This user knows that because English is a living language, grammar and syntax are not fixed.

Majority ≠ right This user recognizes that even if 300,000,000 people make the same mistake, it's still a mistake.

Speakers Know Best This user recognizes that grammar comes from humans, not from the heavens. Trust native speakers.

This editor writes carefully to avoid gender neutrality issues completely.

mankindThis user supports the use of gender-neutral language.

ain't nobodyThis user hates seeing double negatives clutter up the English language. He/she wants to stomp it out no matter what it takes.

based Based on experience, this user knows that based off is nearly always incorrect.

. TheThis user does not put two spaces after a full stop.
A, B, and
A and B
This user prefers to use the serial comma only when its omission can be confusing.

"…"This user favours typewriter style quotation marks over typographic ones.

,This user's favorite punctuation is commas, guys, not exclamation points or whatever.

GNThis user is a Grammar Ninja and says "WAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" as proof.

Pickyness PickinessThis user changes the adjective ending "y" to "i" to form nouns with "-ness".

you oneThis user knows that one should not use "you" in encyclopedia articles or other formal works.

big wordsThis user opposes the use of esoteric, abstruse and recondite big words in Wikipedia articles when simple ones will do.

AUThis user speaks Australian English.

...This user would like to know all existing languages.

dlph-0This user cannot speak, has considerable difficulty speaking, or does not wish to speak dolphin.

sarThis user is obviously not sarcastic.

AIM-AbleThis user understands AIM talk perfectly well, but does not seriously use it. Ever.

H4X0RThis user has moderate understanding of Leet (H4X0R), but does not use it.

1337-XThis user has a good grasp of 1337 but prefers to contribute using proper words to bridge the gap between 1337 speakers and normal computer users.

IntS-1This uxor is a lamer at Internet slang, but still lieks to throw in teh occasional "lol" or "omg" on their blog.

fgn-2This user speaks several dialects of foreign.

gb-0This user cannot tolerate any form of Gibberish language, and is therefore easily emotionally traumatized by The Sims.

LipsumLorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

js-1This user is a beginning JavaScript programmer.

PHP This user is a beginner PHP Coder.

This user programs in the awesome language of Python.

This user is fond of Chickens

This user is allergic to cats.

OrangeThis user loves the colour orange.

Tl This user likes the color teal.

Cr This user's favourite colour is cranberry.

shineThis user likes the colour: shiny

truthThis user knows that shiny is a color.

This user keeps pet fish.

This user has a pet Goldfish.

This user is interested in computer engineering.

LipsumThis user uses lorem ipsum as placeholder text to demonstrate the graphic elements of a document or visual presentation.

Comic SansThis user refuses to take seriously anything written in the Comic Sans font.

This user's email is

This user believes in the right of every human being to have access to Wikipedia.


Web SoonThis user has a website that can be found on the web soon.

W3CThis user believes in compliance with W3C standards.

DAThis user is a DeviantArt deviant.

This user maintains a facebook profile. +

STThis user enjoys using Stellarium to look at the virtual skies.

This user posts on X.

This user watches videos on YouTube.

This user has a YouTube account.

This user uses WordPress.

GThis user will use Google before asking dumb questions.

This user uses Google as a primary search engine.

This user likes the Dogpile search engine.

WFAThis user uses Wolfram Alpha.

This user uses Gmail as a primary email service.

This user wishes they owned a MacBook Pro.

This user thinks Apple Inc. products are cool.

This user is interested in

Eagle Nebula This user is interested in astronomy.

This user knows that space is the future

This user is interested in space sciences.

This user believes that Mars had
water on its surface in the past.

FxThis user thinks the moons of the Solar System are more interesting than the planets.

Don't worry, Pluto, I'm not a planet either.

This user would like to know what a black hole looks like from inside, but doesn't want to investigate it personally.

2012This user thinks that all predictions about the world ending in 2012 are inaccurate.

This user hails from or lives on Earth.

This user wouldn't want to visit Mercury and thinks that being so close to the sun would be scary.

This user is interested in
DNA and genetics.

This user accepts evolution as a biological fact.

This user supports protection of the environment.

This user has a keen interest in learning about Chemistry.

This user loves sunny days

This user has a keen interest in the philosophy of physics.

This user is interested in nanotechnology.

This user participated in the
Earth Hour event.

AYBThis user knows that
"all your base are belong to us."

This user is a rationalist.

This user can write Cascading Style Sheets.

css-4This user is an expert Cascading Style Sheets user.

HTML-4This user is an expert HTML user.

XML-1This user is a beginning XML coder.

xhtml-4This user is an expert XHTML user.

This user writes valid XHTML.

ubxThis user uses userboxes.
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