Old_wikipedia_logo.png (113 × 110 pikslit, faili suurus: 1 KB, MIME tüüp: image/png)


English: Old wikipedia logo. The logo is made by superposing a phrase written by Lewis Caroll on a circle, using fisheye effect to simulate a sphere. The phrase is a quote from "Euclid and his Modern Rivals" by Lewis Carroll (Preface, page X), which says:
"In one respect this book is an experiment, and may chance to prove a failure: I mean that I have not thought it necessary to maintain throughout the gravity of style which scientific writers usually affect, and which has somehow come to be regarded as an ‘inseparable accident’ of scientific teaching. I never could quite see the reasonableness of this immemorial law: subjects there are, no doubt, which are in their essence too serious to admit of any lightness of treatment – but I cannot recognise Geometry as one of them. Nevertheless it will, I trust, be found that I have permitted myself a glimpse of the comic side of things only at fitting seasons, when the tired reader might well crave a moment’s breathing-space, and not on any occasion where it could endanger the continuity of the line of argument."
Español: El logo está hecho mediante la superposición de una frase de Lewis Caroll sobre un círculo, usando el efecto de ojo de pez para simular una esfera. La frase es una cita tomada de "Euclid and his Modern Rivals" (Euclides y sus rivales modernos) de Lewis Carroll (Prefacio, pag. X), que dice:
"En un aspecto este libro es un experimento, e intentará probar un error: quiero decir que no consideré necesario mantener a lo largo del mismo la gravedad de estilo que los escritores científicos usualmente utilizan, y que de algún modo vino a ser visto como un “accidente inseparable” de la enseñanza científica. Nunca pude ver la racionalidad de esta ley memorial: hay temas que son, sin duda, en esencia demasiado serios para admitir cualquier tratamiento liviano –pero no puedo reconocer a la Geometría como uno de ellos. De todas maneras, confío, se descubrirá que me he permitido vislumbrar el lado cómico de las cosas solo en momentos apropiados, cuando el cansado lector puede muy bien desear un momento de respiro, y no en cualquier ocasión que pueda poner en peligro la continuidad de la línea argumental." (traducción propia de --Roblespepe 13:38, 2 May 2008 (UTC))
Allikas from English Wikipedia
  • Bjørn Smestad according to this archived page of submitted logos from Nupedia site - as is seen in that page at the bottom "Logo ideas posted with permission of their designers. Click on a logo to go to its designer's website." Image link in that page is pointing to this archived page: "Assistant Professor Bjørn Smestad".
  • previously attributed to Stephen Gilbert. Actually, User Stephen Gilbert is not the author of the logo, as he himself stated on 17 July 2007 (see statement)
  • User:Bjornsm identified himself as Bjørn Smestad on 21 May 2009, stating "Actually, I just realized today that the logo I submitted that many years ago were ever used for anything at all... I am amazed. I must admit I was never much involved in either Nupedia or Wikipedia."
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viimane2. august 2007, kell 10:08Pisipilt versioonist seisuga 2. august 2007, kell 10:08113 × 110 (1 KB)Katamakura~commonswiki{{Information |Description=Old_wikipedia_logo |Source=from English Wikipedia |Date=2007.8.2 |Author=Stephen Gilbert |Permission= |other_versions= }} {{CopyrightByWikimedia}} Category:Wikimedia logo drafts

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