Bipindi is a town and commune in Cameroon.
Market, Bipindi, 1997
Pupils from Bagyeli boarding school, following the principles of ORA (Observer, Réfléchir, Agir) of the Foyer Notre Dame de la Forêt (Bagyeli pygmies), Bipindi, 1997
The kitchen of the Notre Dame de la Forêt boarding school, Bipindi, 1997
The eating-house of Angele, a Bantu woman, Bipindi, 1997
The dining room of the Notre Dame de la Forêt boarding school, Bipindi, 1997
Bagyeli children by the window of their classroom. Notre Dame de la Forêt, Bipindi, 1997
See also
- Site de la primature - Élections municipales 2002 (in French)
- Contrôle de gestion et performance des services publics communaux des villes camerounaises - Thèse de Donation Avele, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV (in French)
- Charles Nanga, La réforme de l’administration territoriale au Cameroun à la lumière de la loi constitutionnelle n° 96/06 du 18 janvier 1996, Mémoire ENA. (in French)