Itzhak Fintzi (Izko Fintzi, Ицко Финци) is a Bulgarian actor known for his work on stage and on screen.


Born in Sofia, Bulgaria in 1933.[1]

He graduated at the National Academy for Theater and Film Arts "Krastyo Sarafov" (Sofia, Bulgaria) in 1955 and in the same year began his career at the Municipal Theatre "Apostol Karamitev" - Dimitrovgrad (1955–1957). After that he performed at the Drama Theater "Adriana Budevska" - Burgas (1957 - 1960). Then he moved to Sofia.

In the period 1960 - 1966, he was part of the theatrical troupe of the Satiritical Theater "Aleko Konstantinov".

In the period 1967 - 1988 he performed at "Theater Sofia". The following two years he worked at the National Theater for youth "Lyudmila Zhivkova" (1988 - 1990). In 1990 he joined the theatrical troupe of the Little City Theatre "Off The Channel".

He performed on the stage of Theatre 199 "Valentin Stoychev". His footprints are placed on the Wall of fame there.

Aside from his stage work, Itzko Fintzi has starred in numerous Bulgarian films like "The Hare Census", "Villa Zone", "Belated Full Moon", "A Cricket in the Ear", "William Shakespeare: The Most Famous Person Who Never Existed".

In 2017, alongside the film director Liza Boeva, he created the educational platform for courses and lectures on Arts for children and adults - "Filizi 33". Among their recent courses are: "Italian and Northern Renaissance", "Hieronymus Bosch", "Pieter Brueghel The Elder", "Franz Kafka", "Oscar Wilde", and others.

Itzko performs in various theatrical lecture-spectacles like "Who killed Romeo and Juliet?" (2018, director: Liza Boeva, City Art Mark Center, Sofia, Bulgaria), "The Black Square" (2021, director: Liza Boeva, Little City Theatre "Off The Channel"), "The Master and Margarita". Bulgakov and the authority" (2022, director: Liza Boeva, Little City Theatre "Off The Channel").


  • "II prize", "for a male role" for the role of the old man from the play "When the Roses Dance" (1962)
  • "II Prize" for the film "The Hare Census" (Varna, 1973)
  • Critic's Award for the film "The Hare Census" (Varna, 1973)
  • Honored Artist (1979)
  • "Award of the CS of the SBP" "for acting achievement" for the role of Shiyaka in the film "Elegy" (Varna, 1982)
  • The award "for a male role" for the role of Dimitar Lukov in the film "The Great Love of D. Lukov" (1983)
  • The prize "for a male role" for the role of Hrily in the play "Puk" at the International Festival of Puppet Theaters (Varna, 1984)
  • SBFD Best Actor Award for role in Belated Full Moon (1997)
  • Askeer Lifetime Achievement Award (1991)
  • Best Actor Award: at the International Television Film Festival - Prague
  • "Best Actor" Award: at the "Golden Rose" International Film Festival - Varna
  • "Best Actor" Award: at the Festival of Small Theater Forms - Vratsa
  • Best Actor Award: Sofia Film Fest
  • Order "Stara Planina" - 1st degree (2004)

Theater Roles

  • "Talks with Karel Čapek"
  • "Sisyphus and Death" (Robert Merle) - Death
  • "The Threepenny Opera" (Bertolt Brecht)
  • "Molière" (Mikhail Bulgakov) - Molière
  • "The Birthday Party" (Harold Pinter) - Stanley
  • "Can't Pay? Won't Pay!" (Dario Fo)
  • "The Light Is Lost At The Fifth Lamp"
  • "Bedbug" (Vladimir Mayakovsky), 1960
  • "The End of the Beginning" (Sean O'Casey), director: Metodi Andonov, 1965

TV theater

- The Oppenheimer Affair (1988) (Heiner Kiphart), 2 parts
- The Judge and the Yellow Rose (by Georgi Danailov, directed by Margarita Mladenova) (1984)
- Looking for a new mother (1983) (Olga Krasteva)
- Big and Little Claus (1971) (Hans Christian Andersen) - Musical
- Dialogues (1970) (Krastyu Pishurka)
- The World is Small (1968) (Ivan Radoev)
- Ambrosio Kills Time (1966), Musical
- The Hospital Room (1964)

Voice Over Actor

Itzko Fintzi is a voice over actor for many audio tales of children stories like "Putz, Zhalturko and friends", "Pop!", "Nils Holgersson and the White Goose", "The Ebony Horse", "Robinson Crusoe" and others.

He is a voice over actor for many of Filizi 33's projects (audio lectures, documentary movie-lectures, feature films, short films and others).


Year Original Title English Title Co-production Role Notes
2018 Уилям Шекспир: най-известният човек, който никога не е съществувал William Shakespeare: The Most Famous Person Who Never Existed T.S. Selznik, the voice of Philip directed by Liza Boeva
2018 Времето е наше Time is ours
2017 Моторът The Motorcycle
2017 Крал Опа – („König Opa“) King Grandpa Germany Clemens Opa directed by Martin Grau
2016 Уилям Шекспир. Откъси от пиеси William Shakespeare. Pieces of plays directed by Liza Boeva
2014 Аз бях Джек Керуак I was Jack Kerouac directed by Liza Boeva
2013 Лятото на Мона Лиза The Summer of Mona Lisa directed by Liza Boeva
2013 Космос Cosmos directed by Liza Boeva
2012 Преди нощта да изтече Before The Night Ends the father directed by Katerina Borisova
2012 Вера Vera directed by Liza Boeva
2011 Миграцията на паламуда The Migration of the Belted Bonito Strashilov directed by Lyudmil Todorov
2010 Детето чудо – („L'enfant prodige“) The Child Prodigy Canada Sergeï Rachmaninov directed by Luc Dionne
2009 Бащината игра – („Das Vaterspiel“) Kill Daddy Good Night Austria/ Germany/ France/ Eire Lucas directed by Michael Glawogger
2007 13 кратки опуса за голям екран 13 Short Opuses for the Silver Screen directed by Liza Boeva and Itzko Fintzi
2007 Летете с Росинант Fly By Rosinant Bulgaria/Serbia/Austria directed by Georgi Stoev
2007 Малки разговори
2007 Чифликът на чучулигите – („La masseria delle allodole“) The Lark Farm Italy/Bulgaria/Spain/France/Germany grandpa Hovannes directors: Paolo Taviani and Vittorio Taviani
2006 Заекът на Ватанен – („Le lièvre de Vatanen“) Belgium/ Bulgaria/ France Inouc directed by Marc Rivière
2006 Пазачът на мъртвите Warden of the Dead old man Angel directed by Iliyan Simeonov
2006 Докосване professor Pavlov
2006 Март
2004 Откраднати очи Bulgaria/Turkey the grandfather
2004 Боси Bare-feet the blind man directed by Liza Boeva
2001 Бунтът Uprising USA Rabbi Lebowicz directed by Jon Avnet
2001 И Господ слезе да ни види
Посетени от Господ – алтернативно заглавие
The Lord came down to see us (Visited by God - alternative title) Francophone writer
2001 Съдбата като плъх (тв) Bulgaria/Macedonia
2001 Градът на страха“ City of Fear Canada/ UK/ Bulgaria/ USA Timoshenko („Emil Boev“)
2001 Сивата зона The Grey Zone USA
2000 Пансион за кучета Charlie Chaplin
1999 Вишнева градина  The Cherry Orchard Greece/Cyprus/France the foreigner
1999 Операция Делта Форс 4: Смъртна опасност Operation Delta Force 4: Deep Fault USA General Kisimir Nabiža
1998 Ден и половина от живота на Маргарита
1998 Дълбоко в сърцето – („In fondo al cuore“) Italy
1996 Всичко от нула the elder actor
1996 Закъсняло пълнолуние Belated Full Moon Bulgaria/Hungary the old man directed by Eduard Zahariev
1996 Завръщане у дома ? Max
1994 Тя – (Elle) Her France/Bulgaria/Chili/Switzerland/Portugal
1993 Душевен смут Hungary
1990 („Neuschwanstein sehen und sterben“) Germany professor Petkov
1993 Голгота Germany/ Bulgaria
1993 Фатална нежност
1991 Резерват Bulgaria/ Hungary Vasil
1990 – 1993 Съдебни хроники the lawyer/ the judge/ the inspector
1990 Под игото Bulgaria/ Hungary hadji Atansiya
1990 Племенникът чужденец Kyun
1990 Разходки с ангела the painter
1990 Немирната птица любов the director
1990 Лагерът the voice of elder Todor
1989 Разводи, разводи Divorces, divorces the photographer
1989 Аз, Графинята dr. Gerenski, the psychiatrist
1988 Пибипкащият нос
1987 Патилата на Спас и Нели The Adventures of Spas and Nelly the chimney sweeper
1987 Само ти, сърце Archimandrite Hessarius, Sasho
1985 Константин Философ Halil (Dimitrii)
1985 Характеристика Penchev
1985 Пътят на музикантите the old man
1984 Романтична история the director
1983 Господин за един ден the tax collector
1983 Константин Философ Halil (Dimitrii)
1983 Търси се нова майка
1982 Голямата любов на Д. Л. (тв) The big love of D.L. Dimitar Lukov
1982 Елегия Elegy Ivan Shiyaka directed by Eduard Zahariev
1982 („Szívzür“) Hungary dr. Gati
1981 Нашият Шошканини Our Shoshkanini Docho Shoshkov directed by Georgi Stoev
1980 Чонтвари – („Csontváry“) Csontváry Hungary Csontvary directed by Zoltán Huszárik
1980 Въздушният човек Kusho
1979 Бумеранг the violin player
1979 Случки на открито (тв)
1978 По дирята на безследно изчезналите Todor Strashimirov
1978 Чуй петела Hear the Rooster the old veteran
1978 Утрото е неповторимо Kasamov
1977 Слънчев удар Dragiev
1976 Над Сантяго вали – („Il pleut sur Santiago“) Bulgaria/ France Minister of the Economics
1976 Щурец в ухото A Cricket in the Ear Gosho directed by Georgi K. Stoyanov
1976 Земя без въздух
1975 Белег за човещина the inspector
1975 Вилна зона Vila Zone Yonko directed by Eduard Zahariev
1974 Гардеробът The Wardrobe доцентът
1974 На чисто Gurkov
1974 Баща ми бояджията (тв) My Father, the painter the agent directed by Stefan Dimitrov
1974 Къщи без огради Houses without fences the architect
1973 Преброяване на дивите зайци The Hare Census Asenov directed by Eduard Zahariev
1973 Последната дума The Last Word the priest
1973 Бягство в Ропотамо Escape to Ropotamo dr. S. Penkov directed by Rangel Valchanov
1973 Сиромашко лято Poor man's summer Tsvetarski directed by Milen Nikolov
1973 Зелена слънчева пътека The Green Sunny Path Doctor Oh-it-hurts
1972 Голямата победа (тв) Big win (TV) Izko, the actor
1972 Трета след слънцето Third after the Sun Nedev, the commander
1971 Шарен свят (тв) Colorful world (TV) the lieutenant
1971 Края на песента The End of the Song Deli Mehmed directed by Milen Nikolov
1970 Весела антология (тв) Merry Anthology (TV) the blind musician
1970 Задушница the blind musician
1969 Птици и хрътки Birds and Hounds the inventor of the machines for the trials
1967 Морето The Sea[2] the inspector directed by Petar Donev
1959 Звезди – („Sterne“) Stars Germany/ Bulgaria a Greek Jew directed by Konrad Wolf


  • "Five plays told by an actor" ("Пет пиеси, разказани от актьор"). Sofia, 2024. Publisher: "Filizi 33". ISBN 978-619-92797-0-0
  • "The Motorcycle, Romulus the Great, The Naive, Then Again in Sao Paulo, What Am I to Peter Brook?, Bobo and Other Readings". Sofia, 2009. Publisher: Riva. ISBN 978-954-320-271-3.


  1. ^ "Radio theatre is not a thing of the past even in today's digital world". Retrieved 2024-11-30.
  2. ^ "The Sea". NFI. Retrieved 2024-11-30.
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