Articles created
- Roswell Gleason
- Joseph Henry Hatfield
- Paul Hirsch (bibliophile) (needs work)
- Ludvig Sandöe Ipsen
- Frank T. Merrill
- Maximilian Schwedler
Articles enhanced or re-written
- Copley Square
- Jane Evrard
- Fine and Dandy (musical)
- Louis Fleury
- Grundmann Studios
- Wilhelmina Harris
- Ernest Ludvig Ipsen
- Lawrence University Conservatory of Music
- Rosamond B. Loring
- Modern Theatre (Boston)
- Denman Ross ("Career" needs re-writing)
- Sigmund Spaeth (I learned to code in LilyPond.)
- R. H. Stearns and Company
Articles with minor contributions that made me happy
- William Taylor Adams
- Frank Choutreau Brown
- Olga Hirsch
- Codman Square (neighborhood)