Text Appearing Before Image: s 6 by 8 inches by 8 feet. Th^third rail is of 100-pound T section in 60-foot lengths, sup-ported on vitrified clay insulators at intervals of 10 feet,the ties which carry the insulators being 6 by 8 inches by 10feet. This line is exceptionally well built and ballastel,3,000 cubic yards of gravel per mile being used for ballast.For the operation of this extension three substations and connecting with the switching side of the station, servesfor wiring and drainage purposes. The Interior of thestructure is not subdivided and there is but one entrance,a sliding door on the track side. The building is 57 feet4 inches long by 34 feet 10 inches wide and contains two400-kilowatt, General Electric rotary converters. The high-tension lines enter through hoods of rein-forced concrete and slate supported on a steel frameworkunder the eaves on the side of the building away from thetrack. In these hoods the wires are supported on standardinsulators. Just inside the building the high-tension lines Text Appearing After Image: Scioto Valley Traction Company—Standard Open Waiting St Signaling Device. similar in design and capacity to those first built, have beenadded. One is at Circleville, the former terminus of thisdivision, one at Kingston, midway between Circleville andChillicothe. and the third at Chillicothe. Each of thesesubstations is equipped with one 400-kilowatt General Elec-tric rotary converter and three 150-kilowatt General Elec- pass to two sets of disconnecting switches, one to cut thesubstation off the high-tension line and another to discon-nect the bank of multiplex lightning arresters which pro-tects each phase. From the disconnecting switches the linewires pass down the wall on standard line insulators withsteel pins set in the brickwork. Connection is made to 614 ELECTRIC RAILWAY REVIEW October, 1906. the current transformers which are supported on the backof the oil-switch compartments. The high-tension busbarsare of No. 0000 round copper extending the length of thebuilding and mount
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