Rafał Jaworski (born 1973) is a Polish historian and archivist, affiliated with Jan Kochanowski University's branch in Piotrków Trybunalski.[1] He is one of the editors and author of many articles in the popular Polish historical magazine, Mówią Wieki[2][3]. He studied in the Warsaw University and specializes in the medieval history of Poland.
Selected works
- Łowy Władysława Jagiełły (On the hunt of the King Władysław Jagiełło)
- Ewangeliarze ruskie jako księgi wpisów. Próba zarysowania problemu na przykładzie Ewangeliarza Ławryszewskiego (Russian religious texts as documents.)
- Archiwum Koronne Krakowskie za Jagiellonów (Royal Archives in Kraków during the Jagiellon Dynasty)
- contributor to The Bibliography of the Printed Sources to the History of Poland in the Late Middle Ages, 1386–1506, part 1