Buddleja myriantha is a species endemic to upper Burma and western China, including Tibet, where it grows along forest edges, thickets and streams at altitudes of 2,000 – 3,200 m.[1] The species was first described and named by Diels in 1912.[2]


Buddleja myriantha is deciduous shrub growing 1 – 3 m in height, with subquadrangular, glabrescent branchlets bearing opposite leaves, 5 – 20 cm long by 0.9 – 6 cm wide, narrowly elliptic, acuminate at the apex, cuneate or decurrent at the base, the margins serrate or entire. The often fragrant inflorescences are slender, thyrsoid, almost cylindrical, 6 – 22 cm long by 1.2 – 3 cm wide. The colour of the flowers ranges from purple through violet, to white. The corollas are 5 – 7 mm long.[1] 2n = 76.[3]

Buddleja myriantha most closely resembles Buddleja albiflora, and it can be distinguished by its four-angled stems and tomentose exterior to the corolla tube.[1]


Buddleja myriantha is grown in the UK. A specimen is grown at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh.[4]


The shrub is purportedly in commerce in the UK and beyond, although the plants in question are not believed to be B. myriantha.


  1. ^ a b c Leeuwenberg, A. J. M. (1979) The Loganiaceae of Africa XVIII Buddleja L. II, Revision of the African & Asiatic species. H. Veenman & Zonen, Wageningen, Nederland.
  2. ^ Diels, L. (1912). Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 5: 250. 1912.
  3. ^ Chen, G, Sun, W-B, & Sun, H. (2007). Ploidy variation in Buddleja L. (Buddlejaceae) in the Sino - Himalayan region and its biogeographical implications. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 2007, 154, 305 – 312. The Linnean Society of London.
  4. ^ "Catalogue of Living collections". rbge.org.uk. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. Retrieved 15 August 2020.
  • Li, P. T. & Leeuwenberg, A. J. M. (1996). Loganiaceae, in Wu, Z. & Raven, P. (eds) Flora of China, Vol. 15. Science Press, Beijing, and Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, USA. ISBN 978-0915279371 online at www.efloras.org
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