Maria-Ann Rohemäe

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English: Steve Jobs  : „The only way to do great work/ Is to love what you do …”

Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Corp died on Oct. 5, 2011. at the age of 56. Gabor Bojar, founder of Graphisoft, first met Jobs in 1984 at the CEBIT international trade fair in Germany. The company was presenting the world's first bronze statue of Steve Jobs on the 21th of december, 2011, calling him one of the greatest personalities of the modern age. The bronze statue by Hungarian sculptor Erno Toth depicts Jobs with his trademark turtleneck jumper, jeans, sneakers and round glasses. (1). The achievements of his 30-year career: 1. The Apple ][ 2. The original Macintosh 3. Pixar, now owned by Disney, making Steve the biggest individual shareholder 4. Coming back and giving the Macintosh its second , brilliantly successful life 5. iPod and iTunes, forcing the music industry into the (legal) digital age 6. The Apple Stores, great customer experience, best revenue per square foot of any retail industry, 7. The iPhone, already half a billion applications downloaded, between 30 and 40 million units to be sold this year. (2) Live on the 27th of December, Budapest, Hungary, the Graphisoft Park. Published under Creative Commons in the Metapolisz DVD line.

(1) Steve Jobs statue unveiled in Hungary Science Park (2) Frédéric Filloux: Seven statues for Steve Jobs

Tags: Steve Jobs Apple CEBIT turtleneck jumper jeans sneakers round glasses Tóth Ernő Graphisoft Park 1955 2011 Budapest Metapolisz
Источник Собственная работа
Автор Derzsi Elekes Andor


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Steve Jobs: „The only way to do great work/ Is to love what you do …”

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