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/* DOM dumper [0.0.3],
Original from
Dumps the dom or object structure of the element specified by the URL parameters:
* domdump=object (also has parameter: dumpcrop=#, length to crop attributes/text nodes)
* objdump=object
and creates a textarea in the contentSub of the results, with space indented tree structure.
Object can be specified by: ID, name, tag name, or class name. The first result is always
taken. So for example, you can domdump=html to dump the whole object.
To do:
* Allow exclusion of text/comments?
* Allow specific faux tag formatting?
* Allow custom indent structure?
if(queryString('domdump') || queryString('objdump')) addOnloadHook(domDump);
var dumpCrop = '20';
var findDepth = 0;
function domDump() {
var objid = (queryString('domdump')) ? queryString('domdump') : queryString('objdump')
var obj = getElementByWhatever(objid);
if(!obj) return;
if(queryString('dumpcrop')) dumpCrop = parseInt(queryString('dumpcrop'))
if(queryString('domdump')) {
//call function to recall children elements recursively
var text = '[DOM dump of "' + objid + '"]\n' + dumpChildren(obj);
} else {
//use javascript for-in
var text = centerbuffer(' Object dump of "' + objid + '" ','=',80) + '\n';
for(var i in obj) {
text += centerbuffer(' ' + i + ' ','-',80) + '\n' + obj[i] + '\n';
//show dump after, so we don't pollute the results
var show = (document.getElementById('contentSub')) ? document.getElementById('contentSub') : document.getElementById('topbar')
if(!show) return;
var out = document.createElement('textarea'); = '100%'; = '30em';
out.value = text;
function centerbuffer(txt,chr,width) {
var buf = '';
var num = parseInt((width - txt.length + 1) / 2);
for(var i=0;i<num;i++) {
buf += chr.substr(0,1);
var ctxt = buf + txt + buf;
ctxt = ctxt.substr(0,width);
return ctxt;
function dumpChildren(obj,func) {
var childs = 0; var txt = ''; var txtafter = ''; var indent = '';
for(var i=0;i<findDepth;i++) indent += ' '
switch (obj.nodeType) {
var attr = '';
for(var i=0;i<obj.attributes.length;i++) {
var anam = obj.attributes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase();
var aval = obj.attributes[i].nodeValue;
if(aval.length > dumpCrop) aval = aval.substr(0,dumpCrop) + '...'
attr += anam + '="' + aval + '" ';
if(attr.length > 0) attr = ' ' + attr.replace(/ $/,'');
txt += indent + '<' + obj.tagName.toLowerCase() + attr + '>\n';
txtafter = indent + '</' + obj.tagName.toLowerCase() + '>\n';
var val = escapeSome(obj.nodeValue);
if(val.length > dumpCrop) val = val.substr(0,dumpCrop) + '...';
txt += indent + '[text length="' + obj.nodeValue.length + '"]' + val + '[/text]\n';
var val = escapeSome(obj.nodeValue);
if(val.length > dumpCrop) val = val.substr(0,dumpCrop) + '...';
txt += indent + '[comment length="' + obj.nodeValue.length + '"]' + val + '[/comment]\n';
while(obj.childNodes[childs]) {
txt += dumpChildren(obj.childNodes[childs]);
if(obj.nodeType == 1) txt += txtafter
return txt;
function escapeSome(str) {
//return, linefeed, tabs
str = str.replace(/\r/g,'\\r').replace(/\n/g,'\\n').replace(/\t/g,'\\t');
// invisible unicodes, convert to JS entities
var eucChars = [160,173,847,1536,1537,1538,1539,1757,1807,3852,4447,4448,5760,6155,6156,6157,6158,8192,8193,8194,8195,8196,8197,8198,8199,8200,8201,8202,8203,8204,8205,8206,8207,8209,8232,8233,8234,8235,8236,8237,8238,8239,8239,8260,8287,8288,8289,8290,8291,8292,8298,8299,8300,8301,8302,8303,12272,12273,12274,12275,12276,12277,12278,12279,12280,12281,12282,12283,12288,12350,65279,65408,65532]
for(var i=0;i<eucChars.length;i++) {
var pattern = new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(eucChars[i]),'g');
if(!=-1) str = str.replace(pattern,'\\u' + hx4(eucChars[i]) + '')
return str;
function hx4(dec) {
var h = dec.toString(16);
while(h.length < 4) h = '0' + h;
return h;
function queryString(p) {
var re = RegExp('[&?]' + p + '=([^&]*)');
var matches;
if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
try {
return decodeURI(matches[1]);
} catch (e) {
return null;
function getElementByWhatever(thing,par) {
var parent = (!par) ? document : par
if(parent.getElementById(thing)) {
return parent.getElementById(thing);
} else if(parent.getElementsByName(thing)[0]) {
return parent.getElementsByName(thing)[0];
} else if(parent.getElementsByTagName(thing)[0]) {
return parent.getElementsByTagName(thing)[0];
} else {
var c = getElementsByClassName(parent,'*',thing);
if(c.length > 0) {
return c[0];
} else {
return false;