2024 Arbitration Committee Elections
Status as of 07:34 (UTC), Friday, 28 February 2025 ( )
- Thank you for participating in the 2024 Arbitration Committee Elections. The certified results have been posted.
- You are invited to leave feedback on the election process.
The Arbitration Committee elections are run by the English Wikipedia community. This page lists the election volunteers and their duties for the December 2024 Arbitration Committee election. If you have a question or concern about the election, please on the talk page.
Election volunteer guidelines
While coordinators have as much right to participate in ordinary voter activity during the election as all other eligible voters (i.e. voting, asking questions, discussing candidates), election volunteers should avoid acting in a way that might cast doubt on their ability to act impartially, or on the perceived neutrality of the coordinators or elections as a whole.
Election volunteers
Electoral Commission
The Electoral Commission is a three-member panel with a mandate to solve disputes and make decisions on unexpected problems and to carrying out any duties delegated to it by the community. The Electoral Commission is appointed by the community after input via a request for comment.
- RoySmith
- Barkeep49
- Cyberpower678
- ThadeusOfNazereth (1st reserve)
- Dr vulpes (2nd reserve)
Scrutineers have technical access to the SecurePoll system allowing them to check the validity of cast ballots, and certify the final results. Scrutineers are drawn from Stewards who do not edit the English Wikipedia as their primary wiki.
Coordinators are simply volunteers who help run the day to day operations of the election. Any editor in good standing who wants to help out is welcome to volunteer as a coordinator. Interested persons can add their name below. The commissioners (and reservists) are de facto coordinators and may perform activities as needed.
- Sign up here!
To do
Done create general framework pages
Done conscript the coordinators :D
Done review prior year feedback pages for any non-rfc changes needed
Done conduct the 2024 RfC at Wikipedia:Requests for comment/Arbitration Committee Elections December 2024
Done Setup framework, launch RfC
Done Ensure RfC is well advertised
Done find a closer for the RfC
Done Close RfC
Done update ELECTCOM RfC if ACERFC introduced any new changes
Done update Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Election/Rules
Done conduct the 2024 ELECTCOM RfC at Wikipedia:Requests for comment/Arbitration Committee Elections December 2024/Electoral Commission
Done set up framework, launch RfC
Done - ensure that community consultation phase is running, add advertisements.
Done close Wikipedia:Requests for comment/Arbitration Committee Elections December 2024/Electoral Commission, empaneling the ELECTCOM
Not needed modify SecurePoll listGen script to account for RfC changes if needed, namely partial blocks and bot exclusions.
Done implement any RfC changes as needed for SecurePoll.
Done Scrutineer setup
Done request scrutineer volunteers at m:Stewards' noticeboard
Done Empanel scrutineers
Done Request local CU for scrutineers
Done engage WMF for a resource to be assigned
Done schedule the election time on votewiki with WMF resource
Done Build lists (Early list for quality control)
Done Electoral rolls
Done Mass message lists
Done ensure nominations are open and working.
Done update the candidate guide
Done set up candidates on SecurePoll (WMF or election admin)
Done ensure questions period opens.
Done remove extra election admins
Done ensure election starts
Done Collect votes on votewiki
Done ensure the election is open, has the correct options, and is accepting votes
Done ensure the election closes
Done send MMS's /MM
Done scrutineering processing
Done publish results
Done certify results (by scrutineers)
Done send notifications (candidates, WP:AN, WT:ACN, UT:Jimbo Wales)
- Cleanup
Done revoke temporary scrutineer checkuser access
In progress review lessons learned, file notes for next election