Paul Cobley, 2008

Paul Cobley (sündinud 24. aprillil 1963) on inglise semiootik ja narratoloog.

Ta on kirjastuse Mouton de Gruyter väljaantava raamatusarja "Semiotics, Communication and Cognition" kaastoimetaja.

Ta oli Rahvusvahelise Semiootika Assotsiatsiooni president aastatel 2014–2024.

Ta on esinenud Tartus loengutega vähemasti detsembris 2004, veebruaris 2009, aprillis 2011 ja detsembris 2018.


Eesti keeles


  • Cobley, Paul (ed.) 1996. The Communication Theory Reader. London: Routledge.
  • Cobley, Paul; Jansz, Litza 1997. Semiotics for Beginners. Cambridge: Icon Books. [Other editions: – 2004. Introducing Semiotics. (Appignanesi, Richard, ed.) Royston: Icon Books. – 2005. Introducing Semiotics. (Appignanesi, Richard, ed.) New York: Totem Books. – 2007. Introducing Semiotics. Cambridge: Icon Books. – 2010. Introducing Semiotics: A Graphic Guide. Cambridge: Icon Books.] [Translated into Finnish (1998), Japanese (2000), Spanish (2001), Estonian (2002), Indonesian (2002), Korean (2002), Romanian (2004), Arabic (2005), Croatian (2006), Chinese (2009), etc.]
  • Briggs, Adam; Cobley, Paul (eds.) 1998. The Media: An Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education. [Other editions: – Briggs, Adam; Cobley, Paul (eds.) 2002. The Media: An Introduction. 2nd edn. Harlow: Pearson Education. – Albertazzi, Daniele; Cobley, Paul (eds.) 2010. The Media: An Introduction. 3rd edn. Harlow: Pearson Education.
  • Cobley, Paul 2000. The American Thriller: Generic Innovation and Social Change in the 1970s. London: Palgrave.
  • Cobley, Paul 2001. Narrative. (New Critical Idiom series.) Routledge. 267 pp. (ISBN 0415212634)
  • Cobley, Paul (ed.) 2001. The Routledge Companion to Semiotics and Linguistics. London: Routledge. (ISBN 0415243149)
  • Cobley, Paul (ed.) 2006. Communication Theories: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies. 4 vols. London: Routledge.
  • Cobley, Paul (ed.) 2009. Realism for the 21st Century: A John Deely Reader. Scranton: Scranton University Press.
  • Cobley, Paul (ed.) 2010. The Routledge Companion to Semiotics. London: Routledge.
  • Cobley, Paul 2016. Cultural Implications of Biosemiotics. (Biosemiotics 15.) Berlin: Springer.
  • Cobley, Paul; Deely, John; Kull, Kalevi; Petrilli, Susan (eds.) 2011. Semiotics Continues to Astonish: Thomas A. Sebeok and the Doctrine of Signs. (Semiotics, Communication and Cognition 7.) Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Cobley, Paul; Schulz, Peter J. (eds.) 2013. Theories and Models of Communication. (Handbooks in Communication Science 1.) Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Favareau, Donald; Cobley, Paul; Kull, Kalevi (eds.) 2012. A More Developed Sign: Interpreting the Work of Jesper Hoffmeyer. (Tartu Semiotics Library 10.) Tartu: Tartu University Press.
  • Kull, Kalevi; Cobley, Paul (eds.) 2017. Biosemiotics in the community: Essays in honour of Donald Favareau. Tartu: University of Tartu Press.
  • Thellefsen, Torkild; Sørensen, Bent; Cobley, Paul (eds.) 2011. From First to Third via Cybersemiotics: A Festschrift Honouring Professor Søren Brier on the occasion of his 60th Birthday. Frederiksberg: Scandinavian Book



  • 2014 Thomas A. Sebeok Award


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