Scanian quick list, unsorted
Random examples from book list( 11,100 pages total)
(Only one page or example per book of the word "Scania" demonstrated for space saving reasons)
- Pomp, Power, and Politics: Essays on German and Scandinavian Court Culture and Their Contexts - Page 220, by Mara R Wade - 2004: "One of the points that is likely to have been mentioned in the instructions from the chancellor is the important issue of Scania. Pontanus is at pains to ..."
- The Nordic Languages 1/1.: An International Handbook of the History of the North Germanic Languages - Page 779, by Oskar (EDT) Bandle, Kurt (EDT) Braunmuller, Ernst Hakon (EDT) Jahr, Allan (EDT) Karker, Hans-Peter (EDT) Naumann, Ulf (EDT) Teleman - Language Arts & Disciplines - 2002: "Around 1300 there were about two million people in the whole of Scandinavia (Sawyer/Sawyer 1993, 42). Denmark, including Scania, had a population about one ..."
- Danish Medieval History - Page 105, by Niels Skyum-Nielsen - Social Science - 1981: "In 1134 the inhabitants of Scania decided to support the anti-king Erik ... In the provincial Thing of Scania, however, they decided in favour of the ..."
- The Black Death 1346-1353: The Complete History - Page 167, by Ole Jørgen Benedictow - History - 2004 - 454 pages: "Herrestad Scania (central)..Both these donations were made by the bishop of Ribe on 26 February, but are known ..."
- Language and Nationalism in Europe - Page 109, edited by Stephen Barbour, Cathie Carmichael - Language Arts & Disciplines - 2002 - 336 pages: "The most conspicuous case of language planning with a political end, however, took place in the late seventeenth century in Scania and the neighbouring ..."
- The Spoken Language Translator - Page 277, edited by Manny Rayner, David Carter, Pierrette Bouillon, Vassilis Digalakis, Mats Wirén - Computers - 2000 - 360 pages: "For our dialect-adaptation experiments, we used seed and target data from the Stockholm and Scanian dialects, respectively. The Scanian dialect was chosen ..."
- Cross-Border Governance in the European Union - Page 166, by Barbara (EDT) Hooper, Oliver Kramsch - Law - 2004 - 240 pages: "Although not as strong as some European counterparts, the unique historical Scanian identity was used as a heavy argument in favour of unification. ..."
- Tycho Brahe: A Picture of Scientific Life and Work in the Sixteenth Century - Page 108 by J L E Dreyer - Biography & Autobiography - 2004 - 432 pages: "... , in Scania, to be held by him during the king's pleasure. ... he north-western extremity of Scania, on the mountain of Kullen, which forms a steep ..."
- Case Studies in European Prehistory, by Peter Bogucki, Bogucki Bogucki - History - 1993 - 336 pages: "of Early Atlantic Settlement in Scania (1978),...V. An Atlantic Bog Site in Central Scania (1983), ..."
- The Oxford Illustrated History of Prehistoric Europe - Page 126, by Barry (EDT) Cunliffe - History - 2001 - 568 pages: "... was divided into three major areas each having distinct traditions during the later Mesolithic: Jutland, the east Danish islands, and Scania. ..."
- The Origins of Agriculture in Europe - Page 140, by I J Thorpe - Social Science - 1999 - 240 pages Nielsen 1977): "are found in Zealand and Scania with occasional examples in northern and eastern Zealand. Thin-butted axes (P. 0. Nielsen 1977) are believed ..."
- A History of the Vikings - Page 141, by Thomas D. Kendrick - History - 2004 - 412 pages: "Subsequently the fortunes of Denmark declined; Scania of her own accord ...—I375), after recovering Scania from the Swedes, went on his conquering way to ..."
- Landscapes of Power, Landscapes of Conflict: State Formation in the South Scandinavian Iron Age - Page 278, by Tina L. Thurston - History - 2001 - 340 pages: "Its purpose is to work towards the restoration of Scania's very special but rapidly ... No Scanian history is taught in the schools of Scania or Sweden. ..."
- Who's Who in Gay and Lesbian History - Page 290, by Robert (EDT) Aldrich, Garry (EDT) Wotherspoon - Social Science - 2001 - 528 pages: "Duke Bengt was fiercely hated by the nobility and was slain in Scania in 1360. In a revelation written by Bridget in Rome in 1361, the Virgin Mary expresses ..."
- The Nordic Regions and the European Union - Page 147, by Henrik (EDT) Halkier - Business & Economics - 2004 - 223 pages: "In Sweden, regional actors (in Scania) see this as an opportunity to take advantage of the Scania's close proximity to Copenhagen and the European ..."
- Making European Space: Mobility, Power and Territorial Identity - Page 194, by Dr Tim Richardson, Ole B. Jensen - Architecture - 2004 - 264 pages: "The possibility to strengthen Scania's provincial position in Sweden has also been of ... Since the 17th century, Scania has felt itself unjustly treated by ..."
- Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society Volume 121,Number 1. February 15,1977 - Page 20, by American Philosophical Society: "Among its members were important and respected men, such as three aldermen of the Travelers to Scania and two of the Travelers to Bergen..."
- Beowulf: a heroic poem of the eighth century - Page 111, by Thomas Arnold - 1876 - 223 pages: "What is meant is, that later on, after Hrothgar's death,the sword- hilt became the property of the best of all the kings that ever reigned in Scania..."
- The Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings - Page 686, by Snorri Sturluson - 1907: "Then Svein fled eastwards along Scania, and King Magnus returned to his ships, and steered eastwards also along the Scanian coast, having got ready with the ..."
- Heimskringla: History of the Kings of Norway - Page 175, by Lee Milton Hollander, Snorri Sturluson - History - 1991 - 854 pages: "They had forty ships from Wendland, and twenty from Scania. A very great multitude was assembled there..."
- Population and Economy: From Hunger to Modern Economic Growth - Page 315, by Tommy (EDT) Bengtsson - Business & Economics - 2003 - 512 pages: "Until the early nineteenth century Scania's grain surplus could be sold only on the ... Its most notable feature as far as Scania was concerned was the ..."
- European Societies in the Bronze Age - Page xii, by A. F. Harding - Social Science - 2000 - 570 pages: "... Bienne and Morat 424 13.3 Village and ‘territory' at Fosie IV, Scania 425 13.4 Territorial patterning in the barrow distributions of Scania 425 ..."
- History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen - Page 82, by Of Bremen Adam of Bremen - Religion - 2002 - 288 pages: "The encounter took place between Scania and Zealand, where kings usually go forth to war at sea. 135 Now, the short crossing of the Baltic Sea at ..."
- The Cultural Landscape: Past, Present and Future - Page 113, edited by Hilary H. Birks, Peter Emil Kaland, Dagfinn Moe - Science - 1989 - 544 pages: "Level 2: Shifting cultivation and/or pastoralism For the same fertile area of Scania, the population density at Level 2 is about 20 persons km 2 . ..."
- History of the Northmen, Or Danes and Normans: From the Earliest Times to the Conquest of England. - Page 127, by Henry Wheaton - 1831 - 367 pages: "He first united the petty states of Scania, Zealand, and the ... ; and the tribe of Goths established in Scania, were called Danskir or Danir, ..."
- Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand - Page 441, by Royal Society of New Zealand: "According to Erdmann the subsidence at Scania has now ceased, or has been exchanged for an upward movement, but it will require observations extending over ..."
- The Scandinavian Economic History Review - Page 63, by Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History and Historical Geography: "It was, for instance, not possible to prevent the burghers of Scania from exporting grain in ... Governor of Scania to the King on 25 September 1697. SRA. ..."
- Historical Studies on Folk and Traditional Music: Ictm Study Group on Historical Sources of Folk... - Page 44, by Doris (EDT) Stockmann, Jens Henrik (EDT) Koudal - Performing Arts - 1997: "Instrumental folk music in Scania and the Duchy ... In Norway and Sweden, with the exception of Scania, different social and geographical conditions meant ..."
- The Cambridge Medieval History - Page 544, by J. B. (John Bagnell) Bury, Henry Melvill Gwatkin, J. P. (James Pounder) Whitney, J. R. (Joseph Robson) Tanner, Charles William Previté-Orton, Z. N. (Zachary Nugent) Brooke - 1911: "Then, at a blow, all her plans and all her power seemed to fall to ruins, when King Olaf, in whose name she governed, suddenly died in Scania in the summer ..."
- Anglo-Saxon England - Page 403, by F. M. (Frank Merry) Stenton - History - 2001 - 811 pages: "Their object seems to have been a systematic harrying of Scania, the richest of the Danish provinces on the Scandinavian mainland. ..."
- A Short History of Technology: From the Earliest Times to A.D. 1900 - Page 64, by T K Derry - Science - 1993 - 782 pages: "But until near the close of the Middle Ages the biggest seasonal fishery was off the coast of Scania at the entrance to the Baltic. ..."