Pastoral leases in Western Australia are increasingly known as "stations", and more particular – as either sheep stations or cattle stations. They are usually found in country that is designated as rangeland. In 2013 there were a total of 527 pastoral leases in Western Australia.[1][2] And all leases were put up for renewal or surrender in 2015.[3]
Stations/pastoral leases are a significant part of Western Australian history. At different stages inquiries, pleas for extensions of lease times[4] and royal commissions[5] have been made into the industry.[6]
Nearly 90 million hectares or 36% of the area of Western Australia are covered by these stations.[7][8] Despite the very low population involved in general management of stations, significant numbers of seasonal workers (shearers and others) have moved through the sheep stations to shear for wool. Also more recently stations have been used as holding places of feral goats for export and meat production.
The current administration of leases is conducted by the appointed Minister for Lands of the day and the Pastoral Lands Board of Western Australia, which succeeded the Pastoral Board after changes to the Land Act of 1933 (repealed) and the new Land Administration Act of 1997.[9] Further current policies and details of governance are updated within publications and websites administered by the Pastoral Lands Board.[10]
In 2006 the Pastoral Lands Board within the Department of Planning and Infrastructure produced a 24-page pamphlet,[11] which although appearing to be dealing with Outback issues, deals mainly with the process of accessing pastoral leases in Western Australia. The significant distances between stations and points of transport have seen droving or "stock routes" created in the past, such as the Canning Stock Route. Also the rail route to Meekatharra can be seen as a means of reaching into the station country to facilitate stock transport.
The list that follows is from various sources – abandoned, amalgamated, relinquished, and historical (no longer current) leases may be in the list.
The list includes the local government, and regional locations – for more specific locating of the stations, the Travellers Atlas of Western Australia map identifies all current pastoral leases.[12]
Name of pastoral lease | Region | LGA |
Abydos | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Adelong | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies |
Albion Downs | Murchison | Wiluna |
Alice Downs | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Andover | Pilbara | Karratha |
Anna Plains | Kimberley | Broome |
Annean | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Arcoona | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies (former, 1985) |
Argyle Downs | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Arizona | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Arrino | Great Southern | Gnowangerup |
Arubiddy | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Ashburton Downs | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Atley | Murchison | Sandstone |
Austin Downs | Murchison | Cue |
Avoca Downs | Goldfields–Esperance | Kalgoorlie–Boulder (C) |
Badja | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Balfour Downs | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Balgair | Goldfields–Esperance | Kalgoorlie–Boulder |
Bali | Goldfields–Esperance | Coolgardie |
Balla Balla | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Balline | Murchison | Northampton |
Ballythunna | Murchison | Murchison |
Balmoral | Pilbara | Karratha |
Bamboo Springs | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Bandya | Goldfields–Esperance | Laverton |
Banjawarn | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Barnong | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Barrambie | Murchison | Sandstone |
Barton Plains | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Barwidgee | Murchison | Wiluna |
Bedford Downs | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Beebyn | Murchison | Cue |
Belele | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Beringarra | Murchison | Murchison |
Beyondie | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Bidgemia | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Billabalong | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Billiluna | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Billinnooka | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Binthalya | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Black Flag | Goldfields–Esperance | Kalgoorlie–Boulder (C) |
Black Hill | Murchison | Sandstone |
Black Range | Murchison | Sandstone |
Bohemia Downs | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Bonney Downs | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Booanya | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Boodanoo | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Boodarie | Pilbara | Port Hedland (T) |
Boogardie | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Boolaloo | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Boolardy | Murchison | Murchison |
Boolathana | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Boonderoo | Goldfields–Esperance | City of Kalgoorlie–Boulder |
Booylgoo Spring | Murchison | Sandstone |
Bow River | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Bow River | Murchison | Northampton |
Braeside | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Brick House | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Brooking Springs | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Bryah | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Bulga Downs | Murchison | Sandstone |
Bullabulling | Goldfields–Esperance | Coolgardie |
Bullara | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Bullardoo | Murchison | Greater Geraldton |
Bulloo Downs | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Bundarra | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Bunnawarra | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Burkes Park | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Burnabbie | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Burra Rock | Goldfields–Esperance | Coolgardie |
Buttah | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Byro | Murchison | Murchison |
Callagiddy | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Callawa | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Callytharra Springs | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Calooli | Goldfields–Esperance | Coolgardie |
Cane River | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Carbla | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
Carbine | Goldfields–Esperance | Coolgardie |
Cardabia | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Carey Downs | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Carlaminda | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Carlindi | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Carlton Hill | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Carnegie | Goldfields–Esperance | Wiluna |
Carnot | Kimberley | Broome |
Carranya | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Carrarang | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
Carson River | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Cashmere Downs | Murchison | Sandstone |
Challa | Midwest | Mount Magnet |
Charnley River | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Cherrabun | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Cherratta | Pilbara | Karratha |
Chilimony | Murchison | Northampton |
Chirritta | Pilbara | Karratha |
Christmas Creek | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Clifton Downs | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Clover Downs | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Cobra | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Coburn | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
Cogla Downs | Murchison | Sandstone |
Cooalya | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Coodardy | Murchison | Cue |
Coolawanyah | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Coolcalalaya | Murchison | Northampton |
Cooloomia | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
Coonana | Goldfields–Esperance | Kalgoorlie–Boulder (C) |
Coongan | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Cooralya | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Coordewandy | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Cooya Pooya | Pilbara | Karratha |
Corunna Downs | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Country Downs | Kimberley | Broome |
Cowarna Downs | Goldfields–Esperance | Kalgoorlie–Boulder (C) |
Credo | Goldfields–Esperance | Coolgardie |
Croydon | Pilbara | Karratha |
Culculli | Murchison | Cue |
Cunyu | Murchison | Wiluna |
Curbur | Murchison | Murchison |
Name of pastoral lease | Region | LGA |
Dairy Creek | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Dalgaranga | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Dalgety Downs | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Dampier Downs | Kimberley | Broome |
Dandaraga | Murchison | Sandstone |
Daniels Well | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Davyhurst | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies (former, 1985) |
De Grey | Pilbara | Port Hedland (T) |
Deepdale | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Denham | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Depot Springs | Murchison | Sandstone |
Desdemona | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Diamond Well | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Dirk Hartog | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
Dooley Downs | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Doolgunna | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Doon Doon | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Doongan | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Doorawarrah | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Drysdale River | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Duck Creek | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Durack River | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Earaheedy | Murchison | Wiluna |
Edaggee | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Edah | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Edjudina | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies |
Edmund | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Eel Creek | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Eginbah | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
El Questro | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Elgee Cliffs | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Ellavalla | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Ellenbrae | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Elliott Creek | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Elvire | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Emu Creek | Pilbara | Exmouth |
Erlistoun | Goldfields–Esperance | Laverton |
Erong Springs | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Errabiddy | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Ethel Creek | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Ettrick | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Eudamullah | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Eurardy | Murchison | Northampton |
Exmouth Gulf | Pilbara | Exmouth |
Faure | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
First King | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Flora Valley | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Fossil Downs | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Fox River | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Fraser Range | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Frazier Downs | Kimberley | Broome |
Frog Hollow | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Gabyon | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Gibb River | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Gidgee | Murchison | Wiluna |
Gifford Creek | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Gilroyd | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
Gindalbie | Goldfields–Esperance | Kalgoorlie–Boulder (C) |
Ginrock | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies |
Giralia | Gascoyne | Shire of Exmouth |
Glen | Murchison | Cue |
Glenflorrie | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Glen Hill | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Glenayle | Murchison | Wiluna |
Glenburgh | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Glenorn | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Glenroy | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Glenroy | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Globe Hill | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Gnaraloo | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Gogo | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Goodingnow | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Goongarrie | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies |
Goose Hill | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Gordon Downs | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Granite Peak | Murchison | Wiluna |
Greenvale | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Hamelin | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
Hamersley | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Harding River | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Hill | Kimberley | Broome |
Hill Springs | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Hill View | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Hillside | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Home Valley | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Hooley | Pilbara | Ashburton |
How Mah | Kimberley | Broome |
Hy Brazil | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Ida Valley | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies |
Ilgarari | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Illawarra | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies |
Indee | Pilbara | Port Hedland (T) |
Inglewood | Murchison | Sandstone |
Innouendy | Murchison | Murchison |
Iona | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Ivanhoe | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Jaurdi | Goldfields–Esperance | Coolgardie |
Jimba Jimba | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Jimberlana | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Jimblebar | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Jingemarra | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Juna Downs | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Jundee | Murchison | Wiluna |
Name of pastoral lease | Region | LGA |
Kadji Kadji | Murchison | Morawa |
Kalli | Murchison | Murchison |
Kalumburu | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Kanandah | Goldfields–Esperance | City of Kalgoorlie–Boulder |
Kangan | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Kangiangi | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Karara | Murchison | Perenjori |
Karbar | Murchison | Cue |
Karunjie | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Kathleen Valley | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Kennedy Range | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Killara | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Kilto | Kimberley | Broome |
Kimberley Downs | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Kinclaven | Goldfields–Esperance | City of Kalgoorlie–Boulder |
Kirkalocka | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Kookynie | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies |
Kooline | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Koongie Park | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Koonmarra | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Koordarrie | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Korong | Goldfields–Esperance | Laverton |
Kumarina | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Kurrajong | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Kyarra | Murchison | Cue |
Kybo | Goldfields–Esperance | City of Kalgoorlie–Boulder |
Name of pastoral lease | Region | LGA |
Lake Barlee | Murchison | Sandstone |
Lake Mason | Murchison | Sandstone |
Lake Nerramyne | Murchison | Greater Geraldton |
Lake Violet | Murchison | Wiluna |
Lake Way | Murchison | Wiluna |
Lake Wells | Goldfields–Esperance | Laverton |
Lakeside | Murchison | Cue |
Lalla Rookh | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Lamboo | Kimberley | Hals Creek |
Landor | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Lansdowne | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Larranganni | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Laverton Downs | Goldfields–Esperance | Laverton |
Leinster Downs | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Leopold Downs | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Lewis Creek | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Limestone | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Lissadell | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Liveringa | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Lochada | Murchison | Perenjori |
Lorna Glen | Murchison | Wiluna |
Louisa Downs | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Lyndon | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Lynton | Murchison | Northampton |
Lyons River | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Name of pastoral lease | Region | LGA |
Mabel Downs | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Madoonga | Murchison | Cue |
Madoonia Downs | Goldfields–Esperance | Coolgardie |
Madura | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Mallina | Pilbara | Karratha |
Manberry | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Mandora | Kimberley | Broome |
Manfred | Murchison | Murchison |
Mangaroon | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Maranalgo | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Mardathuna | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Mardie | Pilbara | Karratha |
Margaret River | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Marillana | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Marion Downs | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Maroonah | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Marrilla | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Marron | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Mary Springs | Murchison | Northampton |
Marymia | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Meadow | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
Meda | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Meeberrie | Murchison | Murchison |
Meedo | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Meeline | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Meeragoolia | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Meka | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Melangata | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Melita | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Mellenbye | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Melrose | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Menangina | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies |
Menangina South | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies |
Merlinleigh | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Merolia | Goldfields–Esperance | Laverton |
Mertondale | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Mia Mia | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Middalya | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Mileura | Murchison | Murchison |
Milgun | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Millbillillee | Murchison | Wiluna |
Millijidee | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Millrose | Murchison | Wiluna |
Millstream | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Milly Milly | Murchison | Murchison |
Minara | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Minderoo | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Mingah Springs | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Minilya | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Minnie Creek | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Mitchell River | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Moogooree | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Mooka | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Moola Bulla | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Mooloo Downs | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Mooloogool | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Moonera | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Moopina | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Moorarie | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Mornington | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Mount Amherst | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Mount Anderson | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Mount Augustus | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Mount Barnett | Kimberley | Shire of Derby–West Kimberley |
Mount Brockman | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Mount Burges | Goldfields–Esperance | Coolgardie |
Mount Carnage | Goldfields–Esperance | Kalgoorlie–Boulder |
Mount Celia | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies |
Mount Clere | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Mount Divide | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Mount Edgar | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Mount Elizabeth | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Mount Elvire | Goldfields–Esperance | Shire of Menzies |
Mount Farmer | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Mount Florence | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Mount Gibson | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Mount Gould | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Mount Hale | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Mount Hardman | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Mount Hart | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Mount House | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Mount Jackson | Goldfields–Esperance | Yilgarn |
Mount James | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Mount Jowlaenga | Kimberley | Broome |
Mount Keith | Murchison | Wiluna |
Mount Minnie | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Mount Monger | Goldfields–Esperance | Kalgoorlie–Boulder |
Mount Narryer | Murchison | Murchison |
Mount Newman | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Mount Padbury | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Mount Phillips | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Mount Pierre | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Mount Remarkable | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies |
Mount Sandiman | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Mount Satirist | Pilbara | Port Hedland |
Mount Seabrook | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Mount Stuart | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Mount Vernon | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Mount Vetters | Goldfields–Esperance | Kalgoorlie–Boulder |
Mount View | Murchison | Northampton |
Mount Welcome | Pilbara | Karratha |
Mount Weld | Goldfields–Esperance | Laverton |
Mount Windarra | Goldfields–Esperance | Laverton |
Mount Wittenoom | Murchison | Murchison |
Muccan | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Muggon | Murchison | Murchison |
Mulga Downs | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Mulgul | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Mulyie | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Mumbinia | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Mundabullangana | Pilbara | Port Hedland |
Mundrabilla | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Mungari | Goldfields–Esperance | Coolgardie |
Munglinup | Goldfields–Esperance | Ravensthorpe |
Muralgarra | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Murchison Downs | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Murchison House | Murchison | Northampton |
Murgoo | Murchison | Murchison |
Murrum | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Myroodah | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Name of pastoral lease | Region | LGA |
Nalbarra | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Nallan | Murchison | Cue |
Nambi | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Nanambinia | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Nanga | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
Nangetty | Murchison | Mingenew |
Nanutarra | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Napier Downs | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Narloo | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Narndee | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Narracoota | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Neds Creek | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Nerren Nerren | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
New Forest | Murchison | Murchison |
New Springs | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Nicholson | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Nimingarra | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Ningaloo | Gascoyne | Exmouth |
Ningbing | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Ninghan | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Nita Downs | Kimberley | Broome |
Nookawarra | Murchison | Murchison |
Noondie | Murchison | Murchison |
Noongal | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Noondoonia | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Noonkanbah | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Noreena Downs | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Norie | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Nyang | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Ord River | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Osmond Valley | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Oudabunna | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Pantijan | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Pardoo | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Paroo | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Peedamulla | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Pentecost Downs | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Perkolilli | Goldfields–Esperance | Kalgoorlie–Boulder |
Peron | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
Perrinvale | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies |
Phillips Range | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Piarri | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Pilga | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Pimbee | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Pindabunna | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Pindathuna | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Pinegrove | Murchison | Greater Geraldton |
Pingandy | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Pinnacles | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Pippingarra | Pilbara | Port Hedland |
Prairie Downs | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Premier Downs | Goldfields–Esperance | Kalgoorlie–Boulder |
Prenti Downs | Murchison | Wiluna |
Pullagaroo | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Pyramid | Pilbara | Karratha |
Name of pastoral lease | Region | LGA |
Quanbun | Kimberley | Shire of Derby–West Kimberley |
Quobba | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Quondong Downs | Kimberley | Broome |
Rawlinna | Goldfields–Esperance | Kalgoorlie–Boulder |
Red Hill | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Riverdale | Pilbara | Port Hedland |
Riverina | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies |
Robertson Range | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Rockhole | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Rocklea | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Roebuck Plains | Kimberley | Broome |
Rosewood | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Roy Hill | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Ruby Plains | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Saunders Creek | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Seemore Downs | Goldfields–Esperance | Kalgoorlie–Boulder |
Shaw River | Pilbara | Port Hedland |
Sherlock | Pilbara | Karratha |
Sophie Downs | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Southern Hills | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Speewah | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Spring Creek | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Springvale | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Strelley | Pilbara | Port Hedland |
Sturt Creek | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Sturt Meadows | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Sylvania | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Tabba Tabba | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Tableland | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Taincrow | Murchison | Cue |
Talga Talga | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Talisker | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
Tallering | Murchison | Murchison |
Tamala | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
Tambrey | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Tangadee | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Tardie | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Tarmoola | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Texas Downs | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Thangoo | Kimberley | Broome |
Theda | Kimberley | Wyndham–East Kimberley |
Three Rivers | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Thundelarra | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Tibradden | Murchison | Greenough |
Tickalara | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Towera | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Towrana | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Turee Creek | Pilbara | Meekatharra |
Turner | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Twin Peaks | Murchison | Murchison |
Name of pastoral lease | Region | LGA |
Uaroo | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Ullawarra | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Urala | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Urawa | Murchison | Greater Geraldton |
Wagga Wagga | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Wahroonga | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Waldburg | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Walgun | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Wallal Downs | Kimberley | Broome |
Wallareenya | Pilbara | Port Hedland (T) |
Walling Rock | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies |
Wandagee | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Wandarrie | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Wandina | Murchison | Mullewa |
Wanna | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Wanteen | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Warambie | Pilbara | Karratha |
Warralong | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Warrawagine | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Warriedar | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Warroora | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Waterbank | Kimberley | Broome |
Weebo | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Weedarra | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Weelarrana | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Weld Range | Murchison | Cue |
White Cliffs | Goldfields–Esperance | Laverton |
White Springs | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Williambury | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Winderie | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Windidda | Murchison | Wiluna |
Windimurra | Murchison | Sandstone |
Windsor | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Winning | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Wogarno | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Wondinong | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Wonganoo | Murchison | Wiluna |
Wongawol | Murchison | Wiluna |
Woodlands | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Woodleigh | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
Woodstock | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Wooleen | Murchison | Murchison |
Woolgorong | Murchison | Mullewa |
Woolibar | Goldfields–Esperance | Coolgardie |
Woolyeenyer | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Wooramel | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Woorlba | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Woyyo | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Wydgee | Murchison | Yalgoo |
Wyloo | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Wynyangoo | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Yakabindie | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Yalardy | Gascoyne | Shark Bay |
Yalbalgo | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Yalbra | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Yallalong | Murchison | Murchison |
Yalleen | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Yalobia | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Yaloginda | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Yamarna | Goldfields–Esperance | Laverton |
Yandal | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
Yandeyarra | Pilbara | Port Hedland (T) |
Yandi | Murchison | Northampton |
Yanrey | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Yaramin | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Yardie Creek | Gascoyne | Exmouth |
Yaringa | Gascoyne | Carnarvon |
Yarlarweelor | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Yarrabubba | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Yarragadee | Murchison | Mingenew |
Yarraloola | Pilbara | Ashburton |
Yarraquin | Murchison | Cue |
Yarrie | Pilbara | East Pilbara |
Yeeda | Kimberley | Derby–West Kimberley |
Yeelirrie | Murchison | Wiluna |
Yelma | Murchison | Wiluna |
Yerilla | Goldfields–Esperance | Menzies |
Yinnetharra | Gascoyne | Upper Gascoyne |
Yoothapina | Murchison | Meekatharra |
Youangarra | Murchison | Sandstone |
Youanmi Downs | Murchison | Sandstone |
Yougga Walla | Kimberley | Halls Creek |
Young River | Goldfields–Esperance | Dundas |
Youno Downs | Murchison | Wiluna |
Yoweragabbie | Murchison | Mount Magnet |
Yuin | Murchison | Murchison |
Yuinmery | Murchison | Sandstone |
Yundamindera | Goldfields–Esperance | Leonora |
See also
- ^ "Transcript - New boundaries may force pastoralists off the land". Landline. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 7 February 2003. Retrieved 13 December 2015.
- ^ There are 452 stations made up of 507 pastoral leases covering about 87 million hectares of WA. - in - Brad Thompson - The West Australian on 19 October 2013
- ^ "All pastoral leases expire on 30 June 2015 with the current lease terms ranging from 21 years to 50 years. Most leases have been offered renewal for the same length of time as their current term." Archived 23 July 2008 at the Wayback Machine
- ^ "Pastoralists' leases". Western Mail. Perth. 26 June 1914. p. 8. Retrieved 19 May 2012 – via National Library of Australia.
- ^ "Pastoral Industry". Geraldton Guardian and Express. Geraldton, Western Australia. 30 March 1940. p. 2. Retrieved 19 May 2012 – via National Library of Australia.
- ^ "Pastoral leases". The West Australian. Perth. 16 January 1931. p. 14. Retrieved 19 May 2012 – via National Library of Australia.
- ^ The Pastoral Lands Board of Western Australia – Ensuring ecologically sustainable use of pastoral lands Archived 23 July 2008 at the Wayback Machine
- ^ Western Australia. Dept. of Lands and Surveys. Chief Draughtsman's Branch; Wallace Vernon Fyfe, 1894–1982; Western Australia. Dept. of Lands and Surveys. [Western Australia Bonnes 300 cadastral series.]; Western Australia. Dept. of Lands and Surveys. Index to station names (1951), Map of Western Australia shewing localities of sheep and cattle stations 1951, The Dept, retrieved 19 May 2012
: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link) - ^ Pamphlet titled Pastoral Leases (February 1998) Land Administration Act Implementation Project of the Department of Land Administration (the Government Authority now known as Landgate)
- ^ Pastoral leases home Archived 22 August 2003 at the Wayback Machine
- ^ (2006) Travelling in Outback Western Australia – Tips to help you enjoy your outback adventure Pastoral Lands Board; (National Library of Australia record)
- ^ Streetsmart Travellers Atlas of Western Australia (2006) Department of Land Information and West Australian Newspapers,9th ed. ISBN 1-921048-13-1 In the state Maps (Road Maps of Western Australia Maps 1-154) 'Pastoral Lease Stations' are identified with their names and boundaries.
Atlas/map references
- Travellers atlas (1978–present)
- Western Australia. Department of Lands and Surveys (1978), Travellers atlas of Western Australia, Govt. Printer, retrieved 23 June 2019
- Streetsmart Travellers Atlas of Western Australia (2006) Department of Land Information and West Australian Newspapers,10th ed. ISBN 1-921048-13-1
- In the state Maps (Road Maps of Western Australia Maps 1–154) 'Pastoral Lease Stations' are identified with their names and boundaries.
- Quality Publishing Australia.(2007) Roads & tracks Western Australia : campsites directory, roads and tracks, all in one Jolimont, W.A.,Quality Publishing Australia, 5th ed ISBN 1-876723-35-1
- Identifies homesteads but not specific pastoral leases.
- UBD Western Australia country road atlas (2005) Macquarie Park, N.S.W.UBD, a division of Universal Publishers, 11th ed ISBN 0-7319-1587-9
- Identifies only selected pastoral leases in the first 20 general maps of the volume.
Further reading
- Western Australia Pastoral Board (1984) Report of the Pastoral Board on the reappraisement of pastoral leases: as at 1 July 1984. Perth, W.A Dept. of Lands and Surveys.
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