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This page is related to Wikipedia:Featured pictures.
The category Featured pictures shows the thumbnails listed alphabetically.
Dale Creek Crossing under construction
Leucojum vernum
Actors from the première production of The Palace of Truth
Li Fu Lee
Leheriya Gate of City Palace
1974 aluminum cent
Ama Dablam
Vaduz Cathedral
NGC 6530
Silene flos-cuculi
Yıldız Hamidiye Mosque
BASF production site
Belle Tout Lighthouse
Igor Stravinsky
Bünting Clover Leaf Map
Xbox 360
Rhina Aguirre
Kitt Peak National Observatory
The Wine Glass
La Laguna Cathedral
Ptychochromis insolitus
Don Lemon
Fragaria vesca fruit
Campanula cervicaria
Lasiocampa quercus caterpillar
Katabatic wind
Synthesis of the thyroid hormones
C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
Hohenschwangau Castle
Filipendula vulgaris
Sunrise at Sugarloaf Mountain
Palm cockatoo
Green iguana
Karyogram of the human genome
Banz Abbey
Réunion stonechat
Amélie of Leuchtenberg
Eero Saarinen
The Death of Marat
In the Loge
A Boy with a Flying Squirrel
Expulsion from the Garden of Eden
Madame Grand
Marie Antoinette and Her Children
Benjamin Franklin
Common starling
Mauritius ornate day gecko
Mauritius fody
Mauritius kestrel
Daedalea quercina
Nelson's sparrow
Portrait of Ambroise Vollard
The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple
Pedro II of Brazil
Cucumis metuliferus
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
San Pedro
Red-lored whistler
Naria poraria
Philae temple complex
Dusky grasswren
Mediterranean moray
Ferrocarril de Antofagasta a Bolivia train
Greenbottle blue tarantula
George I Rákóczi
Greater white-fronted goose
Cyrano de Bergerac
The Duchess of Dantzic poster
Winding road below Shingo La
Grand Prismatic Spring
Mary Jackson
Krishna's Butterball
Divje Babe flute
Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut
House sparrow
Wire bonding
Court Ladies Playing Double-sixes
Blue-throated macaw
Tocopilla nitrate railway
John Henry Turpin
Cliff above Mud village
Hypoplectrus guttavarius
Nuclear device for the Cannikin nuclear test is prepared
Cinnamon teal
His Majesty poster
Hermann Castle
Juniperus brevifolia
Texas Raiders
Strawberry, whole
Strawberry, halved