
I go by the name RashBold in homage to J.R.R. Tolkien, who is my favorite author. To those who are not in the know, the name Rashbold is a play on his own name, which means "foolhardy". As a matter of fact, there is a character named John Jethro Rashbold in the work written by Tolkien, The Notion Club Papers, published in Sauron Defeated.

I am a Filipino, born in Manila in 1967. A graduate of the Royal and Pontifical Univerity of Santo Tomas, I'm currently married, with one beautiful daughter. My interest in Tolkien is such that I am the acknowledged expert in the Elvish languages in this country.

But my interest not only lies in anything Tolkien. I also like history, movies, comic books; in short virtually everything under the sun. :) But evidently, based on the articles that I have written/contributed so far, I'm an anglophile (the first sense), although I'm not above laughing at jokes at England's expense. I am also a World War II and espionage buff as well. And I am proud to say that I am a certified Wikipediholic.

I hate vandalism!

When I have nothing to do, I try to check through articles on a random basis and edit out vandalism. It is my opinion that vandals have no place in Wikipedia. They make it inconvenient for legitimate users and ultimately achieve nothing but some perverse pleasure on their part.

My stress level!

Major Contributions

Here is so far a list of the articles that I have made major contributions: those that are in bold letters are those which I started; otherwise I have totally rewritten them (that is, articles begun by others but I have edited it to such an extent that they have become effectively my own).


Adolph Beck case * Wayne Boden * Cleveland Street ScandalCriminal Law Amendment Act 1885 Eliza Armstrong case Harry Jackson Marie LaFarge Melville MacNaghten Richard Muir Podmore Case George Joseph Smith Stratton Brothers case * Zebra murders

Espionage and War

30th Assault Unit Abwehr Michael H. Allen Brécourt Manor Assault British Security Coordination Richardson Clover Director of Naval Intelligence John Semer Farnsworth Frau Solf Tea Party William Reginald Hall Takeo Hirose HMS Seraph (P219) John Honeyman * Oleg Kalugin Tyler Kent Vernon Kell Erwin Lahousen Kurt Frederick Ludwig * Theodorus B.M. Mason John Cecil Masterman Ewen Montagu Naval Intelligence Division (UK) Operation Gold Operation Kremlin Operation Mincemeat Operation Willi Operation Zeppelin (disambiguation) Operation Zeppelin (Assassination Plot) Hiroshi Oshima Raymond P. Rodgers SMS Magdeburg Wilhelm Solf Harry Thompson (spy) * Erich Vermehren * Charles E. Vreeland Richard Wainwright (disambiguation) Anna Wolkoff * Takeo Yoshikawa


Werner Finck James Marsh Marsh test The Rivers and Beacon-Hills of Gondor


{{Magdeburg-class light cruisers}} {{User srn-1}}

* - featured in the Main Page on did you know...
† - Featured Article

Aricles I am working on

In progress

...and see my Sandbox!!

Finally, I agree to multi-license all my contributions, with the exception of my user pages, as described below:

Multi-licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License versions 1.0 and 2.0
I agree to multi-license my text contributions, unless otherwise stated, under Wikipedia's copyright terms and the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license version 1.0 and version 2.0. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under the Creative Commons terms, please check the CC dual-license and Multi-licensing guides.
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