Cosmin Augustin Tilincă (born 1 August 1979) is a Romanian former footballer. He began football at his hometown club Arieşul Turda. During the summer of 2002 he moved to CFR Cluj, where he played until 2007. During this period he was the team's goal getter and was given the nickname Tili-goal.[1]

In 2005, he was called up by coach Victor Pițurcă at Romania's national team, but he never played due to an injury.[2] Additionally, he played in the 2005 Intertoto Cup, where he was the competition's top goalscorer with 9 goals scored in 10 matches.[3]


CFR Cluj


  1. ^ "Iti amintesti de "Tiligol", primul golgheter al CFR-ului modern? Ce a ajuns sa faca Cosmin Tilinca la 38 de ani, dupa plecarea din Romania" [Do you remember "Tili-goal", the first goal scorer of the modern CFR? What did Cosmin Tilinca end up doing at the age of 38, after leaving Romania] (in Romanian). 16 January 2018. Retrieved 28 April 2021.
  2. ^ "Un fost atacant din Liga 1 a scris istorie în Europa și n-are de gând să se retragă nici la aproape 41 de ani: "Vreau să câștigăm Cupa României!"" [A former Liga 1 striker has written history in Europe and has no plans to retire at almost 41: "I want to win the Romanian Cup!"] (in Romanian). 28 July 2020. Retrieved 29 April 2021.
  3. ^ "INTERVIU EXCLUSIV cu primul golgeter al CFR-ului modern:"Echipa e clădită pe bazele puse de noi". 3 povești senzaționale din perioada Intertoto" [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with the first goal scorer of the modern CFR:"The team is built on the foundations we laid". 3 sensational stories from the Intertoto period] (in Romanian). 14 September 2018. Retrieved 28 April 2021.
  4. ^ Cosmin Tilincă at (in Romanian)
  5. ^ "Nu-i totul pierdut" [Not all is lost] (in Romanian). 11 August 2005. Retrieved 28 April 2021.

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