English: Publicity photo of Mike Wallace and Harry Reasoner from the premiere of 60 Minutes.
Publicity release not dated but refers to the show's premiere on 24 September. Earliest date stamp on back is May 1968. The show premiered 24 September 1968.
It was created for publicity purposes-distribution to the media. The image was meant to bring attention and publicity for the personalities pictured, the program and the network, the same as the publicity photos for actors and actresses in the film industry were intended to do.
Film production expert Eve Light Honthaner in The Complete Film Production Handbook, (Focal Press, 2001 p. 211.):
"Publicity photos (star headshots) have traditionally not been copyrighted. Since they are disseminated to the public, they are generally considered public domain, and therefore clearance by the studio that produced them is not necessary."
"There is a vast body of photographs, including but not limited to publicity stills, that have no notice as to who may have created them." (The Professional Photographer's Legal Handbook By Nancy E. Wolff, Allworth Communications, 2007, p. 55.)
"Publicity Photos (star headshots) older publicity stills have usually not been copyrighted and since they have been disseminated to the public, they are generally considered public domain and therefore there is no necessity to clear them with the studio that produced them (if you can even determine who did)."
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Это произведение находится в общественном достоянии, поскольку оно было опубликовано в США между 1930 и 1977 годами без уведомления об авторских правах. Если автор не умер определённое количество лет назад, то это произведение защищено авторским правом в юрисдикциях, не применяющих правило более короткого срока для произведений из США, например, в Канаде (70 p.m.a.), Континентальном Китае (50 p.m.a., не в Гонконге и Макао), Германии (70 p.m.a.), Мексике (100 p.m.a.), Швейцарии (70 p.m.a.), а также в других странах в соответствии с индивидуальными соглашениями. См. эту страницу для дополнительных пояснений.
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Upload date | User | Bytes | Dimensions | Comment
2011-08-27 06:29 (UTC) | We hope | 167470 (bytes) | 705×927 | Photo has been cropped and minor flaws fixed. Previous upload was to help establish dating, show source and that there are no copyright marks on it.
2011-08-27 06:27 (UTC) | We hope | 172148 (bytes) | 1566×1000 | {{commons ok}} {{Information |Description=Publicity photo of Mike Wallace and Harry Reasoner from the premiere of ''60 Minutes''. |Source=[http://www.ebay.com/itm/1969-Mike-Wallace-Harry-Reasoner-60-Minutes-Wire-Photo-/300553568898?pt=Art_Photo_Images&has
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