgroup
12 43:14 602
= 2·7·43
= 220·33·5·113·23·29·31·37
Frobenius group; normalizer of a Sylow 43-subgroup
13 37:12 444
= 22·3·37
= 219·32·5·7·113·23·29·31·43
Frobenius group; normalizer of a Sylow 37-subgroup

A Sylow 3-subgroup of J4 is a Heisenberg group: order 27, non-abelian, all non-trivial elements of order 3.


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